Story Express brings new players and returning players, as well as players who want to have more alts, a shortcut to level up quickly, completely eliminating the endless grinding and repeated activities. Join us here to explore how Story Express can help you work, and what rewards are available to help you improve your character quickly and for free!
What is Story Express Event in Lost Ark?
Story Express (SE) shares a similar core concept with Hyper Express, as players must reach specific milestones to earn rewards, with a big prize awarded upon completion. However, instead of being based on a player's item level, the SE rewards are based on their progress in the story. It's important to note that players cannot kill the boss monster prematurely, or they risk missing out on the rewards. The primary objective of Story Express is to enable new players to progress rapidly without having to purchase a PP, while also giving veteran players the chance to replay the story for enjoyment and additional rewards.
Lost Ark Story Express Event Start & End Date
Lost Ark Story Express Event now only run from March 15 to June 14, 2023 as a limited-time event, and we do hope Tripod Studio and Smilegate will keep it as the regular activity in the game in the future!
How Does Story Express Work in Lost Ark?
As you progress through the story, you will receive rewards each time you reach a specific threshold. These thresholds are easily identifiable, as they correspond to the last Main/World quests for each continent. While some of these rewards may be insignificant, others are critical to quickly advancing to the next stage of the story.
For instance, completing Rethramis will award you with a few Phoenix Plumes, some low-value potions, a few Blue HP% potions, and some WW. Meanwhile, finishing the North Vern story will reward you with 10x Healing Battle Item Chests, 5x Utility Battle Item Chests, 5x Offensive Battle Item Chests, as well as a full T1 +8 equipment set. This means that you will be able to progress directly to Rohendel without any issues and continue your adventure without delay.
Lost Ark Story Express Rewards
Anyway, Story Express Event is the easiest way to get any new character up to Item Level 1445 in Lost Ark now, and the below rewards actually do the main role in upgrading your characters. And you get the reward by finishing the corresponding continent main/world quest:
Rethramis~Anikka Rewards:
15x Blue HP% pot every time
Some battle items , like WW or flare, that you'll use in the future in endgame content
Arthetine Rewards:
15x Purple HP% pot
30x Blue HP% pot
North Vern Rewards:
10x Healing Battle Item Chest
5x Utility Battle Item Chest
5x Offensive Battle Item Chest
1x Full T1 +8 equip set
Shushire Rewards:
200k Silvers
1.5k pirates coins
1.5k Sun Coins
Rohendel Rewards:
10x Healing Battle Item Chest
5x Utility Battle Item Chest
5x Offensive Battle Item Chest
1x Full T1 +15 equip set
Yorn Rewards:
10x Healing Battle Item Chest
5x Utility Battle Item Chest
5x Offensive Battle Item Chest
1x Full T2 +8 equip set
Feiton Rewards:
10x Healing Battle Item Chest
5x Utility Battle Item Chest
5x Offensive Battle Item Chest
1x Full T2 +15 equip set
Punika Rewards:
Full T3 Chosen equip set (Oreha HM set)
20x Uncommon Combat engraving
20x Uncommon Class engraving
South Vern Rewards:
1m Silver
20x Rare Combat engraving
20x Rare Class engraving
Fully Complete the Story Express:
1.5m Silver
14d Crystaline Aura
50x RNG leg accessories
2x Aura of Resonance
20x Epic Combat engraving
20x Epic Class engraving
10k Sun Coins
1x Relic Rapport
5x Leg Rapports
20x Legendary - Uncommon Card Pack II
10x Legendary - Rare Card Pack II
60k Card EXP
30k Pirate coins
12x Leap's Essence
3x Sun NM Boss Rush
6k Crystallized Guardian Stone
2k Crystallized Destruction Stone
50x MHL
30k Honor Shards
10k Raid Seal
10k Victory Seal
10k Adv's Seal
How To Access Story Express Event For Leveling Up Your Character in Lost Ark?
The steps to use the Story Express for leveling up your character fast are simply:
You create the character you want to participate in the express event
First thing you login, open up the “Event Quest” window, it asks you which character you want to be applied to
You apply it to the character you want to participate in the Express event
You swap to that character and open the Express event menu and you should be able to see what quests you will have to complete to get the free rewards from it up to 1445.
Which Character or Class To Choose for Story Express in Lost Ark?
While it's very easy to use Story Express to speed up your character's progression into shape, choosing which character or class to choose requires some strategies and tips, as there are some limitations of the Story Express event:
Only characters who have not completed the "On the Border" quest in Rethramis are eligible for the Story Express speed-leveling mechanic.
You should select a character that could benefit from a boost. Choosing a character that has already reached a high level with no further room for improvement defeats the purpose of the event.
Choose any eligible character from your roster. If you're interested in creating a new character, like the new Artist class, this is an ideal opportunity to do so.
It's crucial to be careful when selecting your character for the Story Express event because you can only change your choice once. If you accidentally choose the wrong character or change your mind, you can only switch to a different character one time.
It's worth noting that you can only assign one character per account to the Story Express missions. If you delete the designated character, you will no longer be able to switch to a different character for the event.

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