Today we're going to be going over the Diablo 2 Resurrected Fury Druid for patch 2.5 ladder season 2. So this includes the sunder charms and the terror zones. This build might not focus so much on those things, but we'll cover them, we explain the terror zones farming areas, attributes, skills, gear options, gameplay tips and more about the best D2R 2.5 ladder 2 starter build for Fury Druid. Let's get into it!
D2R Ladder Season 2 Fury Druid Build Guide - Best Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 Starter Build Fury Druid
The Fury Druid is a D-tier build, however, it can be played in group and solo play. It's also pretty good for Ubers and at key farming, it is just a little bit slow and it has some clunkiness to it which brings it down to the D tier. This fury druid build guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 2 patch 2.5 does assume you are level 75 or higher, it also does require a bit of a budget as starting Fury with no gear or anything is pretty rough. With that out of the way, the main skills we're going to be using are Fury and Feral Rage, can't forget about werewolf because that allows us to turn into werewolf form and we have Heart of Wolverine which gives us a nice boost to our attack rating and to our damage. This build is very key, it also steals a lot of life through feral rage, it also has strong summons such as the Heart of Wolverine or you can use an Oak Sage for life and that has big single Target damage. Unfortunately, it only is big single target damage. It requires a lot of gear, so it really only excels in the end game and it's best in slot items can be pretty expensive and it's also limited actions in shape-shift form such as being able to teleport.
Sunder Charm Setup
Onto the Sunder charm changes, using bone break which allows us to fight any monster in the game and brings their monsters physical resistance down to 95%. In order to optimize this even further, using amplified damage or decrepify coming from Atma's Scarab or Reaper's Toll. Even in some situations, you could even put Reaper's tool on yourself but we're going to be using it for the mercenary. In order to counteract the negative effect of bone break as long as we get a good roll, we can just use a string of ears. For the gear, using Grief, Guillaume's Face, Fortitude, Laying of Hands, duel each ring with resin strength and attack rating.
Guillaume's Face

Required Level: 34
Required Strength: 115
Durability: 40
+120% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
15% Deadly Strike
35% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15 To Strength
Terror Zones
Because this ability does not have a huge amount of mobility, the terror zones that we're going to be looking for the most are going to be quick access.
The best terror zone areas to farm are:
Travincal: Quick access, council members
Frigid Highlands: No immunities, quick access, eldritch
Nihlathak's Temple ONLY: No immunities, quick access, pindleskin
Pit: No Immunities, many elite groups
Tristram: No immunities, quick access, many elite groups
The worst terror zone areas to farm are:
The Tower Cellar: Trash mobility, immunities
Arcane Sanctuary: Trash mobility, immunities
Blood Moor + Den of Evil: Low density, few elite groups
Burial Grounds + Crypt + Mausoleum: Low density, few elite groups, trash mobility, slow access
Act 3 Sewers: Low density, trash mobility, few elite groups, high physical damage
Maxing them out in the following order:
Feral Rage
Heart of Wolverine
Put 1 Point into each of the following skills:
Oak Sage
Summon Spirit Wolf
Summon Dire Wolf
Summon Grizzly
Stats & Attributes
The build variants can require a different stat point allocation, however, we're going to be putting enough points into strength and dexterity to wear our gear with the remaining going into vitality. Energy isn't really required because any source of Mana steel should sustain us at 100%.
Gear Options
For the Fury Druid build gear options, the ones that are in teal are the most important. Attack speed is easily the most important, but also enhanced damage and damage plus X such as grief and ignore target's defense to be able to hit your targets that are not Elites every single time. For the offhand, either more damage or blocking is really important as well as the resistances. Prime examples of this would be storm shield and Phoenix. Other than that, you just want to focus on resistances, damage reduction, faster hit recovery, plus the skills, lifesteal and Mana Steal on various pieces of gear to be able to crush the enemy.
Farming Spots
Because we are a physical build, we can farm a lot of areas, it just does take a minute due to the lack of mobility.
