In this Lost Ark tier 3 honing guide, we share the best 1370 to 1385 gear honing methods. As well as some strategies for when you use your anti-fail materials. Because you're going to find yourself going up against pretty low percentages, pretty quickly while you're leveling up. On your armor, you want to basically use almost no anti-fail materials and on your weapons, use completely full juice every single time. Because it's going to cost you a lot more per swing at a weapon.
Lost Ark Fast & Cheap 1370 to 1385 Honing Methods - Lost Ark 1370-1385 Gear Honing Guide
The reason why you want to push up to 1370 to get into Argos, is because you have to be item level 1370. In Lost Ark, they talk about the phases of a boss and that means the first fight in the raid encounter. So Argos has 3 phases and you fight Argos all 3 phases, but that's the first phase and you get loot when you beat the first phase. Argos is a little bit weird because you can't beat the first phase and then come back with a different group for phase 2 which some other legion raids can do. So you have to do it all in one go. The different breakpoints for that are 1370, 1385, and 1400 to do the last phase. Now, let’s talk about the cheapest Lost Ark 1370-1385 gear honing.
Lost Ark 1370 Gear Honing
The thing with 1370 is you can actually go out and do the hard mode Aira’s Oculus this dungeon. The different hard modes basically that are filling up here and then normal and hard share the same lockout. So if you run normal mode during the week, you're not going to be able to do hard mode at all. And hard mode gives you the ability to make these legendary pieces of gear and you make them over here at the abyss vendor. The difference compared to other tiers is that once you get your purple gear up to plus 15, it's going to be 1370 and then you're going to transfer that on to your legendary gear.
The legendary gear is not going to be plus 15, it's not going to be plus 1 either, it's going to be plus 6. But still, at the item level 1370 and you get to hone that up again and your odds are actually really nice for a 60% chance on some of the stuff and it's pretty easy to push past 1370 on these pieces. But once you get up to plus 11, we're back looking at some not-so-great honing odds on these pieces. So we're at about a 15% chance which is pretty much what you experience as you go up through 1370.
Lost Ark 1385 Gear Honing
Now if you went through our Lost Ark 1370 to 1385 honing strategy where you basically are just going to be using anti-fail on your weapon. This will take you quite a bit of swing, you're probably going to end up maybe pitying a few pieces. There is some kind of mathematical break points at which you're going to have the confidence of having fewer swings taken. So at a 15% chance, it's likely going to take you about 15 swings. Now, this doesn't really account for the fact that when you fail, your chances go up. And so if you fail at 15%, the next chance will be increased by 1.5%. This is kind of a general idea for increasing your odds. If you go from 15 to 18, it's going to cost you basically 3 fewer swings. If you go up 4%, it'll go up to 4 or fewer swings. So you have to figure out how much is the cost of a swing for you right now.
If you're up to using greater leap stones, these are about 600 gold up or maybe 700 gold by now. So that's quite a bit of Lost Ark gold compared to spending some solar graces on this. Also, you need to look and see what are the returns on these right now. For example, solar graces are giving you 2.21, each blues are giving you 0.42, and then purples are giving you 1.25. This means blues are twice as effective as greens, and then purples are 6 times as effective as greens. If you go in the market, you'll notice that they don't come out to the same values, so purples are over 10 times as expensive and blues are 2 times as expensive. It kind of makes sense to go and buy some of these greens and use them pretty aggressively since they're cheaper and more effective than the other ones. The price of this might change, you need to double-check because things might be different if you're playing in the EU.
If you have 3 pieces plus 12 and you can only make 3 pieces off your first abyssal dungeons. Then you'll be able to get all the way up to 1385 in Lost Ark with just 3 pieces. We need to get lucky on our weapon or our shoulders or maybe our gloves. One thing to note is that silver is getting really low and so if you're doing low-paying dailies that is really good on your alts to do silver also chaos dungeon on your alts does give silver and just don't spend your silver at all unless you're upgrading materials.

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