Aeternum’s summer festival returns to New World! If you go into the Summer Medleyfaire for the first time and you've never done it before or you missed out on it last year, check out our New World Summer Medleyfaire guide 2023, we’ll show you the best methods to farm for the event.
New World Best Summer Medleyfaire Farm 2023 - New World Summer Medleyfaire Event Guide
New World Summer Medleyfaire will be running 19th of July to the 16th of August. Unlock a new jam by completing event activities. Then strum away to collect Medleyfaire tokens and a new title. Celebrate at the festival grounds in Monarch’s Bluff, Everfall, Brightwood, and Weaver’s Fen. The New World Summer Medleyfaire 2023 has changed a little bit giving us new more efficient methods to farm rewards from the event, some of those methods may get nerfed in the near future. If they got nerfed, there are other options for you. Now, check out our best New World Summer Medleyfaire event farm 2023!
How Summer Medleyfaire Works In New World?
The New World Medleyfaire event has the typical four event spots across the map where you can go to a little town specifically for the event and do various activities. You also have a vendor there where you can do quests and redeem your tokens. You have two crafting stations, one to craft tokens some things you gathered, and another one to craft phishing housing items. In every town that can be owned, you will also find the typical present in the middle of the town that can be looted once a day and also provides you with some gypsum and some extra New World gold.
New World Medleyfaire Farming Tips
1. Town Farm
The first thing you probably want to do is loot all the towns. This is not that rewarding initially because when the towns are not upgraded yet for the event, then you're not getting all that much out of it. So it starts with a basket that just gives you one token, then one that gives you three tokens but eventually you get to one that gives you 5 tokens. The reason you want to loot this is that the larger baskets also have a chance to give you a premium token. For events like this is usually around 5-10%, not super high but you can still get some extra ones. Additionally you also have a chance to get green patterns from the event from this. Overall a pretty decent baseline.
2. Reputation Farm
In the event location itself, you can use any dance on the dance floor which will provide you with some extra event reputation but doesn't give you any rewards. However, there's another way to get a ton of extra rewards in this location.
You can do the quest line which gives you some extra rewards and also gives you a fair bit of extra event reputation. If you want to do that questline, we recommend packing some water as well as some read and flint into your inventory, while you can get all of these things near the area we need to hand in the quest. It's obviously a lot easier if you already have that stuff on you. You get an event reputation for pretty much any event-related activity so it's not super important to rush it.
3. Music Farm
so what you can do is buy the new song YAAAHHHH from the vendor for basically free and play that near the vendor. There's a little stage there where you can specifically play this song. This provides you with premium tokens up to three times per day no matter what quality you play the song at. If you play this song very well you can get up to 5 extra normal tokens as well and you also have a chance to get an extra pattern which depends on how well you play the song. Here's a little last-mode update the next section is an entire section about how you can farm with playing music. As of right now rewards from tipping are disabled and if he is also the rewards from musical performances in themselves because it still displays that you get rewards but you're actually not getting any tokens or patterns for it. This makes the other New World Medleyfaire farming methods and tricks we'll talk about even more important.
Nerfed Method
Rewards do not require you to actually play the song and they also do not stop after you play the song three times. The premium token stopped but even after the third time at least for now. Unless it's getting fixed soon, you will still get normal tokens still up to 5 depending on the quality of the song and you still have the chance to get green patterns. But not only that, you get the same rewards for someone else playing the song If you tip them. So for example, if somebody else places with a 4-star rating and you tip them, then you get the 5 normal tokens the premium token if you haven't gotten enough of them and you also potentially get the bonus pattern.
Alternatively, you can also have someone else invite you to their performance and don't select an instrument so you become a dancer in which case you get the same rewards as the person playing the song minus the XP. The person playing this song gets a bit of an XP bonus but you also take part of the tip from the person well you can essentially AFK. But it's worth noting with this New World Summer Medleyfaire method that there can be multiple people on the stage at the same time playing the song up to three is what we've seen so far. So if they're all playing the song and you are not dancing with them but tipping instead, you can kind of cycle around all three and get tokens quicker that way if you tip everyone in time.
The numbers for one person, two people, or three people playing music around you and you go tipping assumes that you're not going to hit every single tip because sometimes they will just skip over you and immediately play the song again. Sometimes you can't interact with them and also assumes that maybe they miss a note here and there and are not playing perfectly every single time but some three stars as well. In this scenario, if you're just dancing for one person, the token value will be slightly higher than tipping for one person because again you are guaranteed to get the token every single time and you're also not spending New World gold but rather getting a little bit off the tipp but really you should hand that back to the person playing music now.
If you're playing music yourself, you can have two approaches. You can go for a slower way and wait for the tipps. Get the money from everyone else, also make sure that they all get the patterns or you can invite 5 people to the performance and that's it. We're going to speedrun the song over and over which for example is better if you also want to grind music XP at the same time. In this case, you can skip the tipping timer which especially makes sense if there are no other people around that are tipping and maybe just a few that are dancing with you. This results in you getting a better time because it only takes 31 seconds to finish the song itself plus maybe one or two seconds to skip the timer and reselect the song. That would result in roughly 85 tokens in 10 minutes. Between those methods, you can see that these are some fairly efficient NW Summer Medleyfaire farms but you also do need more than 2500 tokens to fully complete the event.
4. Fish Farm
One thing you can see all over the map is the maudlingbug swamps. You want to go to some of these at least in the beginning in order to get the rewards because they're going to come in very handy. When you go to one of these swamps, you can play the maudlingbug haze. By the way, you can invite other people to your performance if they're nearby as well and they will get the same rewards. What you do here is you want to play the song as best as possible. It's a very easy song to play and the higher the rating of the song you're playing, the more rewards you're getting. If you play the song with a 4-star rating you get 10 maudlingbug bait as well as 5 maudlingdust. You can play up to three times and then the location will be cleared unless somebody else has already played there before.
When it's cleared there will be maudlingdust that you can collect on the ground. Other people can collect this too and it will disappear for you so you have to run a little bit here. What we care about here is the bait. How much exactly you need entirely depends on how long you want to fish. The longer you want to fish in one go, the more bait you should get beforehand. Additionally, if you're planning to do a fair bit of your farming by fishing then we would also recommend getting fish’s fall from the event which is one of the fishing rods that you can get for 5 premium tokens. This may seem counterintuitive if you already have a better fishing pool. But this fishing pole apparently has secret properties that are not listed in the actual effects.
There are two different methods that we can use when it comes to fishing. We can use the bait that we got from the maudlingbug swarm and fish anywhere near Aeternum and we will only get event-related items. It's not necessarily guaranteed to be the Aeternum sturgeon but at least something that relates to the event somehow. The other stuff is all crafting materials for the housing items that you can make that you need in addition to the fish itself. The other option is to fish in the event hotspots which are pretty much anywhere near Aeternum. So they're very easy to come across just walk along any river and you'll see them everywhere. There are also many areas that have multiple spawns close to each other, so you can cycle between them and you will likely never run out of hotspots, unless there are many other people fishing as well.
Each of these hotspots will have three event-related items in them. The majority will be Eternum sturgeons of different sizes but you can also get the typical scrap from the event too. In this case, you don't need bait in order to get event rewards, you will always get event rewards. You can 48 tokens in 10 minutes by fishing hot spots and 49 by farming in the open water with bait. The results are so similar because if you're fishing open water, you're just throwing line after line whereas if you're going for hot spots, you have to run between the hot spots and may have some downtime in there.
According to Fish Ramones who actually has insight into the files, you can increase your chances of getting the Aeternum surgeon. By default, hotspots have a 30% chance of giving you junk. However, the highest-tier fishing pole from the event reduces the chance to get junk by 10%, and using bait in a hotspot reduces the chance by another 20%. So if you are using both the highest tier fishing rod and bait from the event, you should not be seeing any junk at all and only get surgeons all the time. Other things don't seem to affect the fish that this extra 10% also applies in open waters. So if we adjust the values for that, then they actually look a fair bit better. In that case, we'd be getting 62 tokens from fishing in hot spots and 54 tokens from fishing in open water.
Activities | Tokens | Time (Min) |
Playing music 1 | 50 | 10 |
Playing music 2 | 100 | 10 |
Playing music 3 | 150 | 10 |
Play music/dance speed | 85 | 10 |
Fishing Hotspots | 48 | 10 |
Open water with bait | 49 | 10 |
Fishing hotspots adjust | 62 | 10 |
Open water adjusts | 54 | 10 |

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