What are the D2R unique or rare items to keep? Knowing the exact value of items in Diablo II Resurrected is extremely difficult. The value of a single or set item varies from day to day, and sometimes even from hour to hour. In addition, depending on whether you are at the beginning of a season or in the middle, the price of an item varies enormously. This is for example the case of the Harlequin Crest (Shako), very appreciated at the beginning of the season, would be less afterward.
In Diablo 2 Resurrected, many items are worthless, and this also concerns exceptional and elite unique items. Conversely, some items that may seem innocuous to the beginner player have been highly sought after. Here is the list of Diablo 2 items that are interesting for trades.
1. Best Unique Items and Sets To Keep
Below is the list of unique and set items that allow you to know the overall value, but also how to determine whether an item should be kept or not.
1.1. High-Value Unique Items and Sets
These items will, in the majority of cases, be very easy to sell. The value may vary, but the number of players looking for them will always be quite high. As for the sets, only certain pieces of the Tal Rasha set are particularly sought after, namely the amulet (Judgment of Tal Rasha) and the chest (Tal Rasha's Guard). The set is mainly used for its Magic Find.
Name | Type | Best Stats |
Bul Katho's Wedding Band | Ring | Excellent ring for many builds thanks to +1 skills and stolen life. |
Annihilus | Charm | A small charm that adds stat points, abilities, and resistances. What more? |
Hellmouth | Jewel | There are 8 Hellmouth Jewels. Can be great if the RNG is favorable to you. |
Harlequin Crest | Shako | It is the famous Shako who +2 to skills, life / mana and especially 50% of Magic Find. |
Crown of Ages | Corona | Big defense, +1 to skills, FHR, resistances, damage reduction, sockets... Very useful in Hardcore. |
War Traveler | Battle Boots | Great for Magic Find, but also used in some physical damage-focused builds. |
Wisp Projector | Ring | Highly appreciated by Paladins who farm Ubers. |
Death's Web | Unearthed Wand | Perfect for a Poison Necromancer. |
Eschuta's Temper | Unique Eldritch Orb | Perfect for a Fire or Lightning Witch. |
Tal Rasha's Abjudication | Amulet | |
Mara's Kaleidoscope | Amulet | Very versatile because it brings good things to many builds. |
Arachnid Mesh | Spiderweb Sash | +1 to abilities, FCR. One of only three QLVL 87 objects. |
Griffon's Eye | Diadem | Perfect for Lightning builds. |
Skin of the Vipermagi | Armor | Superb item for some spellcasters: +1 to abilities, FCR and resistances. |
Stone of Jordan | Ring | Excellent ring to improve skills (+1) and mana. Also useful during the World Event to spawn Uber Diablo. |
Death's Fathom | Dimensional Shard | Perfect for a Cold Sorc. |
Ormus' Robes | Dusk Shroud | Excellent for many Sorcs. |
Hellfire Torch | Large Charm | +3 to skills, stats, resistances. Excellent charm. |
Nightwing's Well | Spired Helm | Very good for Cold based builds. |
Stone of Jordan

+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 25%*
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 To Mana
(Spawns In Any Patch)
1.2. Medium Value Unique Items and Sets
These items are less sought after than those listed a little above. This is because they are, for example, useful for more specific or less widespread builds. In addition, their value tends to fall faster. They will therefore be in high demand when resetting a ladder build, but their price will drop quite quickly as players equip themselves.
As for the sets, there are some pieces more important than the others:
Aldur's Advance (boots): A very versatile item that has good resistance to fire.
Guillaume's Face (helmet): Very useful for builds specialized in Uber hunting.
Immortal King's Soul Cage (armor): The rarest piece of the Immortal King set found exclusively in the Cow Level.
1.3. Variable Value Unique Items
There are dozens and dozens of unique items and sets whose value varies enormously. For most players, these items have little value. So you have to find players who use specific builds and are looking for these specific items.
This can also vary depending on the statistics of the items. Here are some examples of items that, if you find them, will have value for some players. This implies not to sell them, especially to a merchant.
Natalya's Soul
Guardian Angel
String of Ears
Gore Rider
Arkaine's Valor
The Cranium Basher
Duriel's Shell
Trang-Oul's Avatar
Crown of Thieves
Skullder's Ire
Giant Skull
Masque Totem
Razor's Edge
Kira's Guardian
Trang-Oul's Claws
Laying of Hands
M'avina's Caster
Blade Of Ali Baba
Heaven's Light
Schaefer's Hammer
Cerebus' Bite
Vampire Gaze
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
Darkforce Spawn
Tal Rasha's Wrappings
Thundergod's Vigor
Head Hunter's Glory
Griswold's Valor
Arreat's Face
M'avina's True Sight
Immortal King's Will
This list is not exhaustive either. There are other items that are useful in Diablo 2, but it's more situational: leveling, specific builds, mercenary items, very specific runs, etc.
