There are so many different types of bleed builds possible for Elden Ring, but which setup is actually the best and most powerful? In this guide, we will go over the most powerful bleed build by doing some maths and comparisons, this is the late game Occult Seppuku build.
Elden Ring Occult Seppuku Bleed Build Guide - Most Powerful Bleed Build
With this setup you are going to completely destroy every single boss in Elden Ring no matter how powerful they are, you will probably instantly all your talismans, flask, gear, other damage modifiers, and Elden Ring items will stack with each other resulting in massive damage increases for a already incredibly powerful Seppuku Occult Bleed Build, it does not matter whether your enemies immune to bleed as well because due to our setup you will still deal massive damage to them. If you can frog bleed on the enemy, then it's going to be even easier because you will just melt them within seconds. Finally, we also have good defenses so we can sustain battles while we destroy everything in our bed.
Skill - Ash of War: Seppuku
In the late game, various early game bleed related Ashes of Wars and affinity start losing their value, however, post morocco mostly, as their scaling with high stats is not that great. At that point, you conveniently unlock the Giants of the Mountaintops area however and you unlock the incredibly powerful Seppuku as support.
You can pick up Ash of War: Seppuku at the freezing lake by killing the invisible scarab that controls the area. This Ash of War is very boring because you need to keep buffing yourself every single time and do this with both of your weapons, and ain't nobody got time for that right. The good news, however, is that, it's so powerful which compensates for that because it adds a ton of bleed build up to your weapon and it adds also a bunch of AR to your weapon as well. This means that when you apply it to both your weapons, you will just melt everything in your path. Get Seppuku, duplicate it with a Lost Ash of War and apply it to both your weapons.
Seppuku Bleed Build Stats (Attribute Points)
Vigor: 40
Mind: 11
Endurance: 29
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 15
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 8
Arcane: 80
Running this Occult Seppuku Bleed build is next to giving you the most damage output also going to be the most stat efficient, you will reach your soft caps with less point investment compared to a blood affinity build. For our setup, you want to get 80 Arcane, 40 Vigor at least and put the rest into Endurance for a level 125 build, this will give you enough sustain and survivability in terms of HP gear and stamina, but also soft cap you out on damage and bloodlust buildup, so it's the best of both worlds.
Seppuku Bleed Build Weapons
Now which weapons do we actually want to use to pair the Seppuku with? There are a lot of options within bleed builds, Twinblades and Curved Shorts are the most popular weapon classes due to their movesets and the fact that they both can hit multiple times within a second, so you can easily proc bleed with them. As both have great movesets, the absolute best option is going to rather depend on the stats of the weapon, thus a weapon within these weapon classes that has an innate blood loss buildup is going to be the best option because it will maximize the power that weapon has.
Why Choose Occult Seppuku Setup, Not Blood Seppuku Setup?
As you can then give it the occult affinity and thus make it possible to get both our damage and bleed buildup through the same stat arcane.
The blood affinity is not bad as well, but it's not optimal for the late game, because it makes your highest scaling great dexterity, but you still need to invest points into arcane to increase the pace of blood loss buildup. But doing so will mean that you will not get as much of the other aspect of damage namely raw damage in return for it as its scaling is much lower through the bleed affinity.
Occult solves that problem because you get two for the price of one essence and it also will result in you having the highest damage output.
The argument for running blood on your weapons is that it gives you extrabase blood loss buildup, but this is irrelevant with the Seppuku setup and you always want to use Seppuku with the bleed build. So that means that with Occult's better bloodless buildup scaling in combination with the insane bloodlust buildup that Seppuku gives, this will make it so that the arcane in the occult setup will have a higher scaling and value not just for damage, but for blood loss buildup as well.
So in terms of overall values, not just base values, both your AR as well as the blood loss buildup is going to be higher with the Occult Seppuku setup!
Best Weapons For Occult Seppuku Bleed Build
Reaching the bloodlust buildup gap is easy and you're going to always instantly proc bleed with occult weapons and have the higher damage output, but we just need to find a weapon with either of these weapon classes that actually have an innate bloodlust buildup. So we have the below selections for weapons:
There is one curved sword in the game that actually has that stats, this is the Scavenger's Curved Sword. On the other hand, the Scavenger's Curved Sword is ironical, one of the best non-legendary weapons in the game.
The other popular curved sword that is often used in bleed builds is the Bandit's Curve Sword using the blood affinity.
Scavenger's Curved Sword
Now if you compare these two and don't consider Seppuku, then the Bandit's Curve Sword will have the higher bloodlust buildup while the Scavenger's Curved Sword will have the higher AR, but you will always want to use Seppuku with the bleed build at any point. For every fight for every situation basically and at that point, there is no contest anymore, Scavenger's Curved Sword with a cold is going to damage the abandoned curved swords in every way possible.