Act 1:
The Countess
The Pit
Act 2:
Stony Tomb
Act 3:
Arachnid Lair
Act 4:
City of the Damned
River of Flame
Chaos Sanctuary
Act 5:
Eldritch the Rectifier
Shenk the Overseer
Worldstone Keep / Throne of Destruction
Baal / Waves
Using a might Reaper's Toll, this is going to add significant amounts of damage and it's going to even help with sunder charms and increase our damage to fizz immunes, make sure we equip him with the fortitude armor or some type of survivability and then Andariel's Visage to counter the negative fire resist.
Ladder 2 Fury Druid Build Gameplay Tips & Play Style
In combat, just make sure your feral rage is fully charged, this will allow you to get more fast run walk, lifesteal and attack rating bonuses. Basically, just make the red ball around you as big as you possibly can and keep it up at all times. Fury is going to be great for our main source of damage as it does great single target and it's going to absolutely destroy anything nearby. You can use summon grizzly or any of the other summons to take some of the heat off of you if you're in a nasty situation, and then make sure you keep up your Heart of the Oak and Oak Sage, they have very low HP, so make sure you keep casting them when they're down.
For immunities, Reaper's Toll with decrepify is really good you, can use an act 5 mercenary with a lawbringer if that's something you also want to choose. Bone break breaks all physical immunities and then bone break brings them all down to 95 physical resistances, you gotta make sure you pair this with amplified damage or decrep otherwise they're still pretty much immune. Doing 5% damage isn't a whole lot, if you have a CTA, make sure you cast this on you and your summons before you switch into werewolf form and make sure you cast this on Heart of the Wolverine just to give it a little extra something.
For the break points, try to hit 86 fhr, 42 though is probably required, anything lower than that and when you get hit into hit recovery, you are turned into a turtle.
Focus on tanking up and having max block. To do this, do some simple item changes, use a Rhyme shield in the budget version. In the mid-tier version, Gerke’s Sanctuary is good, but ultimately you want to hit Stormshield. Stormshield is very good for that physical damage reduction receiving up to 35%.
Budget & Starter
For the budget variant, this isn't a starter variant because you want to have a little bit of gear, so using an Oath, Oath is going to give us a great amount of damage and attack speed, you definitely want to make sure that this isn't an ethereal base, otherwise you'll be missing out on that stat line that says indestructible. We're going to be using wisdom because it's fairly cheap and it gives you cannot be brozen as well as a great source of mana steal. Angelic is definitely something that you would want to use, if you can use two of them if you're missing a lot, that'll give you even more attack rating otherwise just use some resistances and some hit recovery on various pieces of gear. On swap, using harmony to move around a little bit faster just because that mobility issue. Just remember you should focus on increased attack speed, faster unlock, resistances life and attack rating as well as hit recovery and cannot be frozen for this build, so it does require a little bit the rest is actually a really good item.
For the mercenary, using Insight, a smoke and a tal rasha's helmet. For the start variant, maxing out werewolf, lycanthropy, feral rage, fury and oak sage instead of heart of the wolverine just for the extra survivability in the early game.
Standard Gear
For the standard gear, using grief, g-face, fortitude, phoenix, high lord, gore riders, raven frost, string of ears, dual leech Rez attack rating ring, laying of hands for that 350 enhanced damage to demons and then max damage charms with some hit recovery as well. Shape-shifting can also work here if you don't have sharp grand charms but this does end up being more damage. The shape-shifting also gives you a bit more survivability if you're in need with that. On swap, use CTA and spirit. 42 and 86% are important, damage is important, increased attack speed, life and mana steal so that way you can just keep holding left click, resistances. So you don't fall over and then just wear a grief and if you want to use a bone break, you can just swap it out for one of your charms.
Uber Variant
On the Uber's variant, use a ribcracker that is upped to give us a bunch of crushing blow and attack speed as well as hit recovery. This slaps pretty hard and it makes a great clunking sound when you're using it, which allows for the resistance, hit recovery, bonus attack rating and skills, treachery for that attack speed and fade proc, angelics, so you can hit something. Use Bone Break instead of Sharp Grand Charm of Vita to enable farming of any monster.
Damage Variant
For the damage setup, using the exact same thing as the standard. But the major thing that changes is that we're going to go in with brand and what brand does is it gives you a 35% chance of casting level 14 amplify which allows you to do even more damage. So this is another option as well, you can even use a pride mercenary for that concentration Aura.

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