Honing your alts to 1415 or 1430? After the Lost Ark Vykas update, You may have a hard time deciding because of the cost of gold. Therefore, with this guide, we break down the most cost-effective methods to hone your alts from 1370 to 1415/1430, compare the gold cost and income for each item level to help you figure out which is the best Alt iLvl you want to push in the Lost Ark Vykas Raid patch!
Lost Ark Vykas Alts Gear Honing Guide - 1415 or 1430, Which Is The Best Alt Item Level To Get in Vykas Update?
The new stronghold research coming with the Vykas patch which means that means onces you have finished the stronghold research, all of your alts will be pushing from 1370 to 1415, will have increased honing chances and also cost less materials. That's really good news for everyone! Now the question that remains: 1415 or 1430, to what item level should you push your alts or should you even push them at all, and that's exactly what we're going to have a look at in this guide.
Before we start with any of the math or explanations, there's a few things we want to mention this Lost Ark Vykas Alt Honing Guide will only cover:
Only accounting for efficiency not fun
Enough bound Leapstones and Shards on your alts to reach your desired item level, we highly suggest to not push any alt without sufficient bound leapstones because the costs will stack up rapidly
Only accounting for generated gold income this means the additional materials that you receive from Deskaluda or Chaos dungeon are not taken into account nor are any valuable drops since that is total RNG and might never happen
Currently our optimal parking spot used to be 1370, this was a very nice parking spot due to having access to array as well hard mode and Argos phase 1 generating additional gold, our fixed income here was 2 100 gold for the lowest amount of investment. Now it's time to push our beloved alts to Valtan or higher, so let's do some quick maths!
Cheapest Method To Get Alt From 1370 To 1415 - Efficient Gold Wise & Provides Similar Damage as +15 On All Pieces
Our optimal push after having the research is to distribute your item level on different pieces and looks the following:
17 on Gloves
17 on Shoulders
13 on Headpiece
12 on Chest
12 on Legs
11 on Weapon
This is obviously not the most damage possible since your weapon is only level 11, but this is the most optimal route for saving your gold and get the most out of your damage.
With this in mind, let's have a quick look at our costs. The prices used in this example are the current average prices on EU Central and obviously might vary big time depending on the region you play on, so take it with a grain of salt also as you can see both the shards and leapstones have zero value because they should be bound. Still our costs to push item level 1415 will amount to a total of 85 500 gold in an average scenario, obviously if you have farmed up all the materials the rock gold costs would only be 25000.
Gold Cost & Income for Honing One Alt To From 1370 To 1415 iLvl
You may say this is still a very expensive push, but for now let's quickly check how much more gold will you make once you do reach item level 1415:
1370 iLvl Income: 2900 Gold
1415 iLvl Income:
Argos Phase 3 - 2700 Gold
Valtan Normal - 3300 Gold
Total: 6000 Gold Weekly Income
Additional Income: 6000 (1415 Weekly Income) - 2900 (1370 Weekly Income) = 3100 Gold
As a reminder our gold income from 1370 was 2 900, now this looks different, we do not obtain any gold anymore from rare as well hard mode but gain more gold from doing Argos phase 3 instead of phase 1, and of course the vaulting gold which is exactly 3 300 for Valtan in Normal mode gate 1 and gate 2 combined. This means we are obtaining 2700 gold from Argos P3 and 3300 from Valtan, amounting to a solid 6000 gold per week. But we have to take out the amount of gold that our alts already generated earlier which was a solid 2100 gold per week already, this means we're left with an additional 3100 gold per week when honing alts from 1370 to 1415.
The Time To Make The Gold Cost for 1415 iLvl Back
Again take what comes now with the grain of salt, as it's not accounting for any additional materials you make like leapstones from descaluda or good jobs you might be getting from Valtan, it will take you around 27 weeks which is around half a year to make back the additional gold that you invested into pushing your alt on paper that is:
Costs of Honing To 1415: Weekly Income
85000/3100 = 27.4 Weeks
In reality, you probably have some solar materials on your alts might be a bit luckier than average have some events helping you to push with bad materials might get a lucky drop and of course generate simply put more materials, because you have access to higher content, an educated guess is that will take around four months on average to make back the gold you invested. There is one but though.
Cheapest Way To Get Alt From 1370 To 1430 - Efficient Gold Wise & Provides Similar Damage as +17 On All Pieces
With Vykas, you will have access to additional gold resources and quite a lot, 3,300 additional gold per week will make a massive difference, yet you will also have to upgrade your armor higher to actually get to that item level. Either you can be patient and use the three taps you get from Valtan or just push again with bound leapstones. In order to make it to Vykas's item level, you would need to push the pieces of armor that you had below 17 to level 16 at least and your weapon to level 12.
+16 on Gloves
+17 on Shoulders
+16 on Headpiece
+16 on Chest
+17 on Legs
+12 on Weapon
Mind you, we are not suggesting to have a level 12 weapon for Vykas but this is cost efficient which is what we're calculating here. It will cost you an additional 38 000 gold to push to Vykas item level to receive 3300 gold per week. As you can see, this evens out roughly to 11 weeks to make this back.
Gold Cost & Income for Honing One Alt From 1370 To 1430 iLvl
So let's check out for how long you need to run Vykas, Valtan and Argos to make back your full 1430 investment. It will cost you 123000 gold to push to 1430 but you also generate now 9 300 gold per week instead of 6 000 gold, this means your bonus is now 6400 gold instead of 3100 which is pretty big compared to what it was before.
Total Costs From 1370 To 1430
85000 (1370 To 1415) + 38000 (1415 To 1430) = 123000
Total Incoms From Raids After Reach 1430
2700 (Argos Phase 3) + 3300 (Valtan Normal) + 3300 (Vyaks Normal) = 9300
Bonus Weekly Gold is now 6400
The Time To Make The Gold Cost for 1430 iLvl Back
Now it will only take you around four and a half months to actually make the Lost Ark gold back, in raw value that is as always if you account for some RNG and the additional materials that you're getting you might be looking at around three months to make the value back. This is still a lot of time of course but it already looks much better. The reason is because we are more than doubling our weekly bonus to what it was before, you of course also have more chances at good drops due to clearing vikas on a weekly basis.
Honing Your Alts To 1430 is Better After Lost Ark June Vykas Patch
The question remains should we honing our alts or not, the reason why you might want to hold off from honing is due to the fact that we're missing the Astalgia honing chances. The Astalgia patch was introduced in Korea a long time ago and increases chances and reduces the costs massively, yet we also do believe it will take very long for us to actually receive the Astalgia patch, so honestly if you want to play Lost Ark and have more in rage, honing alts is actually the way to go. Our suggestion is to upgrade your characters to 1430 with two armor pieces at plus 17, three armor pieces at plus 16, your weapon should still be only plus 12 which is honestly not great, but you can now use the weekly free upgrades that you obtain from Vykas and Valtan to gamble for free weapon tabs, this will then slowly take you to 1445 where you will then be able to craft your relic sets.
So again if you feel like doing more Valtan and more Vykas raids, this honestly is a good moment to hone due to the fact it will take a long time until the nostalgia update will arrive, also something that we obviously cannot take into account are the amount of fun you will have while doing more Valtan raids and of course also for Vykas raids, on top of that we are all tired of doing Yoho at 1370, so let's go to do comfortable deskaluda.
You will be genuinely surprised with the results after doing some math that honing your alts to 1430 is actually much better and will make back your gold much faster than otherwise. We mean looking at the big picture we saw it coming but still usually 1415 was always a great spot, but in our version we lost your rare gold immediately, now meaning that you should push to 1430 basically.

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