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Lost Ark Mage Build News
  • Lost Ark Tier List 2024: Best Class & Build For PvE & PvP
    12/20/2023 7:04:14 PM
    As the new year approaches, we’re here to update the Lost Ark Class Tier List 2024 and discuss how each class performs in raids and PvP.Lost Ark  Class & Build Tier List 2024 (PvE & PvP)In 2023, four new classes have been added: artist, slayer, aeromancer, and souleater. There are now a total of 25 ...
  • Lost Ark Pet & Ancient Summoner Build Guide - Skills, Engravings, Stats, Gems, Sets & Differences
    12/5/2022 3:43:11 PM
    Today, we show you both of the Summoner builds in Lost Ark and talk about them and compare them to each other. Including the skills, engravings, stats, gems and card sets for the 2 best Lost Ark Summoner builds. Therefore, you will have a much better time sort of deciding which way you want to go wi...
  • Lost Ark PVE Tier List 2022 - New Lost Ark Best PVE Classes For NA/EU
    7/18/2022 6:37:26 PM
    You haven’t picked a class yet in Lost Ark because it’s such a daunting decision. Maybe you don’t care so much about class fantasy as you do care about the effectiveness of the class. Knowing if it is actually good and what specifically it is good at. What class is for you? Welcome into this best Lo...
  • Best Lost Ark Sorceress PvE Build - The Highest DPS Sorceress Build In Lost Ark & How To Play
    4/16/2022 11:01:03 AM
    Today we will show you the best sorceress PvE build in Lost Ark, covering what abilities and awakening skill you want to get, what are the best engravings and cards to use for any game content, how to play Sorceress build in Lost Ark, which stats you need to allocate for PvE, so you would be able to...