If you are going to create a level 150 faith build in Elden Ring, we recommend this one that is a Dragon Cult Knight, it allows you to command the powers of the old dragons, smiting enemies cross your path. So let’s go over the details of this Elden Ring Best Faith Lightning Build, covering stats, weapons, incantations, talismans, buffs, and more.
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Elden Ring Best Faith Lightning Build Level 150 - Guide to Elden Ring Dragon Knight
This is a New Game Plus, late-game Elden Ring lightning build by Kimo Chaser, mainly focusing on Faith attribute and uses lots of Dragon Cult incantations to summon lightning damage. You can also run it before some of the most challenging encounters in the game.
Level 150 Faith Build Stats
- Starting class: Vagabond
- Vigor: 50
- Mind: 40
- Endurance: 16
- Strength: 14
- Dexterity: 13
- Intelligence: 9
- Faith: 80
- Arcane: 7
Best Weapons for Faith Lightning Build
- Gravel Stone Seal: a sacred seal in Elden Ring and good for casting lightning incantations. It increases the damage of the Dragon Cult Incantations by 15%. You can also stack another seal which leads roughly to a +32% lightning damage increase. It's also worth mentioning that at 80 faith, it still outperforms the Erdtree Seal. To get the Gravel Stone Seal, you need to make your way to Leyndell, Royal Capital and find a knight located next to the Fortified Manor. This Sacred Seal can be dual-wielded via NG+ to double the effect, if you are going to get the second one, you can either trade with your friend or start an NG+. You can also just use the Jellyfish Shield instead and buff yourself with contagious fury, increasing all your damage by 20%. You don't need to upgrade the second seal or the Jellyfish Shield to receive the full stacking damage increase.
- Blasphemous Blade: Bolt of Gransax is a melee weapon that has great lightning damage and range, but as a weapon that comes with lightning damage, it primarily scales with Strength and Dexterity, while Faith plays no role in affecting the lightning damage. So you can choose one of the amazing weapons in the game that scales directly with Faith, such as Blasphemous Blade or the Golden Order Greatsword, or whatever suits your play style more.
- Another great option is to use any normal weapon that can be buffed by Electrify Armament, like the Guardian's Swordspear. That's the only way in the game where you can add lightning damage to your weapon that scales directly with Incantation Scaling.
Best Incantations for Faith Lightning Build
Most of the incantations used for this build come from the Dragon Cult group. Check out the best Dragon Cult incantations for the Elden Ring lightning build.
- Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike: summons a red bolt of lightning that scatters and spreads around your character, dealing a massive amount of lightning damage to any enemy it comes across. Charging the spell does increase the travel distance and the frequency of which the lighting strikes. Actually, this incantation is not very useful as an AOE incantation, since the lightning bolt scatters, and can leave some enemies around you to get no harm, but when it is used against large enemies, it will become the best ST damage scaling option. The lightning bolt travels through your target, dealing its damage several times, and can potentially one-shot your target. To get this spell, you need to first find the Ancient Dragon Prayerbook in Crumbling Farum Azula close to the tempest-facing balcony grace location then turn it into Miriel, Pastor of Vows at the church of Vows. Then you can purchase the incantation with 10,000 Elden Ring Runes from him.
- Fortissax's Lightning Spear: has one of the best-looking casting animations in the game. In the air, it creates two fork shape lightning spears in each hand, stabbing the ground with one after another, dealing immense damage in the impact area and creating a trail of lightning with each spear that damages enemies in their path. Cast this spell on top of your target to max out its effect. To get the Fortissax's Lightning Spear, you need to obtain the Remembrance of the Lichdragon and trade it with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
- Lannseax's Glaive: summons a lightning glaive that strikes in a sweep motion, deals damage to enemies in a wide arc in front of you, and unleashes trails of lightning. The Glaive deals noticeably more damage to enemies in your melee range while dealing a moderate amount of damage to those far off. You can also rotate your character while in the air, choosing precisely where the glaive going to strike and making sure no enemy escapes your wrath. To obtain the Lannseax's Glaive, travel to the Rampartside Path grace location and make your way up the hill where you will encounter the Ancient Dragon Lansseax, defeating her will award you the incantation.
- Honed Bolt: when casting it, summons a bolt of lightning strikes your enemy from above. The initial cast of the honed bolt is slow, but every consecutive cast is very fast, it can be cast repeatedly. Not only you can use this incantation to overwhelm your enemy and deliver a great amount of damage in such a small period of time, but you can also use it to chain-cast other incantations in this build, speeding up their startup casting animation. It is such a great mechanic and game changer
- Lightning Spear: charging up Lightning Spear will not only give it more damage, but will also cause a small blast on impact, damaging any nearby enemy close to your target. It has a good range and fast cast speed. Along with Honed Bolt, you will be able to resolve all your minor and range conflicts. And since they are both very FP efficient, you wouldn't really feel the need to have a melee weapon equipped. You can learn Honed Bolt, Lightning Spear as well as Electrify Armament very early in the game, after obtaining the Dragon Cult Prayer Book and giving it over to Miriel at the church of Vows. It drops from a knight patrolling south of Liurnia of the Lakes.
Best Talismans for Faith Lightning Build
- Flock's Canvas Talisman: increases the potency of incantations by 8%.
- Lightning Scorpion Charm: boosts Lightning damage by 12%.
- Godfrey Icon: increases the damage to charged spells as well as weapon skills by 15%.
- Ritual Sword Talisman: raises attack power when your health is full.
- Radagon Icon: enhances your cast speed,m shortens the casting time of spells.
- Golden Vow: increases all your damage done by 15% while increasing damage negation by 10% in PvE.
- Howl of Shabriri: increases all your damage by 5% but comes with +30% increased damage taken from all sources penalty. so make sure your summon or a friend is tanking the boss.
- Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear: mixed with the Flask of Wondrous Physick for a 20% increase in lightning damage in PvE.