Today let’s go over the best Elden Ring Battlemage build 1.08 helps you out for both PVE and PVP.
Elden Ring 1.08 Battlemage Build - Best Elden Ring PvP & PvE Build After Patch 1.08
Here are two versions of Elden Ring best battle mage builds by Chrightt after the 1.08 patch, whether you want the build for PVP or PVE.
Elden Ring 1.08 Battlemage Build for PVE
Starting with the PVE, we will be using two Sword of Night and Flame, if you don't want to go into NG plus, don't have anyone to drop you a second weapon or don't play on PC with the Collector's Edition, you can use the Broadsword, which is about the same length as the Sword of Night and Flame on either the magic flame or sacred flame on your offhand. One thing about Power Stance Straight Sword is that it has a very strong power stance neutral and jump attack, which means that you can be very effective with the melee moveset alone, but using the Sword of Night and Flame, we are able to gain access to either sorceries or incantations.
Stats (Level 150)
Astrologer is the best base class for the build, you can add extra points to either faith or intelligence up until the 50 points for more damage or into vigor for more tankiness.
- Starting class: Astrologer
- Vigor 55
- Mind 26
- Endurance 25
- Strength 12
- Dexterity 12
- Intelligence 45
- Faith 45
- Arcane 9
- Left hand 1: Sword of Night and Flame
- Right hand 1: Sword of Night and Flame
- Left hand 2: Erdtree Seal
- Raging Wolf Helm
- Blackflame Monk Armor
- Bull-Goat Greaves
- Malformed Dragon Gauntlets
- Shard of Alexander
- Carian Filigreed Crest
- Dragoncrest Greatshield
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth
Sorceries or Incantations
For one with the 45 intelligence and faith distribution staffs are quite bad without significant amounts of stat points, the Golden Order Seal scales much better even though seals tend to have less spell power, it easily outdoes its staff counterparts at this investment level by a large margin. Secondly, SONAF is triscaled with physical fire and magic damage, this means that having access to Golden Vow is really nice, as this incantation buffs all damage sources by 15 in PVE and also grants you additional damage negation. You're mostly going to be using these incantations for AOE and defeating weaker enemies. Also, you get to play with the Golden Order incantations, which you usually won't get to because of the unique stat distribution, while they do holy damage.
Golden Order Seal
Triple Rings of Light
Radagon’s Rings of Light
Elden Ring 1.08 Battlemage Build for PVP
Sword of Night and Flame isn't typically used in PvP, because the weapon has trial elements meaning that it goes through the defense, it also means that you have to split your investment into intelligence and faith, people much prefer the very meta Coded Sword, which is longer, lighter and more streamlined in its stat investment, but this doesn't mean you can't have fun with a Sword of Night and Flame in PvP, as the unique intelligence and faith requirements grant your access to incantations like the Triple Rings of Light and Radagon’s Rings of Light. So the Elden Ring weapons for this 1.08 PVP build have not been changed. The Triple rings can cover large areas or shoot at your feet for a quicker return and area control, it works really well in the new multiplayer Colosseum, which allows AOE skills to shine, you are also more likely to land Sword of Night and Flame weapon art which you won't usually get to do in 1v1. Below are full details of the Elden Ring Battlemage PVP build with a similar setup but a few changes on talismans.
Stats (Level 150)
- Starting class: Astrologer
- Vigor 58
- Mind 24
- Endurance 24
- Strength 12
- Dexterity 12
- Intelligence 45
- Faith 45
- Arcane 9
- Left hand 1: Sword of Night and Flame
- Right hand 1: Sword of Night and Flame
- Left hand 2: Erdtree Seal
- Raging Wolf Helm
- Blackflame Monk Armor
- Bull-Goat Greaves
- Malformed Dragon Gauntlets
- Bull-Goat’s Talisman
- Crimson Amber Medallion
- Radagon Icon
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth