Lost Ark Leveling Guide News
12/28/2023 4:01:25 PMThis is the best strategy we could come up with with the information we have as of now. If anything new is found out, the strategy may change in the future, and by no means is this guaranteed to give you a good elixir in Lost Ark. This strategy is for people who want to absolutely maximize the chan...
12/28/2023 11:24:30 AMBest Lost Ark Arkresia tour step by step guide here: 8 come from rapports, 8 from adventure tomes, As for easy 34 (or close to it ), you can just go get the other 6 from traveling merchant ships, 6 from stronghold merchants, and the rest fill up with a few that drop from islands with bosses.Lost Ark...
9/25/2023 3:12:48 PMHere is our updated definitive list of class engravings up to and including Soul Eater. A Tier: Arthetinean SkillB Tier: Barrage Enhancement, Berserker’s Technique, Blesses AuraC Tier: Combat Readiness, Communication Overflow, ControlD Tier: Dark Moon, Deathblow, Death Strike, Demonic Impulse, Despe...
9/5/2023 11:22:41 AMIf a bit of data would be helpful for you in figuring out where to park your alts - One advantage to having way too many alts is it's easy to collect a ton of data on drop rates/ranges/patterns. Lost Ark Fate Embers Drop RateNotes:1. The type of embers distribution looks pretty set with how most of ...
3/16/2023 12:36:18 PMStory Express brings new players and returning players, as well as players who want to have more alts, a shortcut to level up quickly, completely eliminating the endless grinding and repeated activities. Join us here to explore how Story Express can help you work, and what rewards are available to h...
8/9/2022 4:30:26 PMFor players who have not reached the item level 1415 and 1430 or someone who is gearing up their multiple characters, let’s take a quick look at the routes and tips for fast Lost Ark 1415 and 1430 honing. Related Read: Lost Ark Bard PvE Build Guide 2022Lost Ark 1415 Honing Cheese - Best Way to Get t...
7/28/2022 10:31:48 AMHere we cover all about the new tripod system that hit the Lost Ark KR server, this could be one of the best quality of life patch and we believe West will get this soon as well.Lost Ark New Tripod System on KR ServerFirst of all, let’s take a view of the changes to the tripod system:A more intuitiv...
7/21/2022 7:50:09 PMWith the July update, the Inferno difficulty mode of the Valtan Legion Raid was added to Lost Ark. Here, we guide you walkthrough the Valtan Hell mode by breaking down new patterns and mechanics of the Inferno raid Phase 1/2, as well list the rewards you are able to get after fully clearing. Differe...
7/5/2022 5:11:49 PMWith the addition of relic gear rarity, players are able to build endgame 5x3 engravings. How to max out engravings in Lost Ark? We are going to learn about the Lost Ark engraving calculator on how to get four and five level 3 engravings in the game. Related Read: Lost Ark Ability Stone CalculatorLo...
7/1/2022 9:44:42 AMIf you want to be the best player in Lost Ark, we are going over how to pick all the best gear on Lost Ark. So that you never make a gear mistake on Lost Ark. In this Lost Ark T3 gearing guide, we bring the best gear set for every class so that you can pick your 1370 plus gear without thinking about...
7/1/2022 9:35:34 AMIn this Lost Ark tier 3 honing guide, we share the best 1370 to 1385 gear honing methods. As well as some strategies for when you use your anti-fail materials. Because you're going to find yourself going up against pretty low percentages, pretty quickly while you're leveling up. On your armor, you w...
6/20/2022 3:38:11 PMIn this Lost Ark guide, we share you with the 5x3 Engraving Calculator and the cheapest method to get your level 3/3/3/3/3 engravings setup!How To Get 5x3 Engravings Set Up in Lost Ark?The method works for 4x3 engravings but works the best for 5x3 engravings because that will be the ultimate endgame...
6/10/2022 5:21:00 PMToday covering on hunting the reason for this is meat has gone up insanely, because of the drop of the vault, and then also it's probably going to continue to rise, because of the drop on vicus. To make a guide on how to hunt, how to level it up, and how to get the most out of lost ark hunting, so y...
6/9/2022 5:35:22 PMWe have the Thronespire coming soon obviously in Lost Ark, it's just been announced in the Summer Road Map and with this, we think it is time to look at what it is and how it works, and what rewards you get!Lost Ark Thornespire DungeonThroneSpire is content where you can claim rewards just once in t...
6/2/2022 11:37:34 AMThe Valtan update is finally here, now it is time to hone your relic gear set from 1445 to 1475 level if you want to enter the Tier 3 Chao Dungeons! So how to get your weapon to plus 20 and what are the fastest methods to upgrade all your gear to 1475 item level? Check out this Lost Akr 1445 to 1475...