Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4 goes alive on April 28. Are you excited to get on and play some of the best D2R 2.4 builds? In this D2R Patch 2.4 build tier list, we break down the best Ladder reset builds to start your Season 1 in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Let's talk about the top builds and what 2.4 has changed in terms of what you would want to do.
Best D2R 2.4 Ladder Season 1 Builds - Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder Start Build Tier List
This new D2R 2.4 best build tier list hasn't existed before ladders start. Everyone's been asking about what they should start within the early game, what is going to be effective for gearing up more characters, building wealth in the game allowing me to make more characters, what is going to make me rich, what is going to be fun to play in the early game? This tier list answers all those questions basically and we put the builds on this list that have some kind of starter variant in the build guides themselves or solid starters you know you could actually use in a lot of scenarios. Another thing to mention about this list is builds that tend to ring towards the top, maybe aren't even just good for solo play they might also be good for team play. These tend to be highly effective builds at supporting a team. If you build these builds to start with D2R Ladder Season 1, you'll be able to efficiently farm.
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S Tier In D2R Best Ladder Start Build
1. Blizzard Sorceress
Blizzard Sorceress is still an insane approach by killing Mephisto, Andariel, council members, popping chests, lower cross, and cows. It just does so many things so well early on with almost no gear. Once again having no gear is really important when you're starting out. Because if you can't do a lot with no gear or you're struggling and you can't clear monsters or kill things quickly, you're going to struggle a lot more and you're going to farm a lot slower. Bosses are just so important for those starting D2R items, getting that basic gear from those bosses, bosses have the best odds to drop that kind of gear. Blizzard Sorceress is just too good.
2. Hydro Sorceress
Hydro Sorceress can destroy Andariel even faster and in some ways might even be a safer approach to killing Mephisto as well. But it does struggle in some other areas without damage it can't clear cows as efficiently. It can do stony tomb though with no gear and Blizzard Sorceress can do ancient tunnels with no gear. So Hydro Sorceress is still very effective and in some ways more effective and safer at doing some of those best tasks in the early game, killing those ultra-hard bosses that is why you're going to see Hydro Sorceress as being a really top starting approach.
3. Fire Ball/Meteor Sorceress
Fire Ball/Meteor Sorceress same thing though. Now that stony tomb is a new farming area that maybe it came up a tier in terms of its ability to start. Because it has a max-level area, it can farm in addition to Andariel and Mephisto. It's a really solid approach in that way as well, still fire damage, still fast teleport, you get a teleport to start with really high mobility, doesn't require much gear. That's pretty much a defining feature of all of these sorceress builds.
4. Fist of the Heavens Paladin
This is another very important Patch 2.4 Ladder reset build in the Diablo 2 Resurrected. This build can be pretty good on team play. You can actually get a conviction war or salvation warrant and you can help out the team by giving them tons of res or reducing the monster's resistances a ton and you can make everyone do tons of damage and yourself can solo do tons of damage. Virtually no gear, double spirit any area that is only just flooded with demons and undead like chaos for instance. This thing is going to tear up hell chaos from the very beginning of the game. It's great to have on the team because of all that extra damage you can get from conviction or it's just crazy stuff. Fist of the Heavens is at the top of the D2R best 2.4 Paladin build list for both the ladder start and the late game.
Support Barbarian
Making a Support Barbarian is a strong approach. Having battle orders is so important for your team and makes things go so much smoother. If you are on a team, you can also find items and get more items, you can use leap and grim ward and boost people’s damage. This is just such a strong support build in Diablo 2. So making a barbarian in some capacity whether it's a multi-account or just being a dedicated Barbarian for the team is really key to starting out on the ladder.
A Tier In Best D2R Ladder Tier List
1. Fire Wall Sorceress
Fire Wall Sorceress basically does Fireball and Meteor Sorceress things, but now it's very limited to just being really strong at killing bosses. If you're going to want to make it like a stony tomb farmer, that actually feels like it's a good stony tomb farmer and not super clunky. You're going to need to respec it, so it's just still a very strong starting approach, but it's lacking some things, still has the high mobility.
