We have a good great axe build, this is thanks to the Buffs to Great axes in 1.06 in Elden Ring, and the insane National War waves of Darkness being fixed in 1.05, we've been able to combine these two into something very special.
How to Make this Build Work
Basically, we picked what we think is the best great axe to run with weapon Buffs, this is the Crescent Moon axe, it has these colossal style slams that are made even faster in 1.04, and the semi-unique heavy attack combo which we basically just see on Axe of Godrick and we also have other best Elden Ring items for you, otherwise, so we're very happy to have this on another weapon we can enhance that with the charge attack talismans, and the physics for even more damage, and on top of all of that we've learned recently how effective the blood flame blade buff is on ashes of war, a range Dash and War actually have bleed build up which is amazing, but of course it still works on melee ashes too, we take what is a good AR axe with a newly improved attack speed buff a really cool moveset surprising range and we enhance it with bleed and what could be as argued as one of the strongest ashes in the game, so the least then this is an incredibly fun and cool build, we're very happy with it before props to Josh were picking this weapon and combining it with waves of Darkness to make this so insane.
Attributes & Stats at Level 150
Strength: 50
Intelligence: 9
Arcane: 12
Equipment of the Build
Let's go over the build itself a quick explanation of how this works and why we're using what we are.
Right Hand Armament: Quality Crescent Moon Axe
Left Hand Armament: Dragon Communion Seal
Helm: White Mask
Chest Armor: Spellblade's Traveling Attire
Arms: Spellblade's Gloves
Leg Armor: Spellblade's Trousers
Shard of Alexander
Lord of Blood's Exultation
Axe Talisman
Tear: Spiked Cracked Tear
Golden Vow
Bloodflame Blade
About PVP Build
Let's get into the gameplay though and talk about it starting with the PVP, and we'll go straight into the meat of the build, the ash of War waves of Darkness, because Jesus is strong, it's a three-part attack in which the initial slam has hyper armor to protect you, then you got the follow-up waves that blast out from the original location multiple times and then after that there's a unique follow-up attack where you use a heavy attack, and it'll do this unique swing a good range with good damage, on top of all of it basically trading with his Ash war is not just a mistake, but likely instant death, so plainly this is outrageously strong and with that armor to secure its massive threat in trading, it's not something too hard to land, it could be one of the strongest ashes of war in terms of output per single use in PvP, now trying to slide this in suddenly during a trade when they're not expecting it seems to be the best way to land it and again it does so much damage it's likely going to one shot you could also just drop it and let the waves spread while fighting normally and benefiting from that and thanks to the blood flame buff, the waves themselves will also deal bleed build up making them somehow even more deadly, but what about the axe itself, the new attack speed leads to Great trading possibilities with even just the basic attacks, you can get an attack off and then evade even faster or combo into further attacks to trade and catch people out, the range of the great axe itself is, surprisingly good because of how long of a weapon it is seems to clip people when they're not expecting it, then there's the more unique heavy attack which we showed that two-hit combo which is very heavy hitting, the issue with this it's cooler than animation it is, it's not really likely to land in PvP especially a fully charged one that takes a while, it's more likely that in the middle of a combo you'll throw out say a fast charged heavy, but a major upside to the great X are the two fantastic running attacks, the running light attack comes out quick and makes for a great roll catch generally, but also the running heavy is the same thing it's also good for that, the heavy is going to deal more damage, but it's a bit slower and that's a really good thing it means we can play a bitter mind games with our running attacks and the roll timings, if they early roll you could use the slower heavy to clip them mixing up with the running light and the heavy where needed which is so nice to have because they've got both really good range, really good damage, and they're both fantastic roll catches that you can mix up to try the different timings, I'm really happy with this in PvP, the basic damage is shockingly good with the really strong running light and Heavies and the insanely huge damage Ash of War, things are Powerhouse and you've got a lot of great options, there is a downside to the Asher War though it's very expensive on stamina, if you do catch someone you want to have the stamina to follow up with that heavy to actually finish them off, it's so sad when he could have killed someone and he just couldn't because you didn't have the stamina.
About PVE Build
Now we should talk a bit about the PVE where this weapon is just stupid, we have fire damage we have bleed, we have hyper armor,we have a massive burst potential because of it, just the ash of war spamming that and its follow-up attack, that's going to be insane it's always going to be huge damage even if yeah the animation takes a while, the hyper armor is going to make it work much like I mentioned for PVP, the waves have a bit arranged to them and they also do bleed build up which is very likely to hit the waves of the ash can work great for spacing or even DPS because you could just drop the wave and then start doing a normal combo or maybe multiple Heavies while the waves go off and also trigger the bleed, when that happens, it's going to keep your AR High thanks to the helmet Talisman, but you shouldn't sleep on the heavy attack outside of the ash, they do massive damage and we're enhancing them in two ways, as a two-part combo you can get off even more damage if you get both off, if you can land them at one after another, and this can also lead to staggers to those sweet critical attacks which is worth fishing for, overall, our PVE DPS is outrageously good, whether it's the ash, whether it's the heavy combos or even the basics or combinations of all of it, this is really fun to play if the enemy is weak to fire as many are, it's only going to be better, some enemies have unique weaknesses to fire as well with animations that deal bonus damage or even stun them, it's a very strong element, this is just a really strong PVE build.