There are a lot of sorceries in Elden Ring, 70 of them. But you only have 10 memory slots to work with them, which are the best and worst sorceries in Elden Ring? In this Elden Ring Sorceries tier list, we'll take a look at the best and worst sorceries and rank them.
Elden Ring Highest Damage Sorceries For PvP & PvP - Best Elden Ring Sorcery Tier Lists
The truth is every sorcery in Elden Ring is really fun, unique and powerful enough to get by. We'll try to factor in everything including damage, efficiency, ease of use, and so on and we will rank all of these spells from D tier all the way to S tier where of course the max tier is reserved for truly powerful boss melting spells. A sorceries that are super strong can really damage bosses but are just not there yet to the top. B for solid all-around choices and from this point on just mediocre or bad all-around choices. So let's begin!
S Tier On Elden Ring Sorcery Tier List Early Game & Mid Game
Stars of Ruin
Stars of ruin is another devastating sorcery high intelligence requirement at 43 and a much more improved fp cost after the new update just 38 by default. With a staff of Lucette and some magic bonus talismans, this thing will wreck anything. PvE wise, it has a pretty great cast speed considering it unleashes 12 almost instantaneous magic bullets at extremely high speeds. It's not going to get anywhere near the comet azur in terms of pure DPS but it wins more in terms of mobility and enemy tracking. Pvp-wise, it's just pure cancer unless you have a bloodhound step or magic reflex shield to bypass or counter these. It's possible to dodge roll some of the projectiles but not all of them, so you're not going to remain undamaged when you're trying to dodge these alone. In terms of weaknesses, maybe the initial cast duration which can be interrupted is pretty long. Also, the spell can easily be reflected and once you see the enemy popping it, it's super easy to anticipate. But despite all of this, it's still definitely an S rating category as a boss melter and a huge potential in damage.
Crystal Torrent
Crystal torrent is another very similar stream of damage kinda close to comet azur. Except instead of one beam you shoot a stream of crystals with a large spread towards the end but at a lower reach. This reach is very comparable damage to the aforementioned spell with just a couple of extra steps. Its advantage consists in its spread not only being able to cover a much larger area and hitting multiple targets in case they are kind of close to one another. But if you aim the target before unleashing it with your character, your character will then readjust the trajectory of the spell. This means that you won't suffer the same consequences as comet azure to miss out on your beam entirely in case the boss moves. This also works for the stars of ruin pretty much any crystal spell gets buffed by it, so you can apply another 30% damage on top. No real downsides to the ones maybe except the fact that it has a slightly lower reach. But again straight up against S category.
Comet Azur
Comet azur is still by far the DPS king of Elden Ring and there are very few spells in the game that even get close to its maximum damage potential. Its massive intelligence requirement of 60 and massive fp cost of 40 isn't really a deterrent since you can use a cerulean physic potion to simply get infinite mana for about 15 seconds. Assuming that you can line up all of the buffs and the enemy without missing the spell, this will trivialize everything in the game including the elden beast, and literally get melted in just mere seconds.
There are some downsides to it still, one of the most important being the fact that there's going to be a pretty big setup and preparation required to fully maximize the damage. But if you are at least level like 80 to 100 that should not be a problem. Most important though the beam tracking is quite iffy if not quite bad, any slight change in elevation, a wrong angle, or just the boss moving out of the way means you're literally not hitting it and not dealing any damage at all. So you're kind of wasting the entire setup. Despite all of these problems, it's still a god-tier spell to have which is why it's going to be at the top this Elden Ring Sorceries spell tier list.
Meteorite & Meteorite of Astel
These two spells kind of function very similarly, one being the meteorite and then there is also the astel variant that summons even more rocks with even more precision or while better yet just hit targets easier with it. These are the embodiment of software's coolness to downside ratio. The spells are extremely flashy and cool looking when you summon an entire belt of asteroids against your enemies, but the range is pretty bad and the accuracy is a letdown. Since you're likely not going to hit much with the meteorite unless you're hugging it so that's why the meteorite is just a B ranking right off the bat. But the meteorite of astel definitely deserves an S ranking because it can deal way more damage even compared to the comet azur.
