In this guide, we will show you the flame paladin build, this build is an evolution of the holy reaper build, if the holy reaper is an early to mid-game build, this is mid to end game build and this build is strong, we will break down where to get this Elden Ring gear how this build works, and everything you guys need to know.
Flame Paladin Stats
Level: 102
Vigor: 32
Mind: 25
Endurance: 17
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 46
Arcane: 17
Flame Paladin Gear
Weapon1: Blasphemous Blade +9
Weapon 2: Godslayer’s Seal+14
Ammo 1: Arrow +10
Ammo 2: Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched) +5
Helm: Hoslow's Helm
Chests Armor: Hoslow's Armor
Gloves: Hoslow's Gauntlets
Leg Armor: Hoslow's Greaves
Talisman 1:Radagon’s Soreseal
Talisman 2:Two Finger Heirloom
Talisman 3:Fire Scorpion Charm
Talisman 4:Ritual Sword Talisman
Tool 1: Flask of Crimson Tears +8
Tool 2: Flask of Cerulean Tears +4
Tool 3: Flask of Wondrous Physick +1
Best Flame Paladin Talismans:
Crimson Amber Medallion
Viridian Amber Medallion
Green Turtle Talisman
Radagon’s Soreseal
Two Finger Heirloom
Flamedrake Talisman
Immunizing Horn Charm
Clarifying Horn Charm
Curved Sword Talisman
Axe Talisman
Faithful’s Canvas Talisman
Radagon Icon
Roar Medallion
Carian Filigreed Crest
Godfrey Icon
Sacred Scorpion Charm
Fire Scorpion Charm
Ritual Sword Talisman
Ritual Shield Talisman
Assassin’s Crimson Dagger
Kindred of Rot’s Exultation
Taker’s Cameo
Crepus’s Vial
Best Flame Paladin Incantations:
Golden Vow
Lightning Spear
Black Flame
Lord’s Heal
These four Incantations massively heal for yourself and nearby allies meaning that you and your summon stay up for the entire fight without even losing half of its HP because it'll keep casting Lord’s Heal to heal both of us.
How to get all of the items as quickly as you can in the most important location to get to for this entire build?
These important locations are where you need to get to.
1. Volcano Manor - the most important location
Volcano Manor is where you need to get to because you're going to talk to this lady, this lady is going to send you to kill NPCs, you'll go down this hallway and grab letters off of the table corner here and each letter will have a location to go to and it'll point it out on the actual map as it'll show on your map exactly where to go by a little icon when you completed your quest she will make you come and get another letter to grab that letter and then you repeat this process until you do all three letters, you will get two of these white ones(Letter from Volcano Manor) and then a Red Letter after you beat your Red Letter, you will come in and talk to her and she will tell you to beat a boss now just from doing those red letters you're going to kill Hoslow who will give you Hoslow's Helm, Hoslow's Armor, Hoslow's Gauntlets and Hoslow's Greaves.
2. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
Rykard is going to drop you the Taker's Cameo which restores HP upon defeating enemies, when you talk to her, she will ask you to go kill a boss after you do the three letters you kill the boss and you turn its remembrance for the blasphemous blade and there you already have a decent chunk of this build.
3. Lux Ruins
Ritual Sword Talisman increases your damage when your HP is full, it can be found at the Lux Ruins, if you're at the urge tree gazing hill you're going to want to run all the way around and then go up this hill and after you kill the boss you can get it or if you have the grand lift of Dectus bonfire you can just go straight up this hill and then go down the stairs and you'll kill a boss and you'll get it.
4. Road to the Manor
We strongly recommend using Carian Filigreed Crest, you can go to the Road to the Manor to find it.
5. Fortified Manor, First Floor
Lord's Heal incantation can be found in Fortified Manor, First Floor. It's the same place where you get the coded sword.
6. Corpse-Stench Shack
Golden Vow incantation which increases your damage and defense can be found in the Corpse-Stench Shack.
7. Fort Laiedd
You can get Fire Scorpion talisman from Fort Laiedd, it can be a little bit tricky to get to we recommend going to the tree gazing hill from there walk up this path, and then you'll get to the Wyndham Ruins you'll see a river flowing through the mountains and you're just going to want to follow that river that'll lead you underneath volcano manor and everything and then you'll pop out at fort laden.