There are a number of characters added to Lost Ark at different times, are you still waiting for your favorite class? To find out the release date and schedule of Lost Ark Western new classes, maybe we can look back to that in the KR version. Now, we’ll go through the Korean classes and the unreleased characters in the west, then get a Lost Ark class release order for NA/EU 2022.
Related Read: Lost Ark Summoner Class Guide & Release
Lost Ark Korean Class Release Order
Based on the classes that have been added to the Lost Ark NA/EU version, the release order of new classes is mostly due to player demands and that huge Korean balance patch that was happening at the time, that’s why they pulled the summoner out of the western version of the game last minute because she was set to get a bit of mini rework in the KR version and they did not want to release the class in the west and then immediately rework her. So we expect the upcoming classes to be released in the same order that they came out in Korean. One thing is that a lot of classes that we have in western Lost Ark were not available in the Korean version, which makes the timeline a little mixed up.
According to LOWE, let’s take a look at a rough release order (timeline) of some Lost Ark KR classes. A number of classes spread out over a long time. Firstly, they launched with no Assassin classes, so the classes we have in Lost Ark NA/EU that KR didn’t have are the Shadowhunter and Deathblade. About one year after launch, they got the Destroyer. A couple of months after, they got the Sharpshooter and Soulfist, then followed up by the Glaivier. According to the news, in 2019 July, Assassin came with 2 class advancements, then they got the Paladin class. And in 2021 January, March and August, they released Gunslinger, Striker and Sorceress respectively. So here is a Lost Ark Korean class release order.
1. Lance Master
2. Shadowhunter & Deathblade
3. Paladin
4. Scouter
5. Reaper
6. Gunslinger
7. Striker
8. Sorceress
9. Artist
Lost Ark Class Release Order NA/EU - What are the Next Classes in Lost Ark Western
Back to the most important question, what new classes are gonna be coming to the Lost Ark western version in 2022 June or Summer?
Going by the release order in Lost Ark Korean servers, we would start with two new Mages, the Arcana and Summoner, both of these releasing in the same update. The summoner was pulled from the west version last minute and Arcana was originally meant to be the first new class we got in NA/EU Lost Ark that was until people wanted the Glaivier to be brought over instead. This track is most probably the next two classes we are going to be getting. The next one would be a new Gunner character with the Scouter, his class info, and models are already in the game file, it seems that he will be coming soon. After his release, the Reaper is the most expected new class in Lost Ark western, she is the closest to an actual Assassin-type character. Finally, the last very possible class that in its own new category of specialist is the Artist, she is an incredible support character. Aside from those, there is one more class that slated to be released in Korea is Aeromancer, but we do not get any information about her.
Below is the estimated Lost Ark western (NA/EU) classes release order
1. Summoner and Arcana
2. Scouter
3. Reaper
4. Artist
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