In this Lost Ark Guide, let's walk through the Legion Kakul Saydon Phase 3 Raid by diving into the battle items & things to prepare, and the patterns and mechanics in the Mario game and other stages of the raid.
Things To Prepare For Kakul Saydon Phase 3
Battle Items:
Whirlwind Grenade - For a staggered gimmicks
Splendid Sacred Bomb - Cures party mate who got feared or stunned by the boss's pattern
Panacea - The boss does lots of attacks that burns, you the status conditions can be cured from clean skills or purify rune as well
Time Stop - Save you when you're in trouble
Swiftness Robe - Good for slow players in a specific gimmick that we will tell you later
Decide Who Go To Mario Games:
Another thing you have to prepare is you need to decide who will go to which Mario game, because in gate 3 all four people have to play a 2D paper game called Mario game. There are four Mario games: first, second, third, and fourth, the higher the number is the harder it is to play, one person can only do one Mario game. For the sidereal, all three can be used in a specific situation.
Kakul Saydon Phase 3 Stage 1 Major Gimmick - Mario Games Mechanics & Normal Patterns
When the raid starts, you will see Kakul Saydon which has 180 HP bar and you can see a medium gauge beneath your character just like in gate 1 and gate 2 guide. Unlike gate 1 and gate 2, in gate 3 there are some gimmicks when players need to fill up the gauge and turn into a clown. Let's go over the major gimmicks
1. 1st Mario Game & Rescue (155HP Bar)
Around 155 HP bar, the boss draws a magic circle on the field and the clown mob comes out that flame throwers the first Mario game player have to max up the gauge by getting hit by the flamethrower because, after around 10 seconds, a flame pillar comes out from the center for a few seconds.
The First Mario player has to go into the pillar as a clown, this is when that player goes into the first Mario game. If you get hit by the pillar, not as a clown, then you will most likely die. After the Mario gamer goes in, other people have to kill them all, make sure to throw the Q skill on the clown mod before you go in since it decreases the mob's armor. Also if the Mario player fails to go into the Mario game, that's a raid wipe.
Only one person can play one Mario game and if you try to enter other Mario games later on even after doing yours, you will die to the flame pillar. It's important to have at least half of the gauge before this magic circle appears since it is hard to max out the gauge in 10 seconds when you have under half gauge, there is a way to maintain half gauge. The boss regularly drops two balls that have mayhem aura, when you go into this aura, you will get your gauge filled up every second. The player who needs to fill up half of the gauge can touch the aura and fill it up. If that player is done with filling up players have to destroy the balls since they will explode after a certain amount of time.
Strategy for 1st Mario Game
In the Mario game, you will see a countdown starting from 1 minute, you can move your character with the left and right arrow keys, and Kakul can bonk the mobs or the balls. W is the jump key and G is the interaction key. In this stage, you can die by falling or by getting damaged by the mobs. The goal of the Mario game is to go all the way to the end of the map in time, but there's one important thing to know when the Mario game happens one random player on the outer side will have a specific colored mark above the character, you will have to let the Mario game player know the color of the mark because that mark is a curse.
And in the Mario game, you will see three different colors of balls, the Mario player has to bonk three of the identical colored balls before making it to the destination, failing to destroy three balls will kill the cursed player outside. If the Mario player doesn't make it to the destination in time, he will also get killed.
Outside Fight Gimmick for Other Players
There's another important gimmick that happens when the player is doing the Mario game, one random player on the other side will get caught in the coffin and as time goes by, a red saw will approach the coffin and guarantee to kill him. The goal of this gimmick is for the rest of the two players to approach Kakul-Saydon and stagger him which will free the player from the coffin. On the way to where he is, there will be a sauce moving around and if you get hit by it, then that's a guaranteed kill, and you will most likely restart the game if that happened since the stagger will most likely fail as well, which will kill the monster in the coffin as well.
If the Mario player dies in the Mario game failing on destroying the boss, up to 4 people can die in this whole gimmick; if no one dies, doing all these gimmicks then that's still clear.
2 - HP Reverse
The next major gaming is HP reverse, this gaming is done periodically and you can skip it if your party has a good DPS. The boss holds up his wand and applies debuff to several people that can be shown beneath the characters. After around 10 seconds player's current HP will be reversed, and you will lose the amount of HP that you had from the max. People who got this have to go to the edge of the map where the flame is, this flame will burn you every second and the only moment you want to reduce your HP is when you got this debuff. Reduce it to around 25 and wait until the curse ends, then you will get almost full HP. When this gaming happens twice, then the boss will attack for the number of clown stacks that the boss has which is the stack that he gets whenever the players turn into a clown. If he does the AOE attack 4-5 times that will wipe the raid. So you do not want to turn into a clown when it's not necessary.
3 - 2nd Mario game & Rescue (125HP Bar)
Around 125 HP bar, the boss draws a second magic circle, and the second Mario gamer should have his medium gauge prepared around half and take a flamethrower to turn into a clown.
Strategy for 2nd Mario Game
One thing you have to be careful of is that from the second to the fourth magic circle, there are hooks coming diagonally from the northwest or from northeast.
If you get hit by it, then you will be dragged all the way to the end of the map where the flame is.
If you're the Mario gamer and you got hooked, then that's most likely a wipe since no one will be in the Mario game, so dodge the hook and hop into the center by using the spacebar.
When you go into the second Mario game along with balls, mobs, and bombs, there will be flamethrowers and missiles, you should especially watch out for the missile because if you get hit by it, you get a lot of damage and stunned as well.
If there are mobs nearby, you will get one ball combo and most likely die. Jump the flamethrower in missiles and destroy the correct color balls, then finish the game.
