Want to get the best 3x max level engravings but spend the least gold in Lost Ark? If so, check out this guide you will find the cheapest methods to level up your class engravings to the MAX!
Lost Ark Cheapest Ways To Level Up 3x Engravings To Max 3 LEVEL
As you know, getting 3 of your engravings level 15 will greatly increase the damage potential of your class, you could even deal about four-minute damage with your highest crit and millions of damage with your higher squid. So you would like to get 3x Max Level Engravings for your class! So here we get the notes from Youtuber - Mattjestic Life to help you to find the cheapest method to get your grievance to maybe level 3 to three of them or even two of them very quickly, and this is super cheap because we have a sneaking trick and method to do this. He outlined the examples using the berserker class and also you can use similar to your class as well.
1. Start With T2 Ability Stone (Legendary Grade 0-9 Nodes)
The biggest trick and the biggest saving in this method is that we're going to use Tier 2 Ability Stones and this will be a legendary great ability stone, so you can easily facet those ones to a 12 nodes from the Peodwaaoe Mosby NPC, so this is a bigger secret and will save you ten thousands of gold because we're using a tier two ability stone. Yes, you do lose sight HP (3000 HP for doing this), but this will save you so much Lost Ark gold and doubles or triples your damage, so which is really worth it.
2. Get 20 Class Selective Engravings Purple For Free
Now to start this method, it is recommended that you get your 20 class engraving books that come for free: the first 10 books will come after you clear the first boss rush in Tier 3, the second 10 books will come after you reach item level 1340, and this will take you one to three days after getting to tier 3. Make sure you get those books for free, so you start off yourself with your class ability to plus nine first, you can go double plus nine as well. Of course, you can invest in buying those purple books on the market as well for one of the abilities.
3. Aim To Facet It To At Least 12 Nodes
So what we're aiming for those nodes? Aiming to fasten this one to at least plus 12 nodes:
One thing about faceting those ability stones is that you got to be aware there are three stages: the first stage you'll go be going for 75% also 65% on the one you want to prioritize which would be rate captain; then go for 55% and also 45% on the one you want to go secondary, and 35% and 25% are the bottom one. But as you get to the middle stage, you will be shifting probabilities from 55% and also 45% for the while on the prioritize and then 35% and you know 45% on the secondary, 35-25% on the bottom. Finally, on the last part, you will be going for 35% and 45% on the one under prioritize 35% or even 25% on the top one, and 25% on the bottom one. Doing this way, you have to do this in three phases depending on the probability you'll be choosing differently we're trying to facet.
How to get a plus 12 is you want to use the 75% and 60% on the one you want to prioritize:
Basically, for 35% and 25% you want to go for the red one, for 45% and 55% you want to go to the second ability, and then 55%, 65%, and 75% for now with the percentage success you go for the one to prioritize.
But as you progress into the middle phase go for the 55% and 45% on the one you prioritize them, and then for 35% and 45% go for the secondary one, and still 35% and 25% you can go for the bottom one.
At the last moment it's likely you'll be getting to about 45% and 35% stage, so 45% go for the prioritized one, 35% go for the secondary one, and 25% go for the one you want to fail. So basically we're juggling probabilities as we go.
Now that we have gotten the 12 ability nodes on the tier 2 ability system which by far will take you some time for getting 12 nods or 14 nodes sucessfully, but because the tier 2 ability systems are so cheap if you fail with the one you can do that again.
4. Consider Investing Into One Ability To 20x Books Purple Grade
After getting to 12 nodes, we'll consider investing in one of the other abilities that is more expensive on the market for accessories.
Optional To Not Do This, But Will Need Some Luck
It is optional if you want to do this. You can still stay on the purple books of your class books and those actually come free with Tier 3. Once you get to Tier 3, you get 20 purple books for free and this is one of the biggest savings we'll have as well. It is optional whether you want to invest in the second ability because if you get no plus nine plus nine actually three points overboard, but if you do get lucky with your nodes and get to plus 12 or 14 ( you don't need that many nodes), you can save on not investing in the second purple ability.
5. Get A Cheap T2 Ability Stone
The biggest secret here is actually to find one that is a tier 2 ability stone, so you start buying those out for some gold. Don't select the tier 3 ability stone as they are costly and only go up to plus eight. You'll lose some HP but is not that significant because you get a massive saving, and you can have to boost damage.
6. Getting Our Accessories (Cheaper Engraving Combo)
Now we show you how to filter out the accessories. So first you should know what is the most expensive class engraving in your class. Go to the Accessory catalog in Auction House, and select your class ability. So the two accessories we'll be looking for will be the one that is cheaper: so first go for your class engraving plus the cheaper skill engraving, and then go for the expensive engraving plus the cheaper skill engraving. Notice we're avoiding the most costly combination of class engraving plus the expensive skill improvement, this way we get the cheapest runs.
Aim For Class Engraving + Cheaper Skill Engraving
It is very important that you list those out and decide which three engravings you want to go to, we probably won't get to four at this stage before 1 370, because we need the higher tier items. So at the moment just select three of your class and it's important you highlight those. Now we'll be looking for a cheap tier 2 ability stone. Now for Berserker, we're going to get ability stones for master technicity and authority captain, you do the similar method for your class.
Expensive Skill Engraving + Cheaper Skill Engraving
Finally one of the biggest savings is how to select and also filter accessories with a certain combination of class engravings, so we'll be avoiding the most expensive combination and go for the cheapest combination of class engraving plus the cheaper skill and also expensive skill engraving plus the cheaper skill. This is one of the other amazing savings and also tricks we have because if you actually go for the class engravings plus the most expensive skill, you're looking at double or triple your price and getting accessories.
Use The Cheapest Methods To Get 3 Level Engravings for Berserker:
Mayhem (Class) + Master Tenacity + Raid Captain + Grudge +Cursed Doll + Blunt Weapon (Need Crits)
Using Berserkers as an example, the class engraving will be mayhem and there is a number of skills that you can increase damage on your character, and the top views are going to be Master Tenacity, Raid Captain, Grudge. Cursed Doll and Blunt Weapon is not a bad weapon, but you need higher crits, so what you have selected is those are probably the ones you want to go for.
Picket Master Tenacity, As Grudge Is Too Cost For Purple Books
Grudge is definitely the best one for damage usually but it is too costly, so we suggest you skip grudge until you get to item level 1370.
Master Tenacity Is The 2nd Best Engraving Skill For Berserker Class & Build
For Berserkers, we think Master Tenacity is the second best skill after Grudge, so it is the second best engraving and this is the one you actually want to invest in buying 20 of those purple books, so this is a little costly if you do invest in it, but if you don't, it's doable as well. Anyway, it is worth investing in them if you have the spare gold because this book will stay with you right unless you go for Grudge. This is for Berserker's class.
The MOST Costly Combo To PURCHASE In Auction With Mayhem + Master Tenacity
The second best one for Berserker class will be Mayhem plus Master Tenacity which is even more costly, so this is by far the most costly combination available for Berserker class, and this is why you actually buy the purple books instead of buying the item that gives your mayhem and also Master Technicity.
Key To Check Purple Book Prices Vs AH Engraving Prices
So it is important for you to recognize the second best class engraving that is for your class going for the second best investment right now. After getting about 20 of those books, what we want to check out is what is the most costly combination to purchase in the auction house with your class engraving and this is quite important. This is still optional, because very soon you'll see if you get high nodes, you don't need to buy those books, you can stay on the blue ones.

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