Ondal's Wisdom [Uniques Items]

Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 44
Required Dexterity: 37
Durability: 35
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+2-4 To All Skills (varies)
+45% Faster Cast Rate
+450-550 Defense (varies)
+40-50 To Energy (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced by 5-8 (varies)
+5% To Experience Gained
+50% Damage To Undead
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Is Ondal's Wisdom Worth It In Diablo 2?
Ondal's Wisdom is a unique Elder Staff in Diablo 2 that provides a wide range of bonuses to spellcasters, including increased casting speed, attack rating, damage to undead, block chance, resistances, and mana regeneration. The item's ability to convert a portion of the damage taken into mana can also be useful in extending a character's spellcasting abilities in combat.
Ondal's Wisdom can be a good option for characters that specialize in spellcasting, particularly those that need a boost to their casting speed, mana regeneration, or resistances. While it may not be as powerful as some other end-game staves, it can still be a useful item for mid-game characters that need a reliable offensive and defensive boost.
Which Build Is Ondal's Wisdom Good For In D2R?
Sorceress: Ondal's Wisdom is an excellent staff for Sorceresses, particularly those that specialize in the Fire or Lightning trees. The staff's bonuses to all skills, casting speed, and fire damage can be particularly useful for Sorceresses that use skills like Fireball or Meteor.
Necromancer: Ondal's Wisdom can also be effective for Necromancers that specialize in the Poison or Bone trees. The staff's bonuses to casting speed, resistances, and mana regeneration can help to improve a Necromancer's overall effectiveness in combat, while its ability to deal extra damage to undead can be useful in areas with undead enemies.
Paladin: While not traditionally a spellcasting class, Paladins that specialize in the Holy Fire aura can benefit greatly from Ondal's Wisdom. The staff's bonuses to fire damage and resistances can be particularly useful for boosting the effectiveness of the Holy Fire aura, while the staff's high block chance and mana regeneration can help to keep the Paladin alive and casting spells in combat.
Druid: Ondal's Wisdom can also be a good option for Druids that focus on the Elemental or Shapeshifting trees. The staff's bonuses to all skills, casting speed, and resistances can help to boost a Druid's overall effectiveness in combat, while its ability to deal extra damage to undead can be useful in areas with undead enemies.
With our reliable and timely updated D2R Ondal's Wisdom Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Ondal's Wisdom Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Ondal's Wisdom are ranged from 2.63USD to 5.6USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Ondal's Wisdom trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Ondal's Wisdom is priced at 5.6USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 5.6USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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Top 5 Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) Builds for Different Classes in Ladder Season 62/22/2024 10:28:13 AM
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig