The recently launched 1.07 update implemented major buffs to a bunch of weapons, which will affect the abilities and powers of these items. Today we are going to go over a new Elden Ring weapon tier list 1.07 to find out the best weapons with buffs.
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Elden Ring Best Weapons 1.07 - New Weapon Tier List After Patch 1.07 in Elden Ring
Below is the Youwy’s tier list of Elden Ring weapons with a unique Ash of War, they have been buffed in the recent patch, so it only includes part of weapons in the entire game, you can first consider the best 1.07 weapons ranked in the S-tier and A-tier.
S-tier: Blasphemous Blade, Serpent-Hunter, Bloody Helice, Dark Moon Greatsword, Marais Executioner's Sword, Eleonora's Poleblade, Regalia of Eochaid, Loretta's War Sickle, Magma Wyrm's Scalesword, Rivers of Blood
- Blasphemous Blade: Patch 1.07 added hit detection to its weapon, not doesn't really change much, it's still an S-tier weapon that you can actually do more damage if you hit with the weapon.
- Serpent-Hunter: this one has an increase in Poise damage and actual total damage as well, it went from an S tier to an S tier in Elden Ring 1.07. The good thing about this one is that the crouching attacks are exactly the same as the Colossal crouching attacks, but they didn't actually get nerfed, so if you still want to spam crouching attacks, pick yourself up this one, which is a great choice for strength builds. It does more damage, you'll probably one shot a lot better and in PVE, the posture damage is definitely noticeable when you actually pretty much stagger even the largest enemies in one combo, although it does consume a little bit too much FP. It has probably one of the best movesets in the entire game.
- Dark Moon Greatsword: Moonlight Greatsword reduced stamina consumption for strong and charge attacks, and added damage detection to the weapon plot, which is nice, they consume less stamina means you can expand them more often, and the acceleration got buffed to where the ash is faster and does more damage and has more Poise damage as well.
- Marais Executioner's Sword: both Marais and Regalia of Eochaid have been buffed to where they have the reduced delay animations of various attacks, it's not really that big of a difference. The moveset is pretty decent. They are both put in the S tier, you can melt bosses with them.
A-tier: Ordovis's Greatsword, Black Knife, Sword of Night and Flame, Ornamental Straight Sword, Dragonscale Blade, Halo Scythe, Helphen's Steeple, Death Ritual Spear, Dragon King's Cragblade, Gargoyle's Blackblade
- Ordovis's Greatsword: it is a very solid weapon and really good in PvP in terms of roll catching as well in PvE, it does stagger enemies nicely and has good poise during its animation.
- Black Knife: the Blade of Death gets an increased duration effect of the reduced maximum HP this one's still an 80-rated weapon, it's even more annoying in PvP.
- Sword of Night and Flame: got increased damage, and now you can actually control where it goes, actually insane, it still consumes way too much FP. It is not as good as it used to be when the game first got released, but it still does a very nice amount of damage, there are not many options that you can get with faith and intelligence build and they did buff a lot of their spells for faith in the type of builds, but they're still not as good as this going into all faith or intelligence, the weapon itself is very nice, it's pretty much useless on PVP though, you're not gonna hit with any of it.
- Halo Scythe: similar to Blasphemous Blade, if you hit with this weapon and just do more damage, it is a projectile attack that's gonna have more ranges, for holy damage you can't really get that high, but it does have nice range, it does have nice posture damage and stagger damage as well, it has a good moveset that's not really good in PvP.
- Helphen's Steeple: got buffed to where the increased duration of the Ash of War and more Poise damage with the effect and short on the time between various actions, also reduce the time between those skill activation and being able to perform actions.
- Death Ritual Spear: get increased damage and also reduced damage detection time, it's pretty good at clear and it does a pretty nice amount of damage.
