In Elden Ring, here are the Top 8 best optional bosses or dungeons are worth running, from there you can not only farm valuable hidden weapons & armors, but also experience unique gameplay, here we share their locations and rewards.
Elden Ring Best Optional Bosses (Dungeons) To Farm Hidden Weapons & Armor
In Elden Ring, we have too many bosses to simply find all of them without some sort of assistance unless you keep some sort of detailed diary of every place that you visit and every time at which you go there as well. If you want to really clean up every single challenge there is on the map know which ones are in which obscure places or are just unusual encounters in themselves, ones that simply just are out of the way but still worth doing before starting a new game plus run. So we've sorted out the best bosses you don't want to miss in Elden Ring, and will talk about them in order of what region that you'll find them in and the location of the boss in each section.
Top 1 Optional Boss - Guardian Golem
Location: Highroad Cave (Saintsbridge Side of Grace)
Reward: Blue Dancer Talisman
Boss Limbgave is located in Highroad Cave, this is at the very very north end of the river that comes out of the Agheel Lake, you can get to it quite easily from the Saintsbridge Side of Grace just above it. Inside this place will be sort of unusual and feels mesmerizing compared to most of the random caves that you have to trudge through in this game, drop through a couple of holes, noting that what you use to stand on as you fall down, are some sort of dilapidated pillars sunk into the ground not just rocky structures. And eventually, you'll come out to this big open chamber with lots more pillars and just this awesome mix of ancient civilization and nature mixing together that almost feels like a tomb raider vibe. Down in here, hop your way carefully to the middle platform making sure to kill all of the bats, so they don't throw you into the water, and then there will be a partially submerged pillar leading towards a waterfall, jump through the waterfall and progress through the cave passageway to find a very sizable boss wall leading to our first target who upon death will drop you the Blue Dancer Talisman.
The fellow inside of here then is the Guardian Golem boss, this is the only one of this enemy in the game that has a boss health bar. Fights like the other ones but his boss chamber is absolutely gorgeous. If you actually look at the map outside it, it all starts to make sense this cave runs directly under one of the spots where the bridge is broken on the way to the divine tower of Limgrave. The bridge presumably with the guardian golem on top of it broke apart and then fell through into this cave with all of the architecture supporting it as well.
Top 2 Optional Boss - Spirit-Caller Snail Boss
Location: Road's End Catacombs (Spiritcaller's Cave)
Reward: Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes
This boss is quite early on in the game but also quite hard to find if you don't know what you're looking for, as it is behind multiple illusion walls in a dungeon that is sort of really out of the way in the first place. The area in question is the roads and catacombs all the way on the west side of the Liurnia region under the Minor Erdtree and around the back. Once inside the lever will be just down the main stairs which is a bit deceiving, because the actual boss room is much harder to find. If you walk around the place, you will realize that it's full of dead ends and the place that you are looking for is actually right under the staircase of the first large room, tucked into the close corner is one illusion wall through that and immediately right twice, then take a left down this tunnel to find another illusion wall. Not done yet though, they think they might be able to trick you just one more time, and then finally there is the boss itself behind that last illusion wall. Upon death, this boss will drop you the Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes. This one is a fantastic little gimmick of a boss that is a snail who sits invisible in the corner and summons a crucible knight to beat the crap out of you, the crucible knight has no true involvement in the fight, he will kill you if you let him, but he killing him is not a requirement, if you kill the snail, the crystal night will just disappear.
Top 3 Optional Boss - Putrid Crystalian Trio
Location: Sellia Hideaway (Caelid)
Reward: Crystal Torrent
This is a boss encounter located in the Caelid region over in the Sellia Hideaway which is an incredibly well-hidden location unless you are led there by the Sorceress Sellen as part of her questline, however that questline isn't necessary to find the place or fight the boss. So in this location, check out behind the big Gravestone where the mage is hanging out, the rock jutting out is actually the best disguise illusion wall in the entire game. Once in here simply travel along the main path for quite the easy jaunt, over to this boss room of the area. The boss inside of here will drop the crystal torrent sorcery and of course, the boss itself is actually multiple bosses the Putrid Crystalian Trio: one wielding a ring blade, one a spear, and one a staff. Make sure that you have a good strike weapon for this or it could be a very long time from start to finish. It is rare to have a triple boss encounter though so growing pains aside, it is quite neat to get to experience.
