Now let’s get into an overview of the best Elden Ring Arcane build 1.06 that centered around the bloodborne hunter theme, and features weapons, gear, spells, talisman, stats, and tips.
Elden Ring 1.06 Arcane Build - Best Elden Ring Bloodborne Hunter Build
This Elden Ring hunter build by NorZZa comes straight out of Bloodborne, if you are looking for more of a fully theme build rather than maxing or using the best setup, you should not miss this one. With this New Game Plus Arcane build in Elden Ring 1.06, you’ll have a crossbow for ranged options, both a slower more heavy-hitting weapon and a faster-hitting weapon, there are tons of flexibility and all of those fit the hunter theme well.
Gear & Weapons
- Scythe & Pulley Crossbow: For this build, two primary weapons are the Pulley Crossbow in offhand and a Scythe in the main hand, this gives you a ranged crossbow and a close-range option. You don't need to use a shield because there are no shields in bloodborne, something like the Scythe fits a little bit better and gets that kind of combat flow working a bit more, use the Scythe with the Phantom Slash Ash of War and this triggers a phantom that slashes before zooming yourself forward to slash as well, you can also perform another attack after this with additional input. This Ash of War is fantastic at closing the distance after you've used the crossbow for a ranged attack, so you can get some crossbow bolts off and then pop this and close that distance and deal really good damage to enemies with this attack and just with the Scythe. In general, the Scythe does do blood loss build up and if you put the Occult variant on it, it does scale with Arcane much better than if you just put blood on it, the Scythe is a solid weapon and with the Phantom Slash on it, you can really get that blood loss off on targets and benefit from that effect
- Burred Bolt: The next weapon used here is Burred Bolt, it does blood loss build up, you can purchase this from the Imprisoned Merchant near Mohgwyn Palace, and if you do go down there, he hasn't an unlimited amount of these, you can spend all of your ER runes on it, you could just use any normal bolts as well, you don't have to use these, but it just fits the kind of the theme of this build.
- Dragon Communion Seal is a Sacred Seal that scales with arcane perfectly, and it does require virtually no faith, it is used for the incantations in this build.
- Mantis Blade, this weapon has a unique R2 on it, which can unfold the blade, and you can change your weapon forms, it fits that theme and is really good for quicker enemies where the Scythe is too slow or you are in really close quarters, it is valuable for those situations. So you can switch to that and get some quick attacks off and being a curved weapon, it also has great animations to use. Put the Blood Blade Ash of War on it due to the little bit of range damage you can do, the blood variant can add blood loss to the weapon.
In terms of other gear, use the Traveler’s Hat and the Night’s Cavalry set for the rest of that gear the blood that's kind of on that set definitely gives you that Hunter vibe, you could wear whatever armor you like.
What are the best spells for this arcane build? You can primarily use beast incantations, as you can get most of these best incantations with 15 faith, the first is Bestial Vitality for a little bit of HP regen, and you can use the other Bestial incantations like Bestial Sling (pocket sand), and the Stone of Gurranq for the odd occasion where if you run out of bolts or you don't want to waste bolts on just the trash enemies. Flame Grant Me Strength can be used if you need extra damage, it increases the physical damage.
Stats & Attributes (Level 184)
Obviously, the primary attribute is arcane and the secondary is dexterity, a little strength for weapons, you can drop higher endurance than the mind, and 15 faith for spells.
- Arcane 74
- Faith 15
- Intelligence 14
- Dexterity: 30
- Strength: 30
- Endurance 25
- Mind 25
- Vigor 40
Lord of Blood’s Exultation will increase damage when blood loss is around, Godskin Swaddling Cloth helps when you have successive hits you get HP back and that fits perfectly with that bloodboard build, but it just doesn't trigger enough with the Scythe, you don't do enough of those consecutive hits fast enough to get that to trigger as often, so you can switch that out for the Taker’s Cameo, when you kill an enemy you get HP back. Then the Shard of Alexander increases the damage of Ash of wars that we're using, and lastly, the Arrow’s Sting Talisman increases the bolt damage for our crossbow.
Lord of Blood’s Exultation
Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Taker’s Cameo
Shard of Alexander
Arrow’s Sting Talisman
Build Combat & Gameplay Tips
You'll start combat especially boss encounters with the Beastial Vitality, Flame Grant me Strength for the extra damage as well as that HP regen, you'll enter the fight and use the Pulley Crossbow from range most likely using your Burred Bolt for that blood loss build up and trying to get that effect triggered on the enemies, if it does trigger, you get that extra attack power and then you can close that distance with the Phantom Slash and deal damage from that and just start slashing away, in some cases because of the stagger on Phantom Slash you can just keep spamming it and kill them and it works out fine, but in some situations enemies are a bit faster or a bit more versatile, you won't be able to get that attack off very quickly or often because of the slightly slow wind-up, but if you're creating that distance with the crossbow and then triggering the effect you usually work out that balance and get that flow nice, the Mantis blade is there if the Scythe is too slow and you can use blood blade
This bloodborne need a little bit of time to get used to because it uses relatively slow weapon with a crossbow, but once you get the flow going, it's definitely a lot of fun and you can use those incantations when you're out of bolts or in just general situations where you want to throw pocket sand at people, there's always a good time to throw pocket sand, it's just such a good attack that is a good AOE in front of you deals good damage, any build that can fit this into it.