In Lost Ark, relic gear has a set bonus of two-piece, four-piece, and six-piece. However, we just got Valtan and he is the only legion raid in the game and gear pieces within the same set require materials for multiple different legion raids. Right now there are only a few select pieces that you can make and therefore not all four-piece and six-piece bonuses are available at the moment. In this Lost Ark T3 relic gear crafting guide, we go over every single class and tell you what is the best gear you can craft right now with only Valtan materials. As will as give you the best set you should swap to once Vykas comes out, so you know what to build towards.
Lost Ark T3 Relic Gear Guide - Best Valtan Relic Sets 1415-1460 In Lost Ark
There seems to be a lot of misinformation or just a general lack of knowledge about guerrilla gear and a lot of people are building two pieces for the set that they'll eventually build into because they feel that they will actually lose materials. However, relic gear works completely differently from regular armor that we've had so far. In the sense that when you actually gear transfer one relic piece into another, the relic piece that gets gear transferred from doesn't actually get consumed or destroyed in the process like legendary gear does. What actually happens is that it gets returned to zero quality so therefore you can dismantle it and gain all the materials back and use those materials to craft other pieces. So you don't have to worry about building you know the wrong set or building one now that is kind of crappy because you eventually build into it in the future when you have six pieces. We are going over what Lost Ark relic gear sets you should be crafting for your class. So anyway without further ado, let's just hop right into it.
1. Lost Ark Relic Gear 1415
Paladin, Bard, Gunslinger (Peacemaker), Glaivier (Pinnacle)
If you're at 1415 and you plan on running Valtan to normal, if you're a paladin, a bard, a pinnacle glaivier or a peacemaker gunslinger, you're going to want to craft four pieces of the demon beast set and two pieces of the lunar argo set. The only reason we are recommending harsh oath with four supports is that you most likely have a six-piece harsh oath set coming out of argos. So you don't have to replace or make any new argos pieces just keep your weapon and another armor and then build the other four pieces of demon beast. For DPS classes, this will essentially give you 20% more damage and 25% crit damage. This is for classes that aren't starved for crit.
Other Classes
For every other class, you're going to want four-piece beast power and two-piece solar argos. You'll be using this even after coming out of Vykas normal mode. Because six-piece demon beast on those classes is really not great. Losing the crit rate hurts quite a lot.
Lost Ark Relic Gear 1445
Gunlancer (Red), Destroyer, Striker, Scrapper, Soulfist, Glaivier (Control), Deadeye (EW), Deathblade
Once you get to 1445, if you're going to want to run for red gunlancers, destroyers, strikers, scrappers, soulfists, control glaiviers, enhanced weapon deadeyes, and deathblade, you're going to want two-piece salvation, two-piece entropy, and two-piece pre-ordained argo set. You can alternatively use a two-piece dominion instead of argos if you want to have full relic gear. But these classes need the crit.
Berserker, Gunlancer (Blue), Deadeye (Pistol), Artillerist, Sharpshooter, Sorceress, Shadowhunter (P.S)
For berserkers, blue gunlancers, pistol deadeyes, artillerists, sharpshooters, sorceresses, and perfect suppression shadowhunters, you're going to want two-piece salvation, two-piece nightmare, and two-piece pre-ordained.
Glaivier (Pinnacle), Gunslinger
For pinnacle glaiviers and peacemaker gunslingers, you'll want a two-piece harsh oath instead.
Shadowhunter (Demonic)
For demonic shadowhunter, you'll want two-piece dominion, two-piece salvation, and two-piece pre-ordained.
Bard, Paladin
For bard and paladin, you're going to want a two-piece yearning set, two-piece dominion, and two-piece betrayal.
Wardander, Gunslinger (TTH)
For wardancers and time to hunt gunslingers, you're going to want four-piece dominion and two-piece pre-ordained.
Lost Ark Relic Gear 1460+
Berserker, Gunlancer (Blue), Glaivier (Pinnacle), Gunslinger, Sharpshooter (Death Striker), Sorceress, Shadowhunter (P.S)
Once you hit 1460 and Vykas hard comes out, you'll now have access to all of the relic sets in Lost Ark. So for berserkers, blue gunlancers, pinnacle glaivier, gunslinger, deathstriker sharpshooter, sorceress, and perfect suppression shadowhunters, you'll want six-piece nightmare set.
Gunlancer (Red), Destroyer, Striker, Scrapper, Glaivier (Control), Deadeye (E.W), Deathblade
For red gunlancer, destroyer, striker, scrapper, control glaivier, enhanced weapon deadeye, and deathblade, you'll want a six-piece entropy set.
Artillerist, Shadowhunter (Demonic), Sharpshooter (LC+DS)
For artillerist, demonic shadowhunter, and double class engraving sharpshooter, you're going to want six-piece salvation.
For Wardancer, you're going to want a six-piece dominion.
Soulfist, Deadeye (Pistol), Sharpshooter (Loyal)
For soulfist, pistol deadeye, and loyal companion sharpshooter, you're going to want six piece hallucination.
Bard, Paladin
Finally, for bard and paladin, you'll want a six-piece yearning set.
Some classes have some alternative sets for example demonic shadowhunter and it's all based on player preference. Those are the best Lost Ark relic gear sets for each stage in mid-tier 3. If you are looking for cheap and reliable Lost Ark gold, Utplay.com provides the most reasonable Lost Ark gold for sale.

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