A Tier On Elden Ring Sorcery PVP & PVE Tier List
Rock Sling
Rock sling is one of the best Elden Ring sorcery to use as a mage early on. Because you can create one of the most powerful setups right off the bat between just this and the meteorites staff. It also remains one of the most useful sorceries way into the end game while still providing great damage. Speaking of damage it's purely physical instead of magical. So you don't have to worry about enemies with natural magic resistances. It also has a great range but most importantly it's one of the best early spells to stun enemies or bosses in just a couple of casts. So definitely something that doesn't lose its usefulness when you go into the end game. It does feature some downsides, the most important being the fact that if you're too close to the enemy or if you're in very tight spaces, this is literally one of the worst spells to cast in that scenario. Despite all of these problems and downsides by simply having a proper positioning, Rock Sling is still an A on this Elden Ring sorceries tier list.
Adula’s Moonblade
Adula’s moonblade was definitely a nice surprise and definitely deserving of an A-plus ranking. This one also covers a long-range as the main attack is also followed by a frost projectile that covers a very wide range. It only costs 28 fp to cast and requires 32 intelligence to use, so it's kind of like in the middle in terms of efficiency. By far its biggest hidden advantage is the fact that the frost projectile can hit the same target multiple times as it passes through it. Even some of the smaller enemies get hit at least a couple of times and especially against some of the bigger bosses like the dragons, you can hit it at the same time with just one projectile up to three times. So that builds a ton of damage a ton of frostbite really quickly and can literally apply it for thousands of damage in just a little bit.
B Tier On Elden Ring Sorcery Spells Tier List
Great Glintstone Shard
After all of the pebbles comets and shards and especially after the recent update damage and fp buffs. This sorcery is the best all-arounder projectile for most mage setups. Damage to mana efficiency is just slightly worse than the pebble but provides a lot more benefits. Including the fact that it deals about 40 more damage than the pebbles so comes in very handy later on in the game against tougher enemies. It travels just a bit slower than the pebble. But has a significantly higher range which means you can reach targets from further away, even those that are supposed to trap you. If you get a primal glintstone talisman, you can also further reduce its fp cost and bring it down to a measly 9 fp which is amazing. There are not many downsides to it because it's not really a boss melter just a really good option.
Magma Shot, Rolling Magma & Gelmir’s Fury
These are three fire-related sorceries that can fit a pyromancer that doesn't want to spec into the faith at all. The magma spells are surprisingly good at what they do assuming that you play by their strengths. So the rolling magma in particular has it seems the highest damage potential when aimed at the ground and not directly at the enemy. Aiming it at the ground will cause a magma explosion after a rather long duration at the point of impact dealing really high damage if the enemy is still in range. Even aimed directly at the enemy still deals some pretty okay damage but obviously, you will want to have that explosion part to deal the highest amount of damage.
Meanwhile, the magma shot is the more straightforward version of all of these magma spells, it does straight-up damage, no gimmicks, it explodes on impact, and also leaves a trail of magma for additional damage which is actually quite handy and will definitely deal up to 2k if you're doing it properly. Finally, the gelmir’s fury is the weakest because it covers a 360-degree area from the top of your scepter. You will miss at least 40 of the shots that you're taking. Both the rolling magma and the magma shot definitely deserve a B. For the Gelmir’s Fury, we are going to just place it over at C.
