In Lost Ark, it is important to have a good setup in Tier 3. First of all, you want to be powerful, you want to play a class correctly, you want to play class to its fullest potential. In this Lost Ark T3 honing guide, we are going to show you how to cheap upgrade gear from 1302 to 1370.
Lost Ark 1302 to 1370 Gear Upgrade (Item Level Boost) - Lost Ark T3 Honing Guide
To boost your item level fast to 1370 in Lost Ark, you want to do is know what the best stats are for the build that you're using. You want to have good engravings at least three or one free. If you want to do abyssal dungeons without any problem, then you will want to go into party finder and people who make party finder groups, they usually check your stats and you check your engravings. If people have a good setup then the run is likely to be smoother and if you have a bad setup you can go matchmaking, but it can be very painful and you can fail. But if you join a group that has good engravings and good stats the chances are you can easily clear this content.
Lost Ark 1302 to 1370 Honing Guide
The first thing you want to do is after you get your 302 gear, your main goal is to upgrade to 325. Before 325, don't do anything, just run whatever you have until you are at 1325. That's when you start upgrading your gear. Because you unlock purple stones and purple accessories. Now we are going to go show you how to cheaply build your character to have free. Having free free engravings is more than enough until 1370. So you upgrade your gear at 1325 once it that's enough until 1370. You're powerful enough to do everything you need.
Run guardians and abyss can upgrade your item level to 1325 and 1340. And there's no other breakpoint after that. For guardian as well, you have one at 1340 and the next one is 1370. So once you get the setup at 1325, you use it until 1370. You want to get at least one level of class engraving. But you can easily build free free as well or you can go one free and something else too if your class engraving is only good at level 1 and it doesn't really matter after that.
How To Boost Your Lost Ark Item Level 1302 to 1370
1. Have your class engraving at purple
This is the first thing you need to do when you reach item level 1325 in Lost Ark. To get purple, you should get it from welcome challenges and from this Arkesia merchant. You should have enough by the time you get to the future, you should have a purple class agreement. So what you want to do is you want to double equip it and that's it you have level 3 already. The reason why you're using double plus engraving is that until 1370, the accessories don't drop plus specific accessories. It’s not like in tier 2, you can always get one of the two of your class engravings on the accessory. Though you can roll a class engraving on your accessory for your class, it's a low chance roll. So the accessories with class engravings until Lost Ark gear score 1370 are very rare and very expensive. So you do not want to buy the accessories, you do not want to make a build where you need your class engraving accessory. Because they are very expensive!
2. Buy purple ability stone with the second-best engraving
The second thing you want to do is you want to buy a purple ability stone with the second-best engraving for you, which means your classical and then the best non-class engraving. If you are looking for the best engravings for you, if you are just looking at one, it will be very cheap. The second one doesn't matter so you can try getting something useful at level 1. Because the second one, serves as like a feeder engraving. All you need to do is go to the stone cutter and use the second one to increase your chances of building the first one. It doesn't necessarily go, how you want because it's rng. But the goal here is you use the one you want at 75 and 65%.
3. Accessories
Now you want to make it level 3 in Lost Ark and also at the same time you want to have the stats that are good for you. For example, for a necklace you crit and swiftness. So let's search for the accessory in the auction house. You want to search at least 70 quality because the stats matter a lot in T3. The prices are much lower than if you searched for your class in green. Now you can buy a blue one now. You will get more stats with the purple one but the downside is they cost more pions. If you can manage to buy purple ones without getting negative effects at level 1 then you can buy purple. But having blue accessories is good enough. They're basic effects like vitality intelligence they don't matter as much as the bonus effects. Having blue accessories is perfectly good enough until Item level 1370 and if you want to save some peons as well. Just go for the correct stats once in 1325 and you don't need to worry about gearing up until 1370 in Lost Ark. At 1370, you will have a different strategy, but at 1370 the class-specific engravings. They roll on accessories from Argos and Abyss, so they are way cheaper than in pre-1370.
4. Gems
For gems, the best thing you can do is use tier 2 gems. So their effect is halved, so you can keep using your tier 2 gems. If they are level 5 or 6, so it will be equivalent to level 3 tier 3 gems. You can buy level 3 tier 3 gems, they are not expensive and it doesn't cost beans so you can spend some time getting level 3 or level 4. If you look at the prices now at gems, the level 3 gems are 80 Lost Ark gold at level 3 and at level 4 it's like 200 Lost Ark gold. So you would need to search for the ones you need, but you'll probably spend thousands of Lost Ark gold. As mentioned before, you can keep your level 2 gems and there's no reason to get over because you don't need that much damage until 1370.
5. Tripods
When you are in T3, you have your build right for a single target. So what you want to do is you go into settings and the abilities, this is the abilities you're using and you just press this icon here on every single ability. So when the item drops in the chaos dungeon, it will have this icon next to it that means this tripod is for the skills that you are using. There's another thing you can do if you go into settings, so if you go into gameplay controls and display, this is the notification threshold for a skill tree. So by default, it will be on level 1. So if the item drops that the tripod that you're using, it will highlight level one but level 1. We recommend just going for level 2 and above because level 1 you're not going to use level 1. You want to go for level 2, but tripods are not essential for you to deal good damage and you don't need that much damage.

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