In this Elder Ring guide, we are going to be showing you how to play blazing bushido build or a flummery build. This is a level 100 samurai build and if you've been wondering how to play a samurai not using moonveil then watch on to find out.
Elden Ring Nagikiba Samural Build Guide - How To Build A Blazing Bushido At Level 100
With this best Elden Ring Blazing Bushido build, you can also coat your blade with other things if you use other greases. One of the things that's great about having a physical damage weapon in this game is being able to be flexible with what you want. There are other arrows you can use besides the great arrows that we are using with this build, so you can experiment around with those. One of the weaknesses of this build is big enemies because they have large hitboxes and dodging is really your only defense with this build.
Elden Ring Blazing Bushido Attributes
Vigor - 28
Mind - 20
Endurance - 18
Strength - 40
Dexterity - 40
Intelligence - 9
Faith - 15
Arcane - 12
Get as much vigor as you could, but you're definitely going to want to increase this throughout the game to at least 40 or 50 probably by level 50. We have our damage increased pretty high with strength and dexterity, so from this point forward playing this build, you're probably going to want to increase figure and mind a lot more than you are strength and dexterity. Endurance is just enough to use the armor and weapons that we're using in mid-roll. Strength and dexterity pretty simply increase bow damage for our nagakiba. Faith is at 15 this is exactly enough to use flame, grant me strength is why we have it there and 12 arcane is actually too much you only need 10 for the blood flame blame spell.
Elden Ring Blazing Bushido Equipment
Quality Nagakiba
There are a few reasons for this, first, the weapon has an incredibly long reach it is the longest katana in the game by far. Probably almost double the length of most katanas in the game which gives you a significant advantage when trying to hit difficult-to-hit bosses ones that are wiry etc. It's also fantastic because the running r2 attack is sort of a slide and poke and giving you that extra range, means that you can stay out of harm's way by rolling backward immediately afterward and keeping your distance from enemies.
Set the quality affinity on this weapon with the unsheathed ash of war and there are a couple of reasons for that. First, we want to keep the damage type physical in order to be able to buff this if we set it to blake bleed or fire or magic. We won't be able to buff the blade so keeping it physical is ideal.
The reason we chose quality over keen with this Elden Ring nagakiba samurai build is a couple of reasons. First, the weapon requires about 18 strength to use anyway although you can two-hand it for less. But also because we use a great bow that scales off both strength and dexterity about equally as well. So that means it's going to benefit from both these stats which is great. Additionally, you gain the strength scaling or 1.5 times the strength scaling of your weapon when you two hand.
How to get nagekiba: You can get the nagakiba by killing Yura at the beginning of the game or anytime you see him or by progressing his questline to a certain degree. You should be able to progress his questline far enough at this point in the game to get it if you didn't kill him. But you can do the questline to get it without killing him if you'd rather do it that way.
Greatbow is the next weapon we're using for this build. You're going to meet the requirements for strength and dexterity for it already, because of the way you're set up for this build, so it's a good candidate for a greatbow. Also when you use reign of arrows with this build, it hits like a freight train. So it's a very good way to do a lot of damage at range against particularly bigger targets that targets all the arrows will hit because they kind of scatter around a little bit. Trying to pick them off at range before you have to engage them in melee or weaken them from range before you have to engage them. Great arrows are quite expensive and you can't carry nearly as many of them. So getting every ounce of damage out of every arrow is fantastic and rain of arrows only uses one arrow per use. You can use any other greatbow for this build but this one has double d scaling.
How to get rain of arrows: You can get the reign of arrow skill in Calid. You got to go get the “Redmane” painting in the town of sorcery and then go over to the earth tree and drop over the cliff and get it.
Finger Seals
We're going to use this in order to cast two spells which are blood flame blade and flame, grant me strength. The reason we want these seals instead of the claw mark seal is that, for some reason on the claw mark seal, the strength does not apply to the incantation scaling to increase the damage of the blood flame blade. If it did, it would outperform the finger seal. But it doesn't so, if that ever gets changed, you'll want to switch to claw mark seal. But for the time being, the finger seal is the best seal that we meet the requirements for and is going to improve the damage to the blood flame blade.
