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Diablo 2 Resurrected Best Class - What Are Best Classes & Builds Should You Play In D2R
10/14/2021 5:24:26 PM

The first thing that you need to do when you start Diablo 2 Resurrected decides which class you'll be playing. If you're still trying to figure out what is the best D2R class, in this guide, we're going to be talking about the best Diablo 2 Resurrected classes, and a basic overview of each of them in case you're still on the fence regarding which to choose, as well as best builds for each class.


Diablo 2 Resurrected Best Class - What Are Best Classes & Builds Should You Play In D2R

There are 7 different classes in Diablo 2. If you're a newcomer, you’d better pick a class based on your liking and not based on a build guide. The reason for this is that most builds heavily rely on powerful D2 Resurrected items that you will likely not be able to get for at least the first 50 to 100 hours. This means you'll end up struggling as you progress through the game resulting in a frustrating experience. Instead, you should start playing a class that is appealing to you and learn about the game as you progress through the different acts and difficulties. 

This will give you a better grasp of the mechanics allowing you to define your own playstyle at which point you'll be better suited to search for a build and vote for it. Also, remember that you'll get one free respect for completing the very first quest of the game den of evil. If you're not enjoying your experience, you might want to use this respect and try a different option or skill tree. With the right build, all classes become very strong during the endgame, but each of them has a very unique playstyle. 


1. Sorceress Class

The sorceress is one of the most popular classes of Diablo 2, because of her high damage output and relatively easy mechanics. She can use fire ice and lightning spells and has access to one of the best abilities in the game called teleport which allows you to quickly move through the map or escape from danger.


She has a very low health pool which means that you'll need to keep away from enemies to stay alive another downside of the sorceress is that she can struggle with some elemental immune enemies as you'll often devote to a single element type.


The sorceress skill tree is divided between three different elemental affinities: cold, fire, and lightning spells. Most spells of the cold spell tree will slow down your enemies or freeze them providing you much better control of the battlefield. The individual damage of most spells is not that impressive but it is compensated for by their aoe providing the ability to kill many enemies at the same time. The fire spell tree has very high damage to both groups and individual targets while the destructive force of this tree is unparalleled. It relies on killing your enemies quickly is the only means of protecting yourself. 

Some fire spells leave fire patches on the ground that deal damage over time and are best used in closed spaces. Lightning spells are unique as they have a huge gap between their min and max damage meaning that you might one-shot an enemy on the first strike or do almost no damage at all after several casts. This is often compensated for by investing in cast speed rather than damage as quickly spamming lightning spells will increase the chances of you casting a high damage version. 

Additionally, static field and teleport are two spells that can be found in this tree but are used by every sorceress build because of their convenience. While playing the sorceress relies on powerful spells to defeat your enemies from a safe location. Most of her spells deal very high damage on their own which makes her less reliant on gear than all other classes. Using her teleport skill the sorceress can quickly reach her desired destination allowing her to complete runs much faster than other characters during the early game. This is very important in-game progression and the main reason why she is picked by newcomers and during later resets.


Best sorceress builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Fire Sorceress

Fire sorceress uses the fireball spell to deal with small packs of enemies and the meteor spell to deal with elites and bosses.


Blizzard Sorceress

This build focuses around the blizzard spell which scales up in damage very fast without much equipment, allowing the player to stack up magic find and farm for new equipment.


Frozen Orb Sorceress

This build is designed to spam the frozen orb spell to deal with large packs of enemies. While very powerful, it lacks individual target damage.


Lightning Sorceress

The lightning sorceress focuses around faster cast are items to spam as many chain-lightning spells as possible to quickly clear rooms.


2. Amazon Class

The amazon uses projectile weapons to deal massive damage to enemies from a safe distance. She has an average health pool and her passive skills provide her with a chance to avoid damage both while running or attacking enemies.


The amazon skill tree is divided between bow and crossbow skills, passive and magical skills, and javelin and spear skills. It's highly advisable to focus on either the bow and crossbow tree or the javelin and spear tree and then aside points into passive and magical skills as required. Most people opt for bows when selecting the bow and crossbow skill tree because of their increased attack speed and overall better unique bows. 

This tree is very versatile and excels at dealing with multiple enemies at the same time providing you with many types of elemental attacks. While the passive and magic skill tree doesn't have a playstyle on its own, it greatly increases both your offensive and defensive capabilities by providing passive bonuses. 

On top of that, the valkyrie skill unlocked at level 30 as a better version of the mercenary which you can freely cast on the battlefield. Most people who opt for the javelin and spear skill tree will opt to go for javelins instead of spears because of their insane damage output and the ability to attack from a distance when needed. 

