Today we present a Lost Ark Legion raid gates tier list, ranking all gates from all the Legion Raid bosses Lost Ark in order of fun and enjoyment including Valtan, Vykas, Kakul-Saydon, Brelshaza, and Akkan. So what is the worst gate in Lost Ark? What is the best gate in Lost Ark? Take a look at this guide and let us know what you think about this list and what you would have done different.
Best Lost Ark Legion Raid Gates Ranking By Tier - All Gates from Legion Raid Bosses Ranked
S Tier Legion Raid Gates List
Kakul-Saydon Gate 3
We love the Bingo sweat at the end, the ability that like you'd still make it through the raid if somebody's at two people are alive, we love that one person like we saw Alvin at 1500 item level, get out of clown 4 alone and somehow finish the entire fight by himself, we love the memes that come with the hooks and the chainsaws the Mario game is scuffed but it's still kind of fun. We like clown Gate 3, you get to pop him at the end and that one you get to just unleash the most amount of damage when you make it across with your whole team, it's good fun.
Brelshaza Gate 6
Brelshaza gate 6 just feels really epic and is one of the best Legion raid gates in Lost Ark. There's so much that goes into planning out meteors and understanding all the stuff that's going on and all the crazy animations and the different phases, the black hole and the memory game. It just feels like this huge epic encounter in the middle of outer space and it gets all sketchy with the groundbreaking similar to valtan you can get knocked off, her attack patterns over time don't feel as unfair as they did before.
Akkan Gate 3
This is the best Legion raid gate in Lost Ark. He's like a target dummy that you can just do loads of back attack damage to, he doesn't have the most mechanics but he has enough of them to wear, you're also able to do a lot of damage like a lot of attack patterns. The music is insane and then when he takes the tower into the sky, the zombies are climbing up and then he turns the water around and knock you all over the place and then also the fact that it's like a quick short fun fight.
A Tier Legion Raid Gates Rankings
Valtan Gate 2
A lot of people really like valtan gate, the first time you do the fight it's really fun. After having it on farm when you're really geared, we actually don't like valtan that much. So give valtan a low A. There's lots of funny moments and because of that it stays fun. As you get more gear, he just constantly is in this damage reduction state where he doesn't take full damage and that gets a little annoying. When you're doing it for the first time and you're low on gear it's actually a blast, but when you're over geared, it brings down the fight a little bit, but we would give it A tier, it's a really good fight.
Brelshaza Gate 4
Put it in the fun tab, the cube is just crazy, there's a bunch of going on, it can be random and what mechs you get and it alters the fight, it feels crazy, once you get the flow of it, it starts to become really fun. Put gate 4 above valtan. There’s so much that can happen in gate 4.
Kakul-Saydon Gate 1
Gate 1 is really fun, it's a little too simple to be too fun, you get the player class, not too many annoying mechanics, if you understand what's going on in the fight, it doesn't feel super unfair. Gate 1 is a lot very simple, it's great when you get a new character there to test everything out, mechanics aren't too awful. It's one of the best raids in the game, it's really good fun on a new character.
B Tier Legion Raid Gates List
Akkan Gate 2
Put it in the B tier, it's a step above the other one tier, the ending feels pretty cool, the music is nice, the boss patterns are super chill, it's an alright fight, it's nothing that exciting but it's not frustratingly annoying, it's not super fun and that's what a B tier is.
Brelshaza Gate 1
It's going to be at the very end of all right and the only reason why is it just feels more epic than these, so put it at the very end of B tier. The room in the beginning is dumb and that could easily knock it into the bad tier, but once you get there and you're doing the counter pattern, it's not great, it's all right.
Brelshaza Gate 2
It's not the best fights in the game, so put it on the B tier.
Brelshaza Gate 3
It’s also just an all-right fight, it’s not bad and it’s not great, the colors are nice.
Vykas Gate 3
Gate 3 is definitely an all-right fight. The patterns are a lot less annoying, the tentacles are a little annoying and you have to wipe, but Gate 3 is fine raid. It's somewhere in the middle.
C Tier Legion Raid Gates List
Valtan Gate 1
Valtan gate 1 is one of the worst fights in the game as well, put it in the C tier.
Akkan Gate 1
Put it in the C tier, Akkan gate 1 absolutely blows, the patterns are really annoying, it's super dragged out for some cinematic epicness, but it doesn't even feel like that. It's definitely going to go in the low C tier. Akkan gate wanted to argue one of the worst fights in the game too, it's harder than every other gate in the entire raid. It's not fun.
Brelshaza Gate 5
It's bad, it's just super annoying, there's all annoying things, you have to dodge awful patterns and then you have to wait and you're just running around in circles, doing zero damage to the boss. So put it in the C tier.
Kakul-Saydon Gate 2
It’s also bad, the platform, the demon clown, the maze mini game is not great. So put it in the C tier.
Vykas Gate 2
It's terrible, but the fact that you can kill your teammates with the laser beams does help enjoy a little bit. There's enough memeage in this gate to put it in the C tier.
D Tier Legion Raid Gate
Vykas Gate 1
Vykas gate 1 is a solid D-tier, we don't enjoy any aspects of the fight at all, the combat is really annoying, just waiting around is annoying, the patterns are annoying. So, it's the least favorite gate in the game. There are so many bad things about this fight, the orbs, the fact that it gets split, the music randomly goes out, it’s like RNG when you are doing a lot. This is the worst fight in the game.

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