A new Elden Ring Reduvia Blood Blade build guide in patch 1.08, daggers and Double Daggers have been made very scary, especially, when you consider bleed potential with an attack combo that is that ludicrously fast.
Reduvia Blood Blade Changes in Elden Ring Patch 1.08
In 1.08, they have made the dagger moveset faster and more than that they've increased the range and reduced the recovery time which is outrageous, when we're thinking of what daggers to use to try this with reduvia came straight to mind, because this dagger was specifically buffed in the previous patch in 1.07, the Asha War has been improved with more attack power and damage detection on the weapon part of the attack, so when we use this, we're able to hit with both the dagger and the ash at the same time causing double damage and bleed build up, it's hyper effective when used melee range in PVP or PVE, together though two power stands for reduvia, makes for a great combo thanks to their fantastic scaling on Arcane for both AR and potential bleed build up, thanks to the Buffs, your burst potential with successive attacks is stupid, so that's the concept.
Elden Ring Reduvia Blood Blade Build for PVP
Let's talk about it in PvP, when it comes to PVP, we're blown away by how insanely effective power stance bleed daggers actually are, in general, they'll be incredible this patch, you shouldn't sleep on them, the outrageous threat of the amount of attacks you can get off now because of the improved speed at which you do the whole thing it leads to a lot of damage and of course many bleed procs because you're attacking faster, it's fantastic, due to the amount of attacks and the speed of them coming out, so it is fantastic in Jewels, the moment you can start swinging with your daggers, the range Improvement while subtle, we think is making a huge difference, we can really feel how consistently my attacks are landing where in many cases they would miss, so the hitbox feels noticeably bigger, it no longer feels frustratingly tiny, if you are facing someone with anything, but really high Poise like heavy armor, you can trade surprisingly, due to the minor staggers or proper staggers if you're dealing with cloth armor, that means this is extremely deadly Baseline, just blindly attacking in power stance against like magic builds, however, there is a weakness, it has a harder time dealing with long range weapons that are also equipped with high-poise armor, fortunately, in that case, we can rely on an ash of War to deal damage from Rage, the reduvia blood blade is very comparable to the blood blade ash of War you can put on any weapon, however, the major difference between the two is that one costs Health to use and another the reduvia blood blade, does not, that is a major positive for the reduvia and its unique Ash of War, making it well worth considering if you're thinking about that Ash in general, now the blood blade costs basically no FP, it's like six, and very low stamina cost, so that allows for just basic blind spam, insanely long combos of just this ash of War which of course creates a lot of pressure medium to close range, now you can't use it overly long ranges, but thanks to the fast speed at which it comes out, you can still use it while running and suddenly interrupt someone or while someone's pushing you or after they've just done an attack, spacing them well using the ash, the damage it deals is solid as well as the bleed build up, that's going to happen when used Point Blank, that'll hit with the dagger and the ash at the same time, meaning double the damage and way more bleed build up per hit, so someone's Panic rolling into you, you can really punish them with that too, if you're dealing with someone who will not directly fight you just running away there are a lot of people who do this in Souls games, they do an attack and then run away after every attack, this works well, you can give them a pick your poison situation, using our incantation, the swarm of flies, this slowly moves towards them, while at the same time, you can pressure them with your medium range with reduvia bleed blades or run them down at the same time, naturally, the best option is always going to be to take the swarm because it was nerfed, but it's still a scary bleed up, if you're standing in it for an overly long time, if it causes any level of distraction, it's doing its job and, it really does help in PvP, finally, the ash combos really well off of any dagger attack or combo, because the recovery time on those is so small so quick that it makes for a Perfect combo finisher, especially up close, that we've really enjoyed using this in PvP.
Elden Ring Reduvia Blood Blade Build for PVE
What about PVE, to get straight to the point, while this is strong, power stands for dubious with their improved speed and range is a dream in PVE against a dummy style AI, we're able to do over 14 000 damage in seconds, so this New Game Plus Market like it's nothing, that is obviously outrageous burst potential, but the more hits that they land, my AR will keep going up, so while the burst of the bleed is very good the consistent DPS is going to progressively improve, the longer we attack, the better it gets, so if we can get the full, fairly long power sense combo off, it's going to deal a lot of damage or kill whatever you hit, that's easier to do this patch, because they've improved the speed at which it happens, however, it is still a long combo, we can't always do that it's just ideal, so to hit a boss when it's emoting or landing at the start of a fight something like that, that's when you really want to go for it, on the other hand, using the ash of War like a shotgun style blast in the shorter punish windows that works really well, we can use it while the enemy is at medium range or during an animation where we want to back up, if not just the shorter punish Windows when close, of course in this build the sooner we land any bleed, our white mask and Talisman are going to activate, that's going to give us more AR, so we want to achieve that however we can whatever the situation is as soon as we can, overall, this makes for a nice mix of melee combo string longer punished windows, and the ash otherwise, a comparison to the blood blade and bloody slash based build edit last patch, this build costing no HP to run by comparison is phenomenal in longer boss fights.
Attributes & Stats at Level 150
Equipment of Reduvia Blood Blade Build
Right Hand Armament 1: Reduvia
Left Armament 1: Reduvia
Left Hand Armament 2: Dragon Communion Seal
Head Armor: White Mask
Chest Armor: White Reed Armor
Gauntlets: White Reed Gauntlets
Leg Armor: Bull-Goat Greaves
Shard of Alexander
Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Millicent's Prosthesis
Lord of Blood's Exultation
Flask of Wondrous Physick:
Thorny Cracked Tear
Crimson Bubbletear
Golden Vow
Flame, Grant Me Strength