The new advanced class Glaiver is coming to Lost Ark, many players have already started impatiently preparing for this powerful character and collecting currency & enhancement materials to get Glaivier through tier 2 or tier 3 once she is released. Today we provide some advices for those of you looking to make a Glaivier when she comes out and some tips on how to get her up to tier 3 as soon as possible in Lost Ark.
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How To Get Your Glaivier To Tier 3 Fast In Lost Ark - Glaivier Leveling Guide
There are classes that suit all kinds of playstyles in Lost Ark, and more are coming each month. The Glaivier will be the first class to join the game’s Western version following its release in February. It’s set to join the game later this month, and it’ll likely be highly popular. Alongside the Glaivier, we'll be getting a fate and power pass which will bump you up to an eye level of 960. You can use this power pass on the Glaivier or any other character of your choice, but it's been confirmed that we'll actually earn this pass in-game and you won't need to buy it with real money from the shop. That pass can put you in tier 2 content right away with a plus 8 gear score for everything you have. Now let’s learn how to get your Glaivier to tier 3 in Lost Ark.
Tips on how to get Glaivier to tier 3 as soon as possible:
Choose Glaivier as the advanced class once she drops
First, you should just go ahead and make a female martial artist class and then just not choose an advanced class for them yet. Once the Glaivier drops, you can choose that advanced class for that existing character. Not only does it let you secure your character name a little bit earlier, you can actually also start accumulating a rest bonus. Once the Glaivier drops and you've chosen her as the advanced class you'll already have some rest bonus saved up, so those first few chaos dungeons, guardian raids and una dailies will get a little bit of a boost.
Send currencies over to Glaivier
Speaking of farming tier 2 chaos dungeons and guardian raids and then putting any unbound materials you have into roster storage should be priority number one. Even if you've cleared out your daily allowance of these, doing endless chaos dungeons afterwards can still be a big help. The actual honing materials that you get from doing this can't be traded between characters, but the currency itself can. So it's a good idea to stockpile on these currencies and then just send them on over to your Glaivier when she comes out.
Buy tier 2 honing materials with gold
The Sylmael bloodstone vendor also sells unbound destruction stones and guardian stones, but the leap stones and shard pouches it sells are bound to the character that buys them. If you've got some extra blue crystals saved up, then buying some tier 2 crafting materials from Mari’s shop can also be a big help. Once you buy it and it's sent to your product inventory to be claimed, don't claim it yet since if you claim it on that character, it'll be stuck with them. You can leave them in your product inventory and then when the glare comes out, you can just claim everything on her. And speaking of marketing stuff, it's pretty much guaranteed that the price of tier two honing materials is going to go up once the Glaivier releases, so if you plan on buying any of this stuff with Lost Ark gold, it's better to do so now than wait for when she comes out. Also if you're not interested in Glaivier and you want to make some gold, it's probably going to be a good idea to stockpile some tier 2 crafting materials to sell the day she comes out.
Do some PvP
Doing some PVP in the meantime is also a good idea since the currency for its vendor is roster wide, progressing further and further through the tiers of PVP also means you get access to more and more stuff to buy. Just be careful not to pop a blood vessel when you get matched up against three death blades again.
Pick unbound guardian and destruction stones
The pirate coin vendor also sells unbound guardian and destruction stones, so it's a good idea to pick these up as well. If you want, you can also start stockpiling gems to be used in fusion, regardless of what class that gym is for if you trade it over to a different class and they use it in fusion, it'll be upgraded into a gym that's specifically made for that class.
Buy life leapstone chests
Another big one is going to Anguished Isle. Since the vendor here sells life leap stones which you will need a lot of. The vendors stock here is actually per character and not per roster, so anyone who has access to this place should head on over and try to buy as many of those life leap stone chests as they can. The leap stones themselves are bound to the character that opens them, so just keep that chest and send it over to the Glaivier for when she's ready.
Craft Caldarr Fusion materials in the stronghold
Something in your stronghold, you're going to need a lot of Caldarr Fusion materials, you can craft them here to go from plus 8 gear which is what you'll have with the power pass all the way up to plus 15 gear needs an average of about 200 of these. You can craft these in big bundles so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
What To Do With Glaiver Once She’s Been Released?
- By honing materials from all of those character-bound vendors, the most important thing not to neglect is the tower, the tower gives tons of upgrade materials and it's something that a lot of people make the mistake of overlooking. With a fresh 960 level character, you should be able to do the first 25 to 30 levels of the tower without much hassle.
- As for your unas, focusing on ones that give you shards are your best bet. Maybe do a few every now and again for some leap stones but the shards are going to be your biggest bottleneck when leveling up. Also do those guardian raids, at level 960 you'll have access to 5 different tier two guardian raids and doing each of these for the first time will give you a chest full of upgrade materials. You don't need to harvest the guardian soul for this to happen, so you can do these all in the same day if you're up to it. Also do those story dungeons as well both faden and yorn have a bunch of story dungeons in them that you need to do once on normal and once on hard for their one time rewards of honing materials.
- Heading on over to azure wind island. The co-op quests here actually give you a crystal currency that can be exchanged for three medium life shard pouches each week, which those life shards are going to be the biggest bottleneck for you leveling up.

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