For players who have not reached the item level 1415 and 1430 or someone who is gearing up their multiple characters, let’s take a quick look at the routes and tips for fast Lost Ark 1415 and 1430 honing.
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Lost Ark 1415 Honing Cheese - Best Way to Get to 1415 Fast in Lost Ark
How to reach item level 1415 fast in Lost Ark? After the July update, there are more events and raids available in the game, you can probably find new strategies for speeding up the honing process. It would be helpful with the event on how to use certain books and stuff like that to actually get your character up to 1415.
The honing route that ApplesTooNasty used to get to 1415 in Lost Ark is out of the normal, that is +15 weapon/+17 gloves/+12 pants/+12 chestpiece/+16 shoulderpiece/+12 headpiece, which should be easier with the use of event books and probably save some Lost Ark gold coins. The event book like Book of Growth: Armor gives you a +20% honing chance, while regular books only give you a +10% honing success rate. You can get the event books from Hyper Express by picking a character and getting
Just to do your weapons, if you don’t have any of the materials, hit Gear Honing and get one of those books with all the other upgrading material that you can use with it, it usually reaches around 50, which is a way better odds than 25. Give +15 because you can’t use that after +15, when you hit 1445, you have to get everything +17, that’s like the most cost-efficient way to get to 1445. If you are leveling up your character to 1415 for the first time, you could go your weapon +15 because you’ll probably have the mats to do it, then go to +17 on the gloves and +16 on the shoulder piece because, at the end of the day, you're gonna have to get everything at +17. It would just be easier just to knock out the weapon because you have the materials already, it's the most success rate that you'll probably have.
Lost Ark 1430 Honing Cheese - Best Way to Get to 1430 Fast in Lost Ark
Once you gear up to 1415, how to get from 1415 to 1430 in Lost Ark fast? The way ApplesTooNasty uses is probably not the optimal strategy, but it is easy and quick.
The honing route for 1415 was plus 12 on pants, plus 12 on chest, plus 12 on the head, plus 16 on shoulders, plus 17 on gloves, and plus 15 on a weapon, the only thing you need to do is upgrade this to 17, upgrade two pieces of 16 and get one piece to 15. So that is +17 shoulder, +16 pants, +16 chest, +15 head, +17 gloves, +15 weapon.
Those books from the Hyper Express event give 20 until plus 15, if you can, try to get your weapon to +15 as fast as possible with the most material you have, because of the Hyper Express, you should be able to get a weapon +15, then you should be able to get everything to +15 with so much material, once you hit everything +15, get your shoulders to +17 and get two pieces of gear to hit +16, choose random two, you are usually damage type classes, so it doesn’t matter.

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