Most of the unique items not listed can usually be sold to merchants, unless you have nothing better right now. You can also set them aside for your other characters, time to level and find better.
1.4. Unique Items to Keep
This list is not exhaustive or definitive. It is divided into thirds in order to be easier to manage. For example, if you need space in your shared chest or on a mule, you can throw the lowest tier. Note that depending on the stats generated, an item can go up or down a third. Third parties were determined based on the usefulness of the items, their rarity, and trophy status. Thus, although the Harlequin Crest is indicated in Tier 3, it will be the BiS (best in slot, or the best items for a slot) for some builds.
Tiers | Unique Items |
Tier 0 | A Tier 1 item with a very good roll of stats. |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Tier 4 |
Tier 4 |
2. Best Rare Items (Gears, Weapons, Jewels) To Keep
Rare items are randomly generated. You will therefore come across in the majority of cases on real dung, but sometimes you will discover a wonder. Here are tips to help you learn more about rare items to keep, knowing that you can have up to 3 affixes and 3 prefixes.
2.1. Amulet
First of all, it will be interesting to have +2 to the abilities, whether in general or to a particular tree. Then each class/build will look for separate elements:
Amazon: Fast Cast Rate, Force, Life, Mana.
Assassin: Fast Cast Rate, Force, Life, Mana.
Barbarian: Fast Cast Rate, Gold Find, Strength/Dexterity, Resistances, Life, Mana.
Druid: Fast Cast Rate, Strength, Life, Dexterity.
Necromancer: Fast Cast Rate, Resistances, Life.
Paladin: Fast Cast Rate, Dexterity, Life.
Sorcerer: Fast Cast Rate, Dexterity/Strength, Mana.
Besides that, some affixes will be able to greatly increase the value of your rare amulet. This is the case of resistances, regeneration of life, damage that goes to mana, Magic Find, etc. It is the combination of good stats that make a rare amulet a good, even a fantastic, rare amulet.
2.2. Rings
Depending on your needs, you will move towards a spellcaster or melee ring. Depending on your build, you will look for some specific bonuses:
Spellcaster: Fast Cast Rate, Dexterity/Strength, Life, Mana, Resistances.
Melee: Strength/Dexterity, Life, Mana, Min/max Damage, Regeneration of Life, Life Flight.
2.3. Boots
Here are the stats you need to prioritize:
+20% (not bad) to +30% (great) at walking speed
+10% to rapid regeneration after a blow
Regeneration of life or an important stat for you like dexterity
+20 to 40% to cold, fire and lightning resistances
2.4. Jewels
Whatever your build, keep in mind that you can get up to 4 bonuses with a gem.
Bonus to Spell Speed
Bonus stats or damage that go to mana
Bonus to mana or life regeneration
Damage Bonus
Bonus in strength or damage that goes to mana
Bonus in dexterity or quick recovery after a hit
2.5. Belts
These items are less interesting in the majority of builds, which will find their happiness with unique items or runic words. However, some Witches or Gold Find oriented build can take full advantage of a good belt for example.
Sorcerers: Fast Cast Rare, Force, Life, Mana.
Barbarian Gold Find: Strength, Life, Gold Find, Fire Resistance
2.6. Gloves
Although it is possible to find good rare gloves, they will rarely be Best in Slot. Some builds such as Javazon, Bowazon or Paladin Smite can take advantage of this because there are improvements in attack speed.
2.7. Shields
Favor shields that have bonuses like these:
+10-17% at Quick Recovery after a hit
+20-30% in blocking speed
+10-20% at all resistances
2 empty slots
For the Paladin, the stats need to be higher. He can consider +2 to his abilities and +35-45% to all resistances.
3. Best D2R Charms To Keep
Charms only work for the character wearing them. It is in no way an aura. At the level of the space used in the inventory, the charms will take up from one to three spaces. The objects will therefore have three different sizes: small, medium, and large. Each will have different graphics. These are magic or unique items and there will be no rare charms or sets.
3.1. Small charms
If you have one of these bonuses, it's great:
+3% at walking speed
Quick recovery after a hit
Life or Mana
Poison damage
Increased gain in gold
Added damage, attack level, or maximum life
If you find a +4% charm to all resistances, for example, that's great. It is the same if you find a charm +17 alive, +5% in quick recovery after a shot, +17 in mana, or +10% to a resistance.
3.2. Grand Charms
Look for the following bonuses:
Bonus to skills, knowing that some trees are more important than others. A bonus to the Curses of the Necromancer is uninteresting, quite the opposite of the Poisons and Bones tree.
Faster walking
Strength or dexterity (+5-6)
Life (+45 ideally)
Quick recovery after a hit
Gold find (+20-40%)
Maximum damage
4. Best D2R Socket Items to Keep
In addition to the list dedicated to Unique Items, Sets, Rare and Valuable Charms to Keep, here is a Tier List of socketed items to take when you find them in-game.
Tier | Unique Items |
Tier 0 |
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Tier 4 |
Tier 5 |

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