Javelin amazons deal some of the highest damage between all classes, but their throw speed is low, so you'll need to make each shot count. Additionally, the tree mostly focuses on lightning and poison attacks which limits your engagement options. While playing the amazon you'll kite enemies by taking a couple of shots running away and then repeating this sequence.


Best amazon builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected


If you go for the bow then you will spend most of the time spamming arrows from a remote location. During the early stage of the game, you will use the fire arrow and ice arrow and then spending on your build. You might transition into exploding arrow which deals high damage to groups or a freezing arrow that provides more control over the battlefield.


If you go for the Javelin, then you will most likely attack enemies from a distance when you enter a room and then clear up the rest in melee. During early gameplay, you will mostly deal poison damage which deals damage over time, and then during the late game, you will transition into lightning damage.


3. Paladin Class

Paladin class use defensive and offensive auras to buff both themselves and allies on the battlefield. They are very tanky due to their holy shield ability and defensive auras. But without enough gear, they can fall behind in damage compared to other classes. 


It's worth mentioning that this downside is only noticeable during early gameplay as fully equipped paladins are one of the highest DPS classes in the game.


The paladin skill tree is divided into combat skills defensive auras and offensive wars. Both defensive and offensive wars can only be equipped on the secondary skill slot, so you'll need to swap between them in battle according to the situation. Combat skills are designed to deal damage to enemies. Most paladin builds are created around one particular combat skill and then supported by different auras. The only exception here is a holy shield which is used by most builds and provides a buff to your shield greatly increasing your defensive capabilities.

Defensive auras can greatly increase your survival chances by for example increasing your elemental resistances or defensive values. Some of them can also be used as utility auras increasing movement speed or the mana recovery rate of you or your group. Offensive auras increase your offensive capabilities by either buffing your party members, debuffing enemies or by dealing direct damage. The offensive ores that you use highly depend on the type of combat skill that you are currently using. While playing paladin you'll focus on either the blessed hammer skill tree or in melee combat for your build.

Paladins are heavily reliant on their equipment to increase their damage but their survivability is very high thanks to your defensive auras. During early gameplay, it might take you longer than other classes to clear each room. But you'll become more powerful as you acquire more gear.


Best paladin builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected 

Holy Fire Paladin

This build uses the holy fire skill and the zeal skill to deal substantial aoe and single target damage.


Charger/Smite Paladin

This build uses the charge skill to quickly reach enemies and new rooms and the smite skill combined with the fanaticism aura. To use the shield as a weapon with insane attack speed.


Zealot Paladin

This build focuses around the zealot skill to deal with multiple enemies at the same time. Damage is heavily tied to your weapon. Making it a very equipment-dependent build.


4. Necromancer Class

The necromancer can summon minions to fight alongside him against the forces of evil. He can use curses to debilitate enemies turning the tide of battle in his favor and has access to ranged spells to attack his own.


The necromancer skill tree is divided between summoning spells poison and bone spells and cruces. The summoning skill tree focuses on summoning allies that fight for you. Skeletons can be raised from corpses in the total amount that you can control at the same time will increase with each point assigned additionally you can increase their power by spending points in skeletal mastery.

Golems are also a different type of summon that you can only have one act of any type at the same time. The curse skill tree allows you to aid your forces by throwing curses into your enemies curses are thrown into an area and apply massive debuffs such as reducing armor or dealing damage to enemies in the aoe.

The poison and bone spell skill tree is mainly composed of direct spells to deal damage on your own. It's important to remember that you'll need corpses to create your army, so you'll want to be strong enough to take out some enemies to start raising your army.

While playing the necromancer you'll command an army of skeletons and monsters that perform the hack and slash for you, while your forces fight on the vanguard you'll curse your enemies to weaken them and explode their corpses to deal area damage.

It's important to notice that playing as a necromancer might be frustrating at times. Especially when you die as it requires some preparation, you'll need corpses to raise your army and killing enemies on your own might be difficult, if you assigned all points into summoning skills.


Best necromancer builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Summoner Necromancer

This build revolves around summoning an army of skeletons and using the corpse explosion skill to quickly clear rooms. You might struggle in the early game as the number of minions you can summon is very low.


Bone Necromancer

This build plays as a mage and relies on the poison and bone three spells while not using any summons at all. This build plays similar to a sorceress and might be useful to get the early game.


5. Barbarian Class

Barbarians are very tanky and fight enemies face to face. They have access to shouts which act as buffs that affect both themselves and party members, greatly increasing both defensive and offensive capabilities for long periods of time. Barbarians are the only class that can wield two weapons at the same time with the exception of the assassin using katarus and their combat masteries allow them to increase the affinity with every type of weapon opening up the possibility to numerous and very distinct builds for both PVP and PvE. 


