In Elden Ring, Sleep is an awesome status, it lets you control the battlefield and allows you to set up for some pretty sneaky attacks. With these meta sleep builds we shared here, you could just chain sleep bosses with one attack and then repeatedly critical hit them in PvE, also actually completely destroying people in PvP. Now you might also be thinking but what about enemies that are a bit more resistant to sleep? Well, we'll get to them too, and these sleep builds really do prove no obstacle.
What is Sleep in Elden Ring?
Sleep in Elden Ring works much like other states in that it is inflicted with build up over time, you basically build up the sleep meter, and once it's filled, it'll trigger, and the enemy will fall asleep - they won't be able to attack or move, and if you then follow up with a sneak attack, you can crit for massive damage. There are three levels to sleep:
Level 1 - Completely and utterly knocked out you're unconscious for ages, and you're just waiting to be a critical hit
Level 2 - Where you don't go completely unconscious, you instead have a kind of no stagger which essentially translates as a two-second stun during which you can just get beat on
Level 3 - Completely immune this only applies to a very select group of enemies that would thematically be immune to sleep but it really doesn't affect this build at all because it still does ridiculous amounts of damage even without sleep is a factor.
Sword of St.Trina Sleep Build
Step one we need our source of sleep, we don't want to be spam crafting sleep bombs and throwing them, we don't want to be constantly using sleep arrows and carefully aiming that's not viable in you know actual toe-to-toe combat, we don't want to be using the torch because that's too slow and ineffective, so it really just leaves one option - the one sleep actual blade in the game and that is the Sword of St.Trina.
Features & Pros of Sword of St.Trina: Each of the attacks with this weapon will inflict sleep, this scales with intelligence strength, and dexterity with a requirement of 10 Strength, 12 Dex, and 14 Int, and it has sleep status buildup of 66. The weapon skill for this one is Mists of Slumber, it's a really cool Ash of War that is similar to Sacred Blade but instead, it sends out a cloud of sleeping mist. If the enemies stand in the mist, it of course begins the sleep build up. But not only that, it also buffs the weapon, do however keep in mind that if you get hit while the buff is active you will lose it, so you just want to make sure you perfect your roles avoid being hit or let your summon do the tanking for you.
How To Get It: If you want to get this one you need to fast travel to the Rockview Balcony Site of Grace in Caelid and below you will be a ruined site, inside the ruins there is a small tomb that requires a stone sword key to enter, go down the stairs, open the door and inside will be a chest with the sword.
Best Sword of St.Trina Build Setup
Vigor: 49
Mind: 15
Endurance: 20
Strength: 45
Dexterity: 65
Intelligence: 70
Faith: 10
Arcane: 10
Right Hand: Sword of St.Trina (Main Hand)
Left Hand: Sword of St.Trina
Head: All-Knowing Helm
Chest: Blackflame Monk Armor
Armor: Banished Knight Gauntlets
Legs: Banished Knight Greaves
Talisman 1: Shard of Alexander
Talisman 2: Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Talisman 3: Millicent's Prosthesis
Talisman 4: Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Quick Item 3: Mimic Tear Ashes
Quick Item 4: Flask of Wondrous Physick
Quick Item 6: Sleep Pot
Mists of Slumber
St Trina's Torch Sleep Build
Features & Pros of St Trina's Torch: Alternatively you have St Trina's Torch which is a really good offhand option if you want to inflict sleep though it isn't accessible until near the end of the game. The weapon skill on this one is Fires of Slumber where you blow the torch's flame to start spewing a purple fire which also looks super cool but will also inflict sleep on targets. This Ash of War can be tricky to land as you'll need to be close and we found it tends to be a little bit easier if you actually don't lock onto your targets. This scales with dexterity and faith and has a requirement of 10 strength, 10 dex and 14 faith, this also has a sleep status buildup of 72. It is worth noting that the sword scales with int while the torch scales with faith, so your build may influence your choice. Along with that, not every enemy in the game can be put to sleep, so these weapons can be pretty situational but they do work very well on the Godskin duo and the troll types of enemies. While St Trina's Torch Sleep Build is actually so meat in PvP!
How To Get St Trina's Torch: Fast travel to the Consecrated ground and head northeast until you see a caravan, on the back of the caravan will be a torch you won't be able to open the chest unless you stop the caravan, so one of the ways you can do this, of course, is by killing the trolls, once you've done that you can go and grab the torch.
Best St Trina's Torch Build Setup
Vigor: 60
Mind: 20
Endurance: 20
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Intelligence: 30
Faith: 30
Arcane: 9
Right Hand: St Trina's Torch (Main Hand), Torch (Off Hand)
Left Hand: Ghostflame Torch
Head: Duelist Helm
Chest: Gravekeeper Cloak
Arms: Champion Bracers
Legs: Duelist Greaves
Talisman 1: Fire Scorpion Charm
Talisman 2: Shard of Alexander
Talisman 3: Erdtree's Favor
Talisman 4: Crimson Amber Medallion
Quick Item 3: Mimic Tear Ashes
Quick Item 4: Flask of Wondrous Physick
Quick Item 6: Sleep Pot
Fire of Slumber
Ripple Crescent Halberd Sleep Build
Features & Pros of Ripple Crescent Halberd: This weapon scales completely with arcane and maxed out has an S-tier scale ranking. The weapon skill on this weapon is Spinning Slash which is really good, and even though you can't put Ashes of War on it, you still can put magic armaments on it. It requires 12 strength, 12 dexterity, and 20 arcane in order to wield and it weighs 8.5 units. In spite of this weapon not being a somber weapon, you are stuck with the skill being spinning slash. With the weapon, it will at its full upgrade have a physical base damage of 210 and an S scaling is where the majority of the damage on the weapon will come from, and it is also what makes this weapon so good.
How To Get Ripple Crescent Halberd - The weapon is dropped by the almanarix who wield it and there are a number of locations where you can try and farm one of them. Find a group of three albinotic frog men who wield it at the first ruin, just to the east of the fallen ruins of the lake site of grace in Leonier, the drop rate is pretty decent.
Best Ripple Crescent Halberd Build Setup
Vigor: 50
Mind: 13
Endurance: 30
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 20
Intelligence: 14
Faith: 15
Arcane: 76
Right Hand: Ripple Crescent Halberd (Main Hand), St Trina's Torch (Off Hand)
Left Hand: Ripple Crescent Halberd, Dragon Communion Seal
Head: Marais Mask
Chest: Noble's Traveling Garb
Armor: Twinned Gauntlets
Legs: Malenia's Greaves
Talisman 1: Glaw Talisman
Talisman 2: Ritual Sword Talisman
Talisman 3: Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
Talisman 4: Shard of Alexander
Quick Item 3: Flask of Wondrous Physick
Quick Item 5: Soporific Grease
Quick Item 6: Sleep Pot
Spinning Slash