With Season 1 here the Season of Malignant, everybody has started fresh, this means that we are going into this season as basically brand new players, brand new characters and many things have changed in regards to XP how it's earned, how much you earn. Today we are going to show you 5 incredible spots for earning XP as a solo player to level up super fast within Season 1 in Diablo 4 after patch 1.1. For 1-50 level, these are by far the best XP farms this game has to offer.
Diablo 4 1.1 Best Dungeons to Farm XP Solo - D4 S1 Solo XP Farm After Patch Nerfs
Here are 5 amazing pose nerf XP farms you can use as a solo player to level up super fast within Season 1 which is Season of the Malignant. These methods work perfectly for solo players but also work even better if you are in a team.
1. D4 S1 Solo XP Farm Glitch After Patch Nerfs - Denshar
The first S1 solo XP farm glitch is the Denshar, so if you come down to this PVP area, and one person is trying to take out other players, it's literally everybody doing the same thing and that is slain the massive amounts of enemies that are down here, these will give you great loot, they'll give you good XP, gold. By far, this is not the fastest as an early level player, but it is super efficient. If you're in a team, it's even quicker, but we can do it solo for the most part and it is so easy. We got like two or three levels in little under 7 minutes and that's quite good going, some hard hitting enemies, some bosses, they may need help with in regards to other players in the area, but it seems as though within these early days of Season 1, a lot of people down here are doing the same thing, they're farming these enemies for that easy XP and ranking through those levels. So come down to this Denshar Waypoint, make your way down here. Just run around this area, farming that XP, it really is that simple, you'll get loot as well which is all important in regards to you surviving and doing those dungeons and other things that you will experience as you level up.
2. D4 Season 1 XP Farm Spot for Solo Player - Alzuuda
Another D4 1.1 post nerf solo XP farm spot is absolutely amazing, you want to come to the Alzuuda Waypoint, this is in Dry Steppes, so you want to come here and to make your way down here. When you come to this area, there is an event going on here, the event is so easy to do normally, it's probably just rescuing prisoners, taking out certain objectives, but it's so quick you do that. You can only to kill boss, you get a church to get those obols, you get that gold, you get that loot and you earn XP. But you'll earn XP for killing the enemies in the area too. And once you're done with the events, you simply just press down on your d-pad if you're on console, and you'll fast travel back to your nearest town. Then once you're at your nearest town, step back through that teleporter and when you get here, 8/10, there will be an event on going here or just about to start. So you can just repeat this over and over. With this is where you get those obols, those obols can be spent at the gamblers and earn that specifically if you're after that or if you just want to spam out buying any loot and earn that gold, you can do that too. But this is a great spot for loot, you get XP for this, don't get it twisted, it isn't as good as the PVE area down here but it's definitely great, you still own great XP for this. So take advantage of this and do what you gotta do.
There are 3 dungeons which are absolutely incredible for XP, but they're also easy to run as a solo player. All of these are great as solo play but are better. If you're in a team, it's just going to be more efficient, you'll earn it more XP because you're in a team.
3. Best Post Nerf Dungeon to Farm XP - Blind Burrows
First, we're going to start with the Blind Burrows. This is probably the easiest one of the 3, because the enemies in here just don't really hate that hard, it's full of spiders. It's super efficient, you get a ton of loot from this one, it's the best XP farm. You want to go run up to the bus or take out, but the boss is the hardest part of this, we are early new players to Season 1, you didn’t get the game build at the minute, so it's going to take you a lot longer than it would normally which is just fair enough. You gotta keep that in mind too and taking on a boss, it's dropping that poison all over the floor, run it up until the bus, take at the boss if you're in a team, take out the boss, earn more XP, just reach and repeat this one. It really is great, and the Blind Burrows is still one of the best dungeons for XP and it's not changed with Season 1.
4. D4 S1 Solo XP Farm Dungeon for Fast Leveling - Mercy’s Reach
If you've come to quite overshadowed and you want to make your way up to Mercy’s Reach, which is actually a quite short dungeon, but there's plenty of Elites in here. So once you come to this place, you'll see multiple groups of enemies, take them all out and you'll see quite a few Elites too, take them out. The next objective is to basically grab two items for the pedestals, there's going to be two rooms that are going to be full of enemies. You've gone to these rooms, take out all of these ads, there's so much XP to be earned from this one. And because you can do pretty quickly, it's super efficient in that way. Do what you got to do, clear out these two rooms, grab those items for the pedestal and make your way further down and just go on to the boss and take the boss is pretty easy. So it's just a neat easy dungeon to run and farm. So do what you got to do there.
5. Best D4 S1 Dungeon for XP Solo - Uldur’s Cave
The best dungeon to get the quickest XP & loot in D4 1.1 is definitely the Uldur’s Cave. This is a well-known popular dungeon, but it's so easy to run. The hardest part about this is those beasts, but they drop pretty easily. The waypoint you should have unlocked already is Gea Kul, so come from here and just come up to it. Once you're in here, you can just go ahead and farm XP. The first section of this you need to destroy 3 barriers and the second part though is just to kill all, there's no boss in here which is even efficiency wise. It's much better. So you just come to the kill all area after you've destroyed the three barriers, there are plenty of Elites, loads of grouped up enemies, the area is quite small, it's like two circles pinned next to each other. Just run around in those circles, take out those enemies and do what you gotta do, it is a great dungeon for XP, it's probably the best in the game.
How to Farm Dungeons in Diablo 4 Season 1
If you don't know how to farm dungeons in this game, it's simple. You run the dungeon, you then leave the dungeon, quit out your game, load back up, repeat. That's for solo player.
If you're playing in a party, if you're playing in a team, all you do is ruin the dungeon. The host of that party simply leaves the dungeon via the social menu, he will then teleport to being outside of that dungeon door. He then invites you back into his team, then you simply re-enter the dungeon and all enemies will have reset, they can do that over and over again.
They are great methods in earning XP as a new player to the game, as a freshly created character to the game.

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