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The Atlantean

The Atlantean [Uniques Items]

The Atlantean One-Hand Damage: (54-63) To (129-150) (91.5-106.5 Avg)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 127
Required Dexterity: 88
Durability: 144
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+200-250% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
50% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75 Defense
+8 To Vitality
+12 To Dexterity
+16 To Strength
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
The Atlantean


Price 2.63 USD

What is The Atlantean in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

As a Unique Ancient Sword, The Atlantean provides bonuses to attack rating, increased attack speed, and a chance to cast the Amplify Damage curse on hit. This curse can be especially useful against enemies with high physical resistance.

In terms of its overall usefulness, The Atlantean is considered a decent weapon for early- to mid-level characters who prioritize attack speed and physical damage. However, as characters reach higher levels and gain access to more powerful unique and runeword weapons, The Atlantean may become less useful.

Overall, The Atlantean can be a good option for players who prefer a fast and fluid playstyle and want to focus on dealing physical damage. However, it may not be the best choice for high-level characters who need more powerful weapons to handle the toughest challenges in the game.

How to Use The Atlantean for Paladin in D2R?

The Atlantean is a Unique Ancient Sword in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can be used by several different character classes, including the Paladin. Here are some tips on how to use The Atlantean for a Paladin in D2R:

Choose the right Paladin build: The Atlantean is best used by a Paladin build that focuses on physical damage and attack speed. Zeal and Vengeance builds are popular choices for using The Atlantean.

Use the Amplify Damage curse: The Atlantean has a chance to cast the Amplify Damage curse on hit, which reduces the physical resistance of enemies. This curse can be especially helpful against enemies with high physical resistance.

Use aura skills: Paladins have access to several powerful aura skills that can boost their damage output. Fanaticism is a popular choice for melee-oriented Paladins, as it provides increased attack speed and damage.

Socket the sword with useful runes or gems: If you have the ability to socket The Atlantean, consider adding runes or gems that can provide additional bonuses. For example, a Shael rune can increase attack speed, while a Ruby gem can add fire damage to attacks.

Use other gear to enhance your build: The Atlantean is just one piece of gear in a Paladin's arsenal. Consider using other D2 buy items that can enhance your build, such as armor with bonuses to strength and resistances, or rings and amulets with bonuses to attack rating and damage.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R The Atlantean Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected The Atlantean Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R The Atlantean are ranged from 2.63USD to 2.76USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 The Atlantean trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the The Atlantean is priced at 2.76USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 2.76USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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