2. Frozen Orb Sorceress
Frozen Orb Sorceress just doesn't do as much damage as Blizzard, so it's kind of lacking a little bit in that starting out capacity which is just really good stuff in general.
3. Meteor/Frozen Orb Sorceress
Meteor Frozen Orb Sorceress is really good at clearing more areas, but it does once again less damage and it's just a bit more clunkiness and delivering the damage sometimes. But it's really effective at starting out in the early game. Sorceresses once again tend to rule the top of this list, especially if it's fire cold damage. Fire damage, you just get a ton of fire damage, and cold damage, you get cold masteries. So you can break cold resistances, you have so much mobility and so much damage with no gear.
4. Blessed Hammer Paladin
The reason why Blessed Hammer Paladin is not the best Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Start build is that it needs a concentration aura to be effective and to deal as much damage as Fists the Heavens. But Fist of the Heavens doesn't need that and conviction even helps the initial lightning damage on Fist of the Heavens, in addition to helping out all your elemental builds with their damage or even providing more defensive power. So Blessed Hammer depends on having a concentration aura early on and it isn't the most useful team early on. So it definitely reduces a little bit of its team synergy effectiveness, it also has to get closer to the monsters in most cases to deal damage effectively and it requires a lot more positioning than the Fist of the Heavens Paladin. Because of all that, it even requires maybe a little bit more items to become similarly as powerful as Fist of the Heavens, but that all being said, it is still very effective and more effective once the game progresses at clearing very high player count arguably. It's still one of the best D2R 2.4 PTR builds.
5. Smite Paladin
You can start building a Smite Paladin from the first week. Within the first week, you can gather smiting, you can gather a black foil and you can literally start killing ubers on day one and day two. If you can start farming those torches, you will be able to afford whatever characters you want very quickly. Therefore, starting out making a Smite Paladin is a very effective strategy, it might not be as consistent, and it might be more challenging than just going for the Sorceress approaches or the more reliable support approaches, but it is a very effective starting approach.
6. Lightning Fury Amazon
Lightning Fury Amazon shreds the cows, shreds the pit with no gear, shreds players when cows with a 40 attack speed weapon, not even titans as long as you put a couple in your inventory shop a few of them, you're good to go. And it shreds high density from the very beginning of the game. Once it gets gear high player count and even areas that have lightning immunes are no problem. This new D2R 2.4 Amazon build is incredibly good at starting to farm runes early on.
7. Shock Wave/Summon Druid
Summon Druid arguably became even stronger in D2R Patch 2.4 because of the buffs to the summons. The summons is a lot tankier now and even has cold damage on the spirit wolves. So they have some crowd control which is really good stuff and having a really powerful oak sage. If you're playing in a group doing chaos runs and Baal runs, this is going to make things 10 times easier just having all this extra health. Having a shock wave on a bear druid just being able to stun monsters, getting a lot of summons as face tanking stuff. It is a pure support approach early on.
B Tier In D2R Best Ladder PTR Builds
1. Lightning Sorceress
Lightning Sorceress is solid but limited. It's very good for farming hurricane sanctuary. If you want to find the ghosts of the super chess, it can even do eldritch shank pendle skin, it can do some limited farming of some areas like the pit and ruined temple which is good for lightning characters with no gear. But you have to pretty much avoid lightning immunities completely until you get infinity on a Lightning Sorceress. So you're going to be limited as to what you can farm. It does a decent amount of damage though.
2. Lightning Sentry Assassin
The Assassin might be better than the Lightning Sorceress in some ways. But she doesn't have as much mobility, she can clear light immunes though with corpse explosion, but she really gets big damage boosts in the late game and her damage in some situations is definitely lacking in the party early on. It just has a lot of utility but it's still a solid new D2R 2.4 Assassin build.