Glintblade Phalanx, Carian Phalanx & Greatblade Phalanx
They all function pretty similar but they kind of focus on different aspects of combat. The glintblade phalanx is the earliest and has medium damage and is pretty much meant as a pressure tool either used in conjunction with other spells or when trying to make her escape or when the enemy is trying to roll away. It's pretty good at catching roles. The carrian phalanx is the upgraded version of this as in it summons even more swords and deals roughly 30% more damage but at a 30% more mana cost. Finally, the greatblade phalanx has just slightly lower damage than the carrian version depending on the enemy. But also has a lot more stance damage and this is the only one that is able to stun enemies at a decent rate.
The strengths are great at putting pressure on enemies, and providing an extra bit of damage in PVP can help at roll-catching enemies. The greatblade phalanx can also do some stagger in terms of weaknesses obviously hitting any wall or obstacle will destroy the swords. Most important the actual war variant of the glintblade phalanx is just a better version of all of these combined. It still provides some damage but it only takes 2 hits to stagger anything in the game. Because you don't use them just for pure DPS, they also have some utility, it deserves a B minus on this Elden Ring Sorceries rankings.
Crystal Release & Magic Downpour
Both provide a vertical sort of release of matching bullets but they work slightly differently. Magic downpour is the more useful one as it can zone out enemies, this would be better in PVP. It provides a pretty good distraction or a way to put pressure on the enemy especially since you can cast multiple pretty fast and they all hone in on the target. They even readjust where they should with those bullets even if the target is upwards or starts flying in the air. It will readjust its trajectory mid-combat but obviously, the bullets themselves won't, so you will miss quite a lot of them. Meanwhile, the crystal release is well literally god-like if it didn't have one major downside holding it back. It's probably the smallest range of all spells right now in Elden Ring. The crystal release falls in the C category meanwhile the magic downpour is a solid B.
C Tier On Elden Ring Best Sorcery Weapons List
Briars of Sin & Briars of Punishment
The only two thorn sorceries in Elden Ring but they definitely win a lot of points into the cool factor. In terms of the briars of punishment, this one is slightly more useful since you can cast a trail of thorns that covers a pretty long range and also deals okay ash damage even more. It seems to pass through obstacles and is definitely amazing against enemies on higher elevations when other spells might have trouble with that. Meanwhile, the briars of sin can do all of that but only in a very close aoe range around your character. The more you summon these and subsequent attacks, the're going to have an even faster cast than the initial one. That being said despite all of these cool factors, these are some really weak sorceries desperately in need of a major buff. The briars of sin in the D tier and the briars of punishment in the c tier.
Oracular Bubbles & Great Oracular Bubbles
These are the only two clayman sorceries and they both actually suck. Especially the regular bubbles just straight up D and this is the weakest spell in all Elden Ring. These bubbles look like they are made for a trap kind of spell but it doesn't travel too long. It lingers for very little and the damage is mediocre at best. Even misses large enemies at close range because of the odd bubble spread, so definitely deserving of the D tier. Meanwhile, the great oracular bubble is just slightly better than it dealing higher damage but comes at two great drawbacks that are simply too important to overlook. It's a very slow cast speed probably the lowest right now in the entire game even when you put something like a seal on it and a very slow travel speed kind of offset by the long reach. So the verdict D for the first one, and C for the greater version.
D Tier On Elden Ring Sorceries Rankings
Rancorcall & Ancient Rancorcall
These are some of the weakest right now in the game alongside the thorn sorceries. This doesn't mean there aren't some benefits to them, especially to the death ranker call. The projectile especially on the more improved version has pretty good tracking and is really hard to dodge. The fact that you cast so many of these spirits in one single spell makes it quite overwhelming. It can be especially so both in PVP and PvE since they're going to be able to easily stun a lot of the bosses in the game. It's just a shame that these spells have so many weaknesses. The fact that damage on both of the spells is completely underwhelming at best. The cost is also really high for both of them 16 fp and 24 fp respectively, making them not the greatest in terms of efficiency.
These are pretty much all of the best and worst spells in Elden Ring. If you need to buy cheap Elden Ring items and runes, welcome to visit the most reliable website: utplay.com!