If you've been playing Lost Ark since launch, this game has so much horizontal content to it, you can easily miss or get lost in it until you rediscover it and then hit a wall not knowing what's going on. You're probably searching for every way to min max your character and much of that will take you through some of the back end activities like developing your rapport with npcs for the rewards, filling out your adventurer's tome and collecting things like Giant hearts, Omnium Stars, Masterpieces, Ignes Tokens and Mokoko Seeds. Today we are going to be talking about the virtue stats, what is the virtue stat system and how to get your virtue stats up in Lost Ark, how to increase charisma.
How To Raise Your Virtue Stats & Charisma In Lost Ark
One of the most common walls that people hit is with blackfang's rapport, she has a pretty high check for charisma and courage and if these stats are not high enough, you will hit a wall that says you must complete the quest and we hit the quest you're not hitting these virtue stat check requirements. Here’s everything about how to raise your virtue stats in Lost Ark & get more charisma, all the sources you can get them from and what you should look out for.
If you haven't been using your codex to locate things in the game, you should definitely should do so. You activate your codes by pressing alt and then d and this is your compendium for anything in the game that you're looking for. The biggest virtue stat gains are going to come from permanent stat increases for those virtue stats, if you go to your codex and go to character growth, the last four down here are going to be kindness charisma, courage and wisdom. So in the case of black fang being courage and charisma, you can click on these two and then you can click through all the different unique sources that you can get. For the Charisma Potion, each one is going to be 10 charisma. By clicking through these, you'll see that some of these come from rapport, so if you get to the max rank with Yuul in a Port City Changhun, you can actually get a 10 charisma potion, some of these come from quests that you can locate by their name, some are by reputation which are your daily quests and you can find them by either the quest name or the reputation name listed here.
Virtue Sources
You should also get small amounts of your virtue stats by completing achievements in the game. You can go to maxroll for this one. They have a great compendium, it shows off all the different achievements and how many of each stat that you will get, some of these are for defeating guardians or breaking shells or reaching levels on certain things or even playing songs, but you can click by the category, wisdom, courage charisma and kindness, you can figure out where most of these are coming from. And while you won't get the plus 10 that the potions will give you, you will get plus one plus two and sometimes plus three and these will add up over time. Additionally, you'll find them by completing your adventurer's tome which entails going through each continent, completing all the areas finding all the vistas collecting all the collectibles, mastering the rapport for all the npcs, finishing the dungeons. As you click through these and you start clicking through you'll see there's wisdom here in Rohendel and you'll start collecting these permanent increases. The last source is going to be cosmetics, some cosmetics can be earned in game but some that you acquire either through the shop or through blue crystals you'll be able to get extra virtue stats on this, and it's nice that it's not as pay to win as it probably could be.
Having these skins is exceptionally valuable because it does give you those valuable stats, so for example, the founder skin, gives you a bunch of charisma that helps you meet those checks that you need for rapport. So if you're ever wondering when you click on new skins that are coming out, make sure you check the stats on them, you can find the skins that drop in game and you'll find different accessories like the goggles that you get for completing the tutorial and as you play the game longer and longer, you'll start storing up more skins that have different stats on them and when you need to meet a specific virtue stat check, you can swap over whatever skins that you have. For the collectibles, you can see the Mokoko Seeds, if you click on the rewards you'll find a kindness potion here which is some extra kindness.
Two giant hearts will get you 10 wisdom and you'll get a boatload of virtue stats by completing rapport and advancing rapport for all the npcs in the game. The simplest way to put rapport is it's just reputations from other mmos, you'll go to these npcs, you'll talk to them and then every day you get a chance to progress their reputation or their rapport and you'll get further and further along and they'll give you more and more rewards. But throughout the world, all these npcs have tons of rewards and many of them will have one virtue stat increase of 10. And while there are specific npcs that give you huge benefits, Nia is one of them in Punica, you'll get an omnium star from her, she'll also give you some charisma. So a lot of people focus on Nia, black thing allows you to make the astray and it gives you the soul and you can use her as a crew member on your astray for fast travel. So some of these big npcs but they take a lot of rapport to complete. One thing the game isn't very good at telling you is that these npcs have varying levels of rapport required to complete their total rapport game. For example, Nineveh which has one of the giants hearts that you'll want to collect has a maximum rapport of a whopping 102.000 rapport required to complete. Compare that to someone like Elia in East Lutera which is a total rapport of 5900. There's around 5% or 95% less than Nineveh or some of the older ones. By completing these smaller npcs, you can rack up a lot of virtue stats charisma 10 coming from Elia.
You can check out the mobalytics rapport infographic. There is a rapport npc reference sheet and it's using these images as an easy way to keep track of it, so you can see that the four virtue stats, charisma, courage, kindness and wisdom, these are the 10 value stat potions, this is like the key and if you scroll down you'll see that Beatrice gives you a charisma potion, Nia gives you a charisma potion, a courage potion from Ealyn. So it has an easy visual reference to figure out which npcs that you want to go for every day. It also lists out their favorite gift that you can use for rapport, it gives their virtue checks that you need and also the amount of rapport that you need to complete their total rapport.
So in the case of black thing that we saw before where you need 260 courage, 260 charisma as listed here, you can use this sheet or this page as a reference. Scroll through these and look at the xp required which is the rapport xp required for each of these and look at the rewards, Elia is a great one to get done quickly, you get 10 charisma for dealing with her and she's 5 900. Neria is an excellent one more charisma, more charisma coming from Yuul, bully needs 17000 rapport, Daybreaker Javern same thing, so you can scroll through all of these, find the npcs and figure out which ones are going to give you the best bang for your buck rapport wise and start working on those every single day.

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