Outside Fight Gimmick for Other Players
Meanwhile, when Mario player is doing the game the same thing will happen on the other side one person is trapped and two people have to approach the boss and stagger him. There will be lots of hooks moving on the way, so take your time and dodge the hooks. If you get hooked that's most likely a wipe since the stagger will most likely fail which will kill the person in the coffin.
4 - Show time (90HP Bar)
At the 90 HP bar, the boss moves to the center and starts to bombard areas after the cutscene. Two people will have the target, these people have to go to the outer side since a bomb that makes a flame puddle will fall after a few seconds.
The bombs will drop two times so four puddles in total, you will have to dodge all the yellow telegraph and the direction where the boss's gun is pointing at. We would recommend you to use Inanna when the bombardment starts since she will protect you from the attacks.
In the middle of the bombardment, a bomb will pop up in a random direction, all the players have to run to that side to make the boss shoot the bomb. If you fail to direct the boss to where the bomb is, the bomb will explode and that's a raid. The bomb will pop up two times and the second one will always pop up from the opposite side of the first bomb, make sure to dodge the shots using the spacebar when he starts to shoot the bomb.
After all the bombardment, all players should go to the edge of any direction and start to run to the same direction, because 4 targets will follow each of the players. Dodge the bombardments and keep your distance from the target since the target will instantly kill you if you get hit by it. For those who have slow movement speed, we would recommend using the swiftness rule - if all people survive until the target disappears that's clear.
5 - 3rd Mario game & Rescue (80HP Bar)
Around 80HP bar, the boss draws a third magic circle. The third Mario gamer should have half gauge prepared, dodge the hooks, and turn into a clown for the game.
Strategy for 3rd Mario Game
The third Mario will be much harder than the previous Mario's, it has two stages to be cleared and there will be lots of obstacles that will disturb you, so you can refer to that.
Outside Fight Gimmick for Other Players
Meanwhile, on the outer side, two players have to approach the boss to stagger there will be both saws and hooks on the way, dodge them and stagger the balls.
6 - 4th Mario game & Rescue (55HP HP Bar)
Around 55 HP Bar, the boss draws the fourth magic circle. The fourth Mario gamer should have half gauge prepared, dodge the hooks, and turn into a clown for the game.
Strategy for 4th Mario Game
The fourth Mario will have the wide stage of having dimensions between 2d and 3d, there will be four identical color balls and you just have to destroy three of them. The first thing you have to do is to spot all three correct color balls from the start, dodge the obstacles, destroy all the balls, and get to the destination.
Outside Fight Gimmick for Other Players
Meanwhile, on the other side, two players have to approach the boss to stagger. There will be saws and hooks on the way, if you reach where the boss is you will see two levers, one above the boss and one below the boss. These levers should be pulled to stagger the boss, even failing a single lever will not allow you to stagger. Players should touch the lever each, if they do then you have to do the keyboard pattern and press the G key to pull the lever, make sure both of the levers are pulled, then stagger the boss to save the player in the coffin. If you didn't use Inanna on the 90 HP bar and if one person is dead or hooked, you can stagger the boss by using Whey after pulling only one lever.
Kakul-Saydon Phase 3 Stage 1 Normal Patterns
Most of the normal patterns are the same or similar to gate 1, so we will go over the new ones:
Laser - The boss swipes the laser on the front in a clone shape that fears the players, you can use the sacred bomb on the player who got feared.
Thunderstrike - The boss disappears and strikes a thunder with the cross attack that shocks you, he does this three times in a row and at the end, he will do a large AoE attack.
Kakul-Saydon Phase 3 Stage 2 Major Gimmicks - Final Stage Patterns & Mechanics
1- Bingo (77 HP - 0 HP)
When you take down the boss in gate 3 then that's not clear, he will drag the players into the new stage having a 77 HP bar, and you will have a full gauge of side ethereal. If your party wipes in this stage, you have to start all over from gate 3. In this stage, you can see the 5 times 5 tiles on the field and the main gaming is to make a bingo:
You will see two white skull tiles on the random position, over time, a random player will be assigned a bomb.
After a few seconds, a bomb will drop on where the player was, this bomb will create a white skull-shaped tile in a cross. If the white skull tile was already in the range of the bomb, the skull will disappear.
For every third of the bomb, he will charge an attack that will wipe the whole raid to avoid the wipe, you have to make one line of bingo exactly on the third bomb because completing a bingo gives the party invincibility from any attacks including the white attack for a few seconds. Also, the boss will lose 10 HP bar if the party survives the gimmick.
If you fail on making bingo, you will have one time of avoiding the wipe gimmick by using Inanna, she will protect all players in the range from the gimmick. So idealistically you want to succeed early bingos and keep sidereal for later on since there's a bigger chance to fail the bingo when the field gets smaller.
If the boss's HP is under the 10 HP bar, you can use Linave instead to finish him.
Once you make the bingo that line will turn into the red skull, red skull tiles will remain permanently and they cannot be removed from the bomb. Also if you stand on either white or red skull tile, then that will damage you with the massive amount of gauge, you do not want that to happen since turning into a clown doesn't help at all in this stage, therefore you want to make bingo starting from the outer side to DPS the boss easily.
If you repeat the bingo several times until his HP hits zero that will be the whole raid clear.
Kakul-Saydon Phase 3 Stage 2 Normal Patterns
Lastly, let's go over the new normal patterns in this stage:
Meduza - The boss teleports and shows back to the players, then he will turn around with medusa that will fear all the players who looked at him, turn around until he does that.
Hammer - Two hammers will periodically swipe a random line after showing the telegraph, stay away from that line since it will kill all the players on the way.

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