The reason why the Scavenger's Curved Sword with the occult affinity does so well is that scaled bloodless buildup is much higher for the Scavenger's Curved Sword, due to Seppuku's additional blood loss insane buildup in combination with the higher arcane bleed scaling that you have on an occult weapon which results in an overall value that is much higher:
Innate Base Bleed: 38
Seppuku Base Bleed: 84
Total Base Bleed: 122
Occult Arcane Scaling Scavenger: 1.368
Bleed Saturation (80 Arc): 95.13%
Total Blood Loss Build Up = 122*(1+0.9513*1.368) = 280
Let's assume we reach the most optimal stats distributions for both of these weapons given their affinity:
With 80 arcane for Scavenger's Curved Sword, you will get 528 AR and 280 Bleed build up with Seppuku, giving the same number of points that you can spend on the Bandit's Curve Sword build in this case, you will get 436 AR and 220 Bleed buildup.
Even if you would intentionally game your raw damage output and go all the way in arcane with the Bandit's Curve Sword bleed setup, you still wouldn't get the higher blood loss build up compared to the Occult build. It's the same versus the best twinblade dual setup which revolves around Goldskin Peeler with bleed affinity as well, and not just that the Scavenger's Curved Sword will beat any bleed setup with the bleed affinity in both AR and bloodlust buildup with an occult affinity.
Best Occult Seppuku Bleed Weapon Combination
2 x Scavenger's Curved Sword (1056 AR, 560 Blood Loos Build Up)
You get the Scavenger's Curved Sword in mount Gallimir. You can loot it from the corpse near the ladder, now ideally you would want to run two of these two power stands and get all the juicy damage and insane bleed procs but this will require you to go to either ng plus or get someone to trade you on, that can be a problem if you don't know anyone.
1 x Scavenger's Curved Sword + 1 x Bandit's Occult Curved Sword (1097 AR, 464 Blood Loos Build Up)
However, if you can't get anybody to give you one, don't get mad because the next best thing to use is going to be one Scavenger's Curved Sword and one Bandit's Occult Curved Sword. If you use it with blood, Bandit's Occult Curved Sword will still get a ton of blood loss just from Seppuku itself. This is going to be the second best option because you pretty much get all the benefits from wearing two Scavenger's Curved Swords, you'll even have a higher AR from the Bandit's Occult Curved Sword.
Occult Seppuku Bleed Build Gear
For gear, the best equipment for the most powerful bleed build is going to be:
Helmet - Nameless White Mask
It drops from one of the nameless Invaders in Mohgwyn Palace which you can go to after starting the Varre questline. This mask is really good as it has the exact same effect as our lord of blood exultation talisman, which increases your attack power every time you proc bleed for 20 seconds and stacks with the other stuff that we use.
Chest - Raptor's Black Feathers
For the chest piece, you want to pick up the Raptor's Black Feathers in the Sage's Cave in the Altus Plateau region this cave, you will have to go through some hidden walls and proceed but ultimately you can pick up the chest piece in a chest. This chest piece works very well with the rest of the setup because it's going to increase the damage from your jump attacks even more with another 10% increase and those are a really nice additional bonus. The problem with this chest and the headpiece is that your defenses are going to be lacking and you are going to be very squishy but thankfully we can't compensate for that.
Pants & Gloves - Bull-Goat Gauntlets & Bull-Goat Greaves
For the legs and gauntlets, you want to pick up the Bull-Goat Gauntlets and Greaves, this will compensate for our squishiness for sure because these two pieces have the highest defensive stats in the game, and therefore are also quite heavy, but you can actually wear both of them with our points in endurance and also because the rest of our gear is really light.
You wouldn't want to be seen wearing the set dead or alive but these two parts of the set are actually the good-looking aspects of the set, so you get all the benefits and none of the downsides doing this.
Occult Seppuku Bleed Build Tears (Flask of Wonderous Physick)
Thorny Cracked Tear
For the flask, you'll want to get the Thorny Cracked Tear, it's the exact same principle as our rotten winged sword insignia talisman, but this one actually raises our attack power with even higher percentages for every consecutive hit. You can get it from the Putrid Avatar near the Minor Erdtree in the north eastern part of the Consecrated Snowfield area
Opaline Bubbletear
The other tear depends on preference you can use the Opaline Bubbletear for the extra defense since you will always be in melee range.
Greenburst Crystal Tear
Another really good option is the Greenburst Crystal Tear as attacking with your curved swords and power standing with them, will deplete your stamina rather fast and this crystal tear helps you out exactly with that because it will make you regenerate your stamina much faster and thus it provides a great solution to that problem.
More Tips for The Strongest Bleed Build In Elden Ring
Incantations & Seals
If you want to go to level 150 then you would put the additional points into Vigor and get extra fade to open up dragon incantations as you are deeply invested into Arcane, so using the Dragon Communion Seal is going to be extremely powerful and it will also open up using incantations like Golden Vow and Flame, Grant Me Strength which you can use to buff yourself and give you even more damage output if you care about it.
Bleed Immunity
For enemies that are immune to bleed such as let's say just the final two bosses in the game, there is no problem whatsoever either. Because thankfully due to the occult affinity on our swords, we can fully invest our points into our gain which makes it so that we skill both our damage as well as our bloodlust build up at the same time. This makes we have insane damage even without broken bleed. And that erases any problems we otherwise would have with enemies immune to bleed, which is also another benefit for going with the occult affinity over the blood affinity by the way, because we just get much more AR with or killed as our primary scaling attribute is also our primary damage attribute.