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Pelta Lunata

Pelta Lunata [Uniques Items]

Pelta Lunata Defense: 39 (Base Defense: 4-6)
Required Level: 2
Required Strength: 12
Durability: 20-24 (varies)
Chance to Block: Pal: 50%, Ama/Asn/Bar/: 45%, Dru/Nec/Sor: 40%
Paladin Smite Damage: 1 To 3
+30-40% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+30 Defense
20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
40% Faster Block Rate
+10 To Energy
+10 To Vitality
+2 To Strength
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Pelta Lunata


Price 2.73 USD

Pelta Lunata is a unique Buckler in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can be useful for a variety of builds due to its bonuses to defense and resistance. Make sure to take advantage of its bonuses and upgrade it if possible to maximize its effectiveness for your character.

How To Use Pelta Lunata In D2R?

  • Equip the Shield: The first step is to equip Pelta Lunata in your character's shield slot. This can be done by right-clicking on the shield in your inventory or by dragging it to the shield slot in your character's equipment panel.

  • Take Advantage of the Bonuses: Pelta Lunata provides bonuses to defense, resistance, and faster block rate, so make sure to take advantage of these bonuses. The shield's chance to block can also be useful for mitigating incoming damage, so try to position your character to block enemy attacks.

  • Upgrade the Shield: While Pelta Lunata is a low-level shield, it can still be useful for mid-level characters if it is upgraded. You can use the Horadric Cube to upgrade the shield to its exceptional or elite version, which will provide better bonuses and increased defense.

  • Consider Socketing the Shield: If you have the materials and runes available, you can also consider socketing Pelta Lunata to add additional bonuses. For example, adding a Perfect Diamond to the shield will increase its resistance, while adding an Amn rune will provide life steal.

What Are The Best Pelta Lunata Builds In D2R?

  • Paladin: Pelta Lunata is an excellent option for Paladins that specialize in the Holy Shock aura. The shield's bonuses to resistances and defense can be particularly useful for boosting the effectiveness of the aura, while the shield's chance to block and faster block rate can help to keep the Paladin alive in combat.

  • Barbarian: Pelta Lunata can also be effective for Barbarians that specialize in the Whirlwind skill. The shield's bonuses to resistances and defense can help to improve the Barbarian's overall survivability in combat, while the shield's chance to block can help to mitigate damage taken.

  • Amazon: Pelta Lunata can be useful for Amazons that focus on the Bow and Crossbow trees. The shield's bonuses to defense and resistances can be particularly useful for boosting the Amazon's survivability in combat, while the shield's chance to block and faster block rate can help to mitigate incoming damage.

  • Necromancer: While not traditionally a shield-using class, Necromancers can still benefit from Pelta Lunata's bonuses to defense and resistance. The shield can be particularly useful for a Necromancer that specializes in the Summoning tree, as the bonuses can help to keep the Necromancer's summons alive and effective in combat.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Pelta Lunata Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Pelta Lunata Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Pelta Lunata are ranged from 1.51USD to 2.73USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Pelta Lunata trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Pelta Lunata is priced at 1.51USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.51USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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