Today we're going to be covering the gem system in Lost Ark. This is another customization system that unlocks after you pass through Yorn, so you have to be ilevel 600 and you get to go to Yorn, you complete Yorn and you'll move up to 802 all that fun stuff. Once you complete that, you'll see a red gem (gem expert) that'll open up on your map. There are these gem experts in every single capital city, but up until this point, they've been grayed out.
Lost Ark Gems System Guide - How To Get, Level Up & Re Troll Gems
In your character profile, there is the gem tab at the top and you can equip up to 11 gems on your character. Gems come in two types they can be either a damaged gem for a particular skill or a cooldown reduction gem for a particular skill. The higher a Level of a gem is the more damage it will do. For example a Level 3 tier 2 gem will do a 9% increase in damage for a particular skill. But a Level 4 damage gem will do a 12% damage increase for that particular skill. So you either get damaged or you get cool down. It's really up to you, you can have one of each. That's probably preferred for some of the skills you really want to use more often for your build.
Lost Ark Gems Locations
You can start finding gems in Lost Ark after you complete Yarn in Chaos Dungeons. They don't drop any higher than a level 1, though they might come in different shapes and sizes they're all level 1 and you have to work your way up through the levels.
Lost Ark Gems Tier 2 & 3 System
You don't use gems at all in tier 1 but then you have tier 2 gems and then there are tier 3 specific gems as well. You want to be using the appropriate tier gems for where your character is at.
Lost Ark Gems Restrictions
You also can't double up on gems, so you can’t have 2 gems both doing blaze damage 9%, you can only have one type of a gem for each ability. So you could have a blaze damage gem and a blaze cool down gem, but you can't have 2 blaze damage gems.
Lost Ark Gems Upgrade
What you'll do to Level them up is you need 3 of a gem of the same Level to combine them into rolling a new random gem of a Level higher. So 3 Level 1 gems will make a Level 2 gem and that Level 1 gem will be completely random effects. As you start to get baseline effects with your gems upgrading process gets quite cumbersome. So there is a fuse gems option where for example you can automatically set it for that all tier 2 gems will automatically upgrade up to a target of Level 4. You will only see Level 4 gems basically in the end, as it will just start auto upgrading gems as you are collecting them and you won't worry about it.
So you can keep increasing this as your sort of average gem level goes up, you keep increasing this, so it automatically gets your gems back to that point, without you having to micromanage all of your gem drops at the same time. Either way, if you had a bunch of Level 3 gems, for example, you would just click this Level 4 button and it would grab all of the Level 3 gems in your inventory or the first 3 and combine them into a new random level 4 gem.
How To Re Troll Gems In Lost Ark
There is the gem expert NPC which does let you re-roll gems of a certain level and just randomize the effect on them for silver.
How To Get The Right Gems In Lost Ark
The general consensus is that is a waste of silver. So you want to auto-fuse gems up to a certain point, then you just see what the gem is. If it's not one that you are going to use, then sell the gem at the auction house and then buy the appropriate gem that you would want to use. That's kind of how you start grabbing the right gems and then you proceed that process all the way up to Level 8, 9, 10, etc on your gems. This is not very important in Tier 2 as you do want to get some things in there and the welcome challenge gives you a huge bucket of gems that you can start combining and doing whatever you want with them.

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