The barbarian skill tree is divided between combat skills combat masteries and war cries. Combat skills are mainly active attack skills similar to the paladin. Most barbarian builds are created around a combat skill. Most combat skills are designed to deal damage to a single enemy, so most barbarians rely on the whirlwind ability to attack multiple enemies at once. 

Combat masteries are all passive effects. There is a skill mastery for each type of weapon greatly increasing their effectiveness. There are also some passive defensive skills that increase your defense and speed.

War cries can be used to provide a buff to all members of the party for a long period of time. Multiple shouts can be active at the same time allowing the barbarian to greatly increase everyone's defense and attack values.

While playing the barbarian, you'll run across the battlefield dealing very high damage to individual targets. The barbarian is the most item defendant class in the game. For the same reason, it is also considered the hardest class to start within the game.


Best barbarian builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Whirlwind Barbarian

This build focuses on the whirlwind skill which is the best used to deal with multiple targets. You will have little control over your character while using this skill. Making it riskier than it looks at first.


Frenzy Barbarian

This build is made around the frenzy skill, which increases both your move and attack speed after each successful attack. Allowing you to quickly move through the battlefield while quickly taking out individual targets.


Berserk Barbarian

This build uses the Berserk skill which increases your damage and converts it into magical damage. Allowing you to defeat physicals immune monsters. On the other hand, you will lose all your defense, so it’s a very risky build that requires a lot of game knowledge and situation awareness.


6. Druid Class

Druids use the power of nature to fight against the forces of evil. They are sort of jack-of-all-trades combining the ability to summon companions to transform into beasts to fight up close and use magical abilities to fight from a safe distance. While they have access to a wide range of abilities you'll need to focus on a specific category to effectively pass through the end game.


The druid skill tree is divided between elemental skills shape-shifting skills and summoning skills. The elemental skill tree mostly consists of spells that deal direct damage to enemies. Most of these spells can deal cold and fire damage but some like tornados deal physical damage as well. Shape-shifting skills allow the druid to transform into either a werewolf or a werebear. 

Most abilities in this tree can only be used while the druid is transformed. So it's best to focus on a single transformation. Similar to the necromancer, the summoning skills the druid possesses allow them to summon allies to fight for him. Different summons can be active at the same time and some of them provide passive abilities for all party members. When playing with the druid, your gameplay experience will greatly depend on the build you went for.


Best druid builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Elemental Druid

If you go for an elemental build, you will play as a mage and spam spells into your enemies. Different from other classes, most spells have a very low range, so you will need to stay close to your enemies.


Shape Druid

If you go for a sharper build, you will transform into either a werewolf or werebear and face enemies in melee combat. There are many variations, but in most of them, you will either deal poison damage or elemental damage.


Summoner Druid

Similar to the necromancer, this build relies on your summoned allies to deal with your enemies. Given the number of points that need to be invested for this build. You will most likely stay on the back doing nothing while your companion fight.


7. Assassin Class

Assassins use martial arts and trap to defeat their enemies. Traps can be laid on the ground and will periodically attack enemies within range while martial arts allow her to perform very quick attacks.


The assassin skill tree is divided between martial arts traps and shadow discipline skills. Martial arts skills are divided into charge-up skills which accumulate effects and damage on each successful hit and finishing moves which release those charges and effects allowing you to create a devastating combo. Trap skills can be laid on the ground and will periodically attack enemies when they are in range most traps deal elemental damage. Their attack pattern is unique to each of them. 

The shadow disciplines tree combines passive and active buffs to greatly enhance both your defensive and offensive capabilities. Additionally, the shadow summon can be of great help to distract enemies and to increase your spell spam. While martial arts sound great on paper, they do not perform that well on the battlefield, so you'll most likely end up using traps and shadow discipline skills to enhance yourself.

 There are two main types of traps being fire traps and lightning traps. Fire traps are better at dealing with groups of enemies because of their v-shaped pattern while lightning traps deal higher damage in a straight line.


Best assassin builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected 


This build focuses on martial arts skills. The dragon talon skill attacks very fast, allowing you to abuse some item mechanics. This build heavily depends on the equipment. And this is not the best D2 assassin build for beginners.


Fire Or Lightning Trapper

These builds are very similar in terms of gameplay, you can cast a bunch of traps near your enemies. Then you avoid their enemies or wait from a safe distance. These builds are very safe to play, buy their clear time is not very high.