Top 4 Optional Boss - Misbegotten Warrior and Perfumer Tricia
Location: Unsightly Catacombs (Altus Plateau)
Reward: Perfumer Tritia Spirit
Then is going to be over in the Altus Plateau region where the majority of our remaining bosses are actually located and this first one over here is the Unsightly Catacombs. Just to the northwest of the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, inside of here travel down the path careful not to fall down though, this is also a shortcut if you've already gotten the lever, instead though head through the next tunnel and drop into the next big area down below there. In through the tunnel there and up some stairs, you will find the lever drop into the pit and there is a boss door that you just opened. The reward for this fight is sort of a spoiler so i will mention it afterwards but
The boss that you will find in here is the duo of Misbegotten Warrior and Perfumer Tricia who is a boss version of the Perfumer energies that fight with aromatics. This fight is quite the unusual combination but is also pretty effective, the Misbegotten is really fast but has really low poise and somewhat squishy actual damage. And the Perfumer just fires off magic from a safe distance behind him. Upon death, you will receive Perfumer Tritia as a spirit summoned to carry around for yourself.
Top 5 Optional Boss - Ancient Dragon Lansseax
Location: Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace
Reward: Lannseax's Glaive
This one will be found by the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, just up the hill a touch but then the actual proper fight happens next to the rampart side path site of grace. If you have seen the boss at Abandoned Coffin and wondered where it went, the answer is here: from the sight of grace simply head up the path and up the mountain that is beside you and once you reach the top of it, look away now if you don't want to see it we get the return of Ancient Dragon Lansseax who is the earliest encounterable ancient dragon enemy in the game as all others before this point have two wings instead of four, and none of them at all use the wicked red lightning that these friendly beasts are known for. Upon death, she will drop the Lannseax's Glaive incantation which mimics her very badass lightning sword attack.
Top 6 Optional Boss - Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Location: Perfumer's Grotto (Altus Plateau)
Reward: Great Omenkiller Cleaver
This boss is just over to the side, it touches slightly north of the Impassable Great Bridge found by going along the left side instead of along the bridge itself behind a rune bear, you will find a cave called Perfumer's Grotto, this place is full of poisonous plants and poisonous people, but the path down is quite straightforward to reach the boss room at the end. Once inside of the boss fog wall you will find in front of the Miranda the Blighted Bloom - a boss flower and one of the omen killer bosses as well. Omen killer exists to chase you down and keep the pressure up while Miranda provides artillery strikes from the background. One thing that you will like about a lot of these duo boss fights is aside from the ones that exist purely thematically for lore reasons ones like this, feel like very intentional pairings of moveset to make your life difficult in a sort of fun way which is pretty cool to see. Upon death, they will drop for you one Great Omenkiller Cleaver.
Top 7 Optional Boss - Red Wolf of the Champion boss
Location: Gelmir Hero's Grave (Mt. Gelmir)
Reward: Bloodhound Knight Floh
This one is at the top of Mt. Gelmir at the Gelmir Hero's Grave. This one can be a little bit odd to get to you on the inside, the easiest way to do so is to run through some lava. However as you may well know at this point, lava in this game sort of does very little damage to stand in and to walk through, so as long as you bring a few healing flasks it isn't much of a big deal by any means. Once you reach the bottom of the lava, tuck into the right to drop down and find the boss door in front of you. The creature inside drops the Bloodhound Knight Floh spirit summon and that specific creature is known as the red wolf of the champion. Among one of these magical wolf enemies, this one is in a slightly later game area than the one that you face on the main path and it may treat you a bit differently than the last couple as well, especially due to the size of the room that you fight in.
Top 8 Optional Boss - Dragonkin Soldier
Location: Lake of Rot (Ainsel River Main)
Reward: Dragonscale Blade
Finally, then we are traveling down to the Lake of Rot region. If you don't have it unlocked, one way to do so is through the ranny questline. Once in the Lake of Rot, progress directly south and eventually you will see a figure laying down in the lake, this figure drops the Dragonscale Blade katana upon death. The figure itself is, of course, a dragonkin soldier surrounded by the Lake of Rot, you'll almost definitely get scarlet rot during this fight, just be aware of that and good luck.