With the addition of relic gear rarity, players are able to build endgame 5x3 engravings. How to max out engravings in Lost Ark? We are going to learn about the Lost Ark engraving calculator on how to get four and five level 3 engravings in the game.
Related Read: Lost Ark Ability Stone Calculator
Lost Ark Engraving Calculator Guide - How to Max Out Engravings in Lost Ark
There are a lot of Lost Ark engraving calculators available online, the first one we are going to introduce is an auto chart. The 15 in the red bar shows that you have a max engraving. On the top column, you have your engravings, here we got engraving 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you want to go for a 5x3 setup, add your fifth engraving at the far right. At the very top left, you have your class name, and on the side under the class, it shows everything you need to get level 3 engraving, all your jewelry pieces, both of your engraving books, and your stone.
Click here to get to the Engraving Auto-Chart.
How to use the engraving calculator to get max engravings in Lost Ark?
To use the engraving calculator, all you have to do is click on File on the top-left corner and Make a copy, you can change the number in the chart. How to use the engraving calculator, let’s take the 4x3 setup as an example. LuisNoLimit explained how to get 4x3 engravings in Lost Ark. You can also use it to get 3x3 engravings and 5x3 engravings.
1. Engraving Book
You might have different engravings and different classes, the very first thing you should be doing for a 4x3 setup is getting plus 9 on your engraving, getting plus 12 is too expensive and it's not necessary for a 4x3 setup, the thing with plus 12 though is that it will be very efficient for the future of a 5x3 setup, so you're gonna put plus nine on your grudge or whatever you have and then plus nine on your class engraving, so we’ll get plus 9 and plus 9 on the red bar.
2. Ability Stone
For the stone, there are two different types of stones you can get, so you can either go for a super expensive stone, this one being grudge and adrenaline, or you can go for a super cheap stone, this one being cursed doll and ambush master. We got a grudge and ambush on six and six, and then we got one engraving max out at plus 15.
3. Jewelry
The next part is the jewelry, most of the time you want to go for a necklace, you get both of your earrings, and both of your rings, you're going to be very limited as to what necklace you can get, which can get you to be even more expensive. What you should do is to check all three of that variety of pieces, in order to get the cheapest pieces, make sure you always set up Search Presets for all of your pieces. And you don’t need to buy all of the pieces at one time, you can buy them in a week or even a month. Keep sniping and tracking till you find a really cheap price for your jewelry.
If you bought a necklace that has plus 3 on the negative effect, like attack speed reduction, what you want to do is add a column on the chart, you want to just do attack speed minus, then put 3 on the side. It also adds three nodes to surge and cursed doll.
4. Combat stats
This all depends on your class, for example, the Blade class can max out specialization, and all of these pieces have spec, what you can do if you don’t have that much gold is to get a crit piece. Having a crit earring will save lots of Lost Ark gold because the spec is the most expensive jewelry, from the most expensive to cheapest, it goes spec, crit, and then swiftness. Go for earrings to get three nodes on surge and ambush master, if you want to save a good amount of gold and your class is spec main, you can go for a crit earring. You can go for a swiftness earring or two swiftness hearings, it depends on how much you want to save.
Finally, we can get surge and grudge engravings maxed out, all we need are ambush and cursed doll, so you want to get your final earring and rings.
Other Options for Lost Ark Engraving Calculator
Another Lost Ark engraving calculator you can use is from loaengravingcalc.com, which gives you all available options, you can select the engravings on each required item and inform the number of points to get the calculation results quickly.

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