Is Morgott's Cursed Sword good in Elden Ring? How to build around it? Below we’ll take a look at an amazing endgame Elden Ring dexterity arcane build for Morgott's Cursed Sword, with equipment, stats, talismans, spells, strategy, and more.
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Best Dex/Arcane Build in Elden Ring - Elden Ring Morgott's Cursed Sword Build Guide
This Elden Ring arcane dex build by KhrazeGaming is based around Morgott's Cursed Sword, and a lot of buffed Elden Ring items and spells are used in this build. For this build, you can switch this Curved Greatsword to other weapons. If you're trying to do a bit of PVP, you can always use the Morgott sword, it definitely takes a lot of people by surprise.
Elden Ring Dex/Arcane Build Stats
In terms of stats, 40 arcane, this is going to be one of the primary stats for this Morgott's Cursed Sword build, the other one should be the dexterity, you will want it since you get a B scaling with the sword and on top of that, this is also the stat that scales the damage further on that weapon skills.
- Vigor 40
- Mind 23
- Endurance 32
- Strength 14
- Dexterity 63
- Intelligence 9
- Faith 15
- Arcane 40
Elden Ring Dex/Arcane Build Weapons
- Morgott's Cursed Sword: This build uses the Morgott's Cursed Sword as the core weapon, it got a nice buff on the unique scale in Patch 1.04, it’s much faster to use now and covers a pretty large area when you unleash the sweep attack with it, enemies that attack you from the sides and even from the back will get interrupted by the damage explosions. It is also amazing at interrupting enemies and eventually stunning them, essentially you do the charge followed by the sweep and finally, you can unleash a second attack, usually making enemies stunned or requiring one more hit before that happens.
- Dragon Communion Seal: It also has been nerfed in the recent update, with a high arcane build, it still gives the best incantation scaling to ensure that the incantations deal as much damage as possible.
Elden Ring Dex/Arcane Build Intalismans
- Shard of Alexander: it is pretty much the best in the slot for any build that relies on weapon skills,
- Fire Scorpion Charm: the skill on Morgott's Cursed Sword also has a fire component to it, it totally benefits from also adding a Fire Scorpion Charm, kind of behaves a little bit like the Bloodflame Blade, so it still qualifies as a flame kind of attack, even though the weapon itself doesn't feature any fire damage to speak of, so it gets another 12% damage boost.
- Radagon’s Soreseal: it greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
- Carian Filigreed Crest: this is going to reduce that mana consumption by 10 for the two combos with the weapon skill on the sword, you can totally replace that with a Lord of Blood’s Exultation if you want more damage.
Elden Ring Dex/Arcane Build Spells (Incantations)
We're making use of the Bloodflame Talons and Bloodboon both of which got a nice buff in 1.04, specifically following stuns, Bloodflame Talons is much faster to cast than using the sword and it also seems to stack bleed much faster in case, that's what you're looking for. The Bloodboon is really nice against large hitbox enemies, placing a number of fires on the ground which also further increases that blood buildup and creates even more damage.
For ranged enemies or enemies that are annoying from the distance, you can go with Swarm of Flies, it is decent at creating bloodlust, just implement a Dragon Communion incantation in the mix. it's going to benefit from the dragon communion seals, so then you can deal a lot more damage, you can pretty much have anything you want to, a Rotten Breath could still work early in the game, and kind of want to rely on that a little bit more or maybe a Borealis's Mist for implementing a little bit more frostbite into your build.
In terms of the pre-buffs that you apply before combat, obviously, since we have just 15 points into faith, this leaves room for adding a Flame Me Grant Strength in the mix, which will definitely benefit Morgott's swords both in terms of direct physical damage and also the subsequent wildfire explosion. If you're trying to also incorporate a Bloodboil Aromatic, it's going to override the Flame Me Grant Strength, so if you're going with this either choose one or the other, obviously the Bloodboil Aromatic will last for much longer, but you constantly need to farm it and also craft it, while the Flame Me Grant Strength, you can just cast it and forget about it though it will last much less than the Bloodboil Aromatic.
Build Strategy
Considering how Morgott's Cursed Sword goes, charge your character into the target, this is going to interrupt most of its attacks followed by the sweep, which is also an interrupt, and the explosions do the same thing. Most of the things you do with it will interrupt and eventually stun the target in about four hits. If you somehow get surrounded by enemies, it’s even better because you can just unleash a sweep, which pretty much covers almost half of a circle, and then you can always adjust your character and create the second one to fully encircle yourself in that damage, resulting in anything getting well blasted and interrupted in the processes against bosses. You do have to keep your distance when you are in trouble and your attacks also can be interrupted by an enemy, there are very few things that can actually bypass that compared to being attacked by normal enemies. So, look for openings or just wait for the enemy to land a powerful attack, this is going to give you enough time to follow up with an entire combo, this will stun them, even if it doesn’t, you can do a second combo, and there is the next opening, this is definitely going to do that, you can then follow up with whatever you want. You can obviously do a critical strike, but it's much more beneficial to just unleash either the sword or one of your other incantations since that's going to create the bloodlust as well.