- Dragon King's Cragblade: its Ash of War has better tracking now, although the hit detection is still a pretty ass, sometimes you feel like you should be hitting something that, it just doesn't work, but the better control is still nice, it is a heavy thrusting sword, so the moves that's going to be supreme, and with decent damage, decent scaling, it's gonna be an A-tier weapon in Elden Ring 1.07. It can’t be put in S-tier because it does consume too much FP and the detection issues are very annoying against smaller enemies
B-tier: Zamor Curved Sword, Maliketh's Black Blade, Glintstone Kris, Grafted Blade Greatsword, Royal Greatsword, Reduvia, Bastard's Stars, Cleanrot Spear, Beastclaw Greathammer, Axe of Godfrey, Onyx Lord's Greatsword, Alabaster Lord's Sword, Ringed Finger, Golden Epitaph, Eclipse Shotel, Stormhawk Axe, Devourer's Scepter, Cipher Pata
- Maliketh's Black Blade: Destined Death now also has that same effect where it increases the effect of the reduced to maximum HP, the animation is quicker, but colossal swords got nerfed. The move set is very slow but the ash is very nice to use is a lot quicker, it does holy damage and is still not that good in PVE, and the time you get it is actually at the end game.
- Glintstone Kris: gets a change to Glintstone Dart that it travels further, does more damage, and is quicker now, it has increased range and speed now is actually pretty decent, and for how much damage that does, for how quickly that it can be, cost and how far that actually does travel, this is not that bad.
- Royal Greatsword: its Ash of War has changed and it gets increased poise during animation, but it didn't really need it much, this one's actually going to go down to like a B ranking.
- Reduvia: increased damage and an added weapon detection to the weapon itself, although you're really not gonna hit with it being that has abysmal range, but it's pretty decent enough, it's still going to be really good at an early game damage does fall off towards better end game, but it kind of makes up for it with a buff.
- Bastard's Stars: it's probably the best flail in Elden Ring and Nebula got increased as well, the ash is still very nice because there's a decent amount of damage, it does stagger very nicely and it does a considerable a decent amount of posture damage.
- Cleanrot Spear: gets buffed to increase attack power, however, it is just wholly damaged, so it's not could really be that decent, it does need a speed animation.
- Beastclaw Greathammer: it did also get a damage buff, it has nice scaling and nice damage overall, so the Regal Beastclaw does do more damage as well, it will do that nice grounding attack and base animation is nice, it is a decent weapon.
- Axe of Godfrey: extended duration effect and reduce the time between strong attacks, so when you have it non-charged, the attacks do come out pretty quick, so it has a pretty cool moveset fully charged, but it's still very slow and the ash of war animation itself is still pretty long.
- Alabaster Lord's Sword: this one did get buffed to its actual word, it does decent overall damage, they're pretty nice in terms of AOE damage and it's hitting a group of enemies at once, but it's very slow, it's not really that great.
- Onyx Lord's Greatsword: increased repelling effect power against the same thing and increased Poise damage as well.
C tier: Staff of the Avatar, Cranial Vessel Candlestand, Envoy's Greathorn, Scepter of the All-Knowing, Marika's Hammer, Family Heads
- Staff of the Avatar: this is not that great because it doesn't actually scale off the weapon itself, it's kind of counterintuitive with a large weapon like this, but it is still decent and it's only going to be used in PvE.
- Cranial Vessel Candlestand: this one got a recent change towards Ash of War, it does more damage, but the ash is still very slow, and the hit detection is bad, it needs to have a larger AOE, it just hits like a 360-degree radius and it’s very hard to hit a singular target and do a bulk of the damage to that, on the other hand, it has a pretty high AR, so it is put in the C-tier.
- Envoy's Greathorn: extended the amount of time that the large bubble stays in place and the tracking has been improved as well, but it is still terrible, you can't really use it at close distance at all and it is still very slow and consumes way too much FP.
- Scepter of the All-Knowing: this one got a change to its effect time and its debuff that it does get with its weapon skill, they take 10 more damage to Holy and Magic when you do hit someone with this thing, it has a pretty decent range as well, it actually needs to get like an increase into the amount and not really just the effect time, it needs to not just last a bit longer, but need to do more damage, with the weapon itself, it's pretty trash scaling, doesn't do the greatest amount of damage, has nice range though.
- Marika's Hammer: it does more damage towards Ash of War as well, but that didn't change hammers at all. It needs to get an incomplete overhaul and change, no matter how much damage it does, it’s very hard to hit with it and it consumes way too much FP.
D-tier: Winged Greathorn, Rosus' Axe
- Winged Greathorn: its Ash of War now has increased effect time for when it debuffs enemies, so when you hit someone with that, there's like a 30 decrease to their defenses. However, it needs to get changed like colossal weapons.
- Rosus' Axe: this one summons the skeletons and the change to it is increased motion speed, it still sucks, it's a D-tier weapon.