3. Bone Necromancer
Bone Necromancer is probably the strongest the Necromancer gets as a starter. Because Bone does the most damage early on and can help get those corpse explosion changes started and can help you kill bosses early on even with really weak gear.
4. Wind Druid
Unlike the Support Druid, if you're just going pure Wind, it's definitely a lot slower in terms of getting your gear up killing those bosses. But it's still okay.
5. Fissure/Fire Druid
The same thing with Fire Druid's lack of mobility, but you can clear things like stony tomb, and cows will get dropped from a starter Fissure druid early on. Not as fast maybe as the Lightning Fury Amazon, but it's really strong stuff. So you can still farm cows even from the very beginning with pretty much no gear.
6. Berserk Barbarian
You can also farm with pretty much no gear with the D2R 2.4 Barbarian build. Get a teleport staff and you can zerk pendle skin, you can zurich eldritch shank, you can even get started on a Berserk Barbarian for your killing travico pretty early on. It's great to have in a team too because then you get a fine item as well on top of that and battle orders. So Barbarians are always a good choice for Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Start build.
C Tier In Best D2R 2.4 Ladder Start Builds
1. Lightning Strike Amazon
Lightning Strike wouldn't have really been a thing before Patch 2.4 PTR in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It's its own build, tree, and skill set up. So that's really effective stuff overall but not as effective as Lightning Fury though.
2. Plague Javelin Amazon
If you start out as Plague Javelin Amazon, there are things you can do like you can clear cows and you can get some big boosts because of the D2R Patch 2.4 update which is why it's a higher up on the late game to your list as well. But it's still limited.
3. Freezing Arrow Amazon
Freezing Arrow is kind of limited to cows that kind of stuff.
4. Wake of Fire Assassin
Wake of Fire Assassin, stoney tune, cows but not as fast as a Fissure Druid for instance.
5. Summon Necromancer
Summon Necromancer without gear definitely can kill bosses. If you teleport and stack all your summons on one spot, you definitely can blow up stuff and get corpse explosion charges and blow everything up. You can definitely get that going. But Bone Necromancer just does it cleaner.
6. War Cry Barbarian
You can start out with War Cry Barbarian and honestly, this is the speedrunning approach for a Barbarian. It's pretty much the best you can do on a Barbarian. It can do the same thing as a Bizarre Barbarian, but it's slower and it definitely takes a while to kill things sometimes.
7. Enchant Sorceress
Enchant Sorceress is a decent support build. If you are supporting physical builds, those aren't the optimal builds, to begin with starting out. Because they're very weapon dependent typically. But if you're supporting physical builds and Enchant Sorceress is really good for getting new characters going and started. So don't underestimate the power of just maxing out enchant on the Sorceress and helping out your team clear things, melee damage, making new characters, rushing new characters with enchant. A very good approach for sure.
D Tier In Best D2R 2.4 Ladder Builds
1. Holy Fire Paladin
2. Strafe Amazon
3. Poison Nova Necromancer
4. Summon Druid
5. Throw Barbarian
6. Whirlwind Barbarian
7. Leap Attack Barbarian
F Tier In Best D2R Patch 2.4 Builds
1. Zeal Paladin
2. Jab/Fend/Impale Amazon
3. Multishot Amazon
4. Dragon Tail/Tiger Strike Assassin
5. Phoenix Strike Assassin
6. Fury Druid
7. Fire Claw Druid
8. Maul Druid
9. Frenzy Barbarian
Once you go into the D and F Tier, some of these builds have made new appearances. If it weren't for D2R Patch 2.4, there's still pretty clunky stuff. When you don't have a lot of play skills, Summoned Druid really slow, Poison Nova Necromancer you can clear the pit, you can do some things without tons of gear. But there are just a lot of things you can't do and it could be a lot more challenging for a new player to figure out how to do. Definitely, some builds are down here for some reasons, maybe they're highly weapon dependent and physical builds tend to be in a low category. Builds in the F Tier, are capable of still killing bosses, they're capable of doing things and farming but they're going to be up slower than all the rest of the builds.

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