Faith is one of the eight main attributes that players can spend Elden Ring runes on to level up. How to make a Faith build in Elden Ring and what equipment to use? Now we’ve found an advanced Elden Ring Faith (Black Flame Apostle) Build with a breakdown of weapons, spells, incantations, attributes, and more details.
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Best Elden Ring Faith Build - How to Make a Black Flame Build in Elden Ring
This level 50 Elden Ring Faith Black Flame build by Fextralife is one of the most offensive Faith builds in Elden Ring, it’s a strength-dexterity build that focuses on the use of Black Flame. This faith build has very high damage even from the very beginning of the game and is very good against enemies that are resistant to physical damage, but it has a good FP consumption.
Elden Ring Faith Build Attributes, Weapons, Spells, and More Items Equipped
- Weapons: Godslayer's Seal, Uchigatana, Nightrider Flail, Bloodhound's Fang
- Spells: Black Flame, Black Flame Blade, Catch Flame, Bloodflame Blade
- Armor: Godrick Knight Helm
- Chest: Tree-and-Beast Surcoat
- Legs: Raya Lucarian Greaves
- Other items: Long Wolf Ashes, Spectral Steed Whistle, Faithful’s Canvas Talisman, Blessed Dew Talisman, Green Turtle Talisman
- Primary attributes: Mind, Faith, and Vigor.
Godslayer's Seal can be found in Stormveil Castle. You are going to need four spells for this, Black Flame, Black Flame Blade, Catch Flame, and Bloodflame Blade. You can find the Prayerbook that you can turn into either Miriel or Corhyn that will allow you to purchase Black Flame and Black Flame Blade incantations. Other than Godslayer's Seal, you also want some sort of weapon that has bleeding on it by default, that way you can still buff the weapon. It's just really good to have bleeding with this build because when you're using black flame, you're kind of putting damage over time on enemies, and you're getting that bleed buildup at the same time.
You can pretty much use any armor you want as long as you can mid-roll, so make sure that you can mid-roll with this build, and you know where the heaviest protection that you can get, there are some specific items that boost faith, but it's a very mild amount, you may want to try and seek those out, if they're not too difficult to find, there's a list of those on the wiki under the equipment section like special effects, but if it's something you want to really max, you'll definitely want to look out for those.
Mind is an attribute governing FP and also affects the Focus stat. You need a lot of Mind because a lot of these spells cost a lot of FP, so having enough Mine is going to allow you to cast these spells many times before require to drink a pot.
Faith is an attribute required to perform sacred Incantations, also boosts the magic power of faith-scaling Incantations. You need at least 27 Faith in order to use Godslayer's Seal, that's kind of the breakpoint you're aiming for at least with this build, but the higher your Faith goes, the more beneficial it's going to be towards your spells.
Vigor is an attribute governing HP, also affects fire resistance and immunity stat. You are going to need some Vigor at least 20 because you want to be a melee character and you will get hit from time to time.
Dexterity is an attribute required to wield advanced armaments, also boosts attack power of dexterity-scaling armaments, reduces the casting time of spells, softens fall damage, and makes it harder to be knocked off your horse. Dexterity is there to meet the requirements of weapons and also to improve the damage they deal. The attribute spread for strength and dexterity is going to vary from build to build, depending on what weapon you choose to use.
Overall, put minimum points into Vigor in order to keep your health up, and you're going to keep increasing Faith, Mind, and Dexterity, this will increase your damage throughout the game.