Flame, grant me strengths damage doesn't increase with any sort of scaling. So it doesn't matter what seal you use for that spell, but if you want to get the most out of the blood flame blade, then you're going to want to use the finger seal.
Land of Reeds Set
As far as armor goes for this build, you can really use any that you want to use. You can go with the samurai armor or some of the different samurai armors in the game. You want to make sure whatever you do, you can still medium roll though. So make sure it's not too heavy.
Mask of Confidence
It gives you a little bit of arcane, you need 10 arcane in order to use the blood flame blade. But if you just put a point or two into arcane or if you don't have enough arcane you can put a point or two in there that's fine and if you want to use something else instead. For some reason you don't have enough arcane, using this should get you to where you need to be.
Ritual Sword Talisman
The ritual sword talisman is absolutely fantastic and it increases your damage by 10% when you're at full health. This is really good for any build that uses bows for instance because you're trying to pick things off from far away before you ever get hit and you should be at full health most of the time. If you're playing an archer build and you're wondering how to increase your damage at this point in the game, go pick up this talisman because that's going to give you 10% more damage.
Blessed Dew Talisman
Blessed dew talisman is there to regenerate health in between encounters to get back up to 100% to further boost your damage by 10%. Sometimes when you're fighting you take chip damage and it's too little to use a potion, but you want that extra damage increase. So this is there to top you off between encounters and you might want to sub this out for something else in boss fights.
Arrow’s Sting Talisman
Arrow’s sting talisman increases your arrow damage by 10%. Again you're going to be using a bow with this build as well. So getting that extra damage with it is fantastic. You have about 30 arrows before you run out, so you're not going to use it like you would an archer build, picking everything off with it. But you're going to use it for hard-to-hit targets or targets that are extremely difficult and you're going to want to use it with the raid of arrows when you have tough enemies that are bigger too.
Carian Filigreed Crest
This reduces your skill cost by 25%. Rain of arrows is 20 fp by default, so that's going to knock it down to 15. And unsheathed abilities are 10 for the r1 and 15 for the r2, so that's going to knock them down by a few points each. That's going to allow you to conserve fp in order to use these abilities more. You don't have a ton of fp with this build at this point in the game, because you simply don't have the stats for it. When you hit 150, you should have a lot more fp and you can probably swap that out for something that increases your skill damage. But at this point, having the FP cost reduction is better.
Elden Ring Blazing Bushido Gameplay Tips
The two spells we use for this build are blood flame blade and flame, grant me strength. These require 10 arcane and 12 faith for blood flame blade and 15 faith for flame, grant me strength. Flame, grant me strength doesn't increase in damage no matter what you do. It's going to give you 20% more physical damage and 20% more fire damage for 30 seconds. There's no way to increase that damage, so you don't have to worry about increasing your faith and it's one of the reasons we use it for this build. Because we give ourselves just enough faith to be able to use this blood flame blade, we can increase our damage without having a significant investment in fate.
This also applies to your bow so if you are planning on shooting things with your bow from outside of combat or triggering a fight, make sure you buff yourself with flame, grant me strength first, and then use your bow. Blood flame blade is a fire buff, you can use to enchant your weapon which is again a reason that we don't make our weapon a damage type. We keep it physical so that we can use this spell and it applies 40% of your incantation scaling to your weapon for 60 seconds. So it's about double the length of flame, grant me strength.
On top of that, it makes your bleed build up continue to build up for a period of time after your attack ends. Normally when you hit an enemy with a weapon that has bleed build upon it, they just take as much on their bar, and then the second you stop attacking it starts to drain. But with this buff on it continues to go up for a little bit, giving you more time to get back in position to attack again before it starts draining. So it makes it a lot easier to proc hemorrhage on enemies ripping off huge chunks of their health. What's really good about this spell is because it adds fire damage to your weapon and you're using flame, grant me strength which adds physical damage and fire damage. That's actually buffing the fire damage from this as well. You can actually add other spells to this build and it's possible that over time you'll add a little bit more faith in order to get other buffs.