Lost Ark Best Elixir Cutting Guide - How to Choose the Best Elixir Cutting
12/28/2023 4:01:25 PM
This is the best strategy we could come up with with the information we have as of now. If anything new is found out, the strategy may change in the future, and by no means is this guaranteed to give you a good elixir in Lost Ark. This strategy is for people who want to absolutely maximize the chance of 5/5, 5/4, 5/3 elixirs (and the equivalent with epic elixirs) - elixirs that you can use forever. It is very high risk, high reward. If you are only looking for something to use in the short term, this may not necessarily be the best strategy to follow.
Things you must understand to use this guide:
“turn” refers to the number of transmutations left |

“pity” refers to the number of orbs that are lit up above an option |
Purple pity is increased by 1 when you don’t pick that option Blue pity is increased by 1 when you do pick that option

Example of 1 pity on a purple 
Example of 2 pity on a purple |
“super” blue or purple option refers to enhanced blue or purple options, which happen when the pity timer for that option maxes out |
Happens at 3 for blue, 6 for purple  
When the pity timer maxes out for a blue or purple, it will have a special effect that can be very powerful |
“reroll” refers to using Other Advice to reroll the current set of effects displayed. |
You start with 2 rerolls, they are extremely valuable - do not just use these whenever you want, they can save a fucked elixir near the end 
You can get more rerolls from super blues. |
“run ender” refers to an option that forces an extremely negative effect for the elixir. Avoid these effects. |
Just because something is “bad” doesn't mean it’s bad enough to be a “run ender”.
Examples include:
Anything that consumes attempts   
Anything that decreases the rate of something you want by 10% (near the end, this is ok) 
Anything that forces you to lose 2 or more nodes on effects you want 
Anything that force seals a desired option |
What does it mean to get the “reset” during turns 3-1? |
If you get a super blue during turns 3-1, it has a ⅓ chance to have this specific effect, the “reset”. This is extremely good and almost guarantees 1-2 extra nodes on a desired effect. It is always worth rerolling to try and get this effect.  
You are looking for “not consume an attempt this time”
Other effects such as “transmute 2 effects” or “effect transmuted will increase by 2 levels are not a reset |
Which sage to pick? |
Sometimes there will be a note about which sage you should be going for or avoiding in a certain turn, try to take the option under the sage mentioned.
IMPORTANT: Only if the options are equally (or close to equally) good/bad do you follow this advice. If one option is significantly better than the other, take the better option no matter what sage it is.

The reason why this guide may tell you to take certain sages over others is because grandma's super purple option is the worst (however still good) out of the three. Any time this guide gives you advice on which sage to prioritize, it is for the sake of making sure that any super purples ideally land on either killmonger or old guy. |
What are the super options you are looking for? |
Here are some examples:    

“Exhaust a sage” optionsThese ones are special, and are a game changer for getting insane elixirs - however, keep in mind that because they seal a sage, you may be missing some options in the next turns. For the -4 to +5 option, it is generally better early on to put that on an effect with 0 or 1 node. This is because you have less to lose, more to gain.If you pick one of these options at any point, immediately go to the “after exhausting a sage” section as directed.
Note: these are not the only ones that are good, and some other ones can be good in certain situations. It is up to you to determine which option(s) are “good” or “best” for your elixir. In general, effects that guarantee or give a high chance of getting more nodes on the effects that you want are favorable, as well as some others like getting more rerolls or extra turns.
Note about this specific effect:
This blue super option can appear between turns 14 and 6. It is definitely still a “good” option and is the best option in most scenarios if you get it but it can mess up the pity timings for the next turns. Keep that in mind when using this guide as the pity timings you may have after taking this option may not exactly match what this guide is saying.

Quick note about restarting the elixir:
If the elixir is looking really bad (unlucky in getting nodes on the desired effects, or the effects themselves are poor to begin with, you can aim for this option which can happen at any super purple between turns 8-4. You can even spend your rerolls on a super purple if the elixir is doomed to try and get this effect, which will completely reset the elixir back to the start.

Pick the effects that you want, then start when “You may transmute 14 times” shows up
Turn 14: |
This step should not have any pity timer yet
Take whatever option is best If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) |
Turn 13: |
Take whatever option is best, preferably blue If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) |
Turn 12: |
Take whatever option is best, preferably blue If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) If you don’t have both purple options at 2 pity, do not take the purple at 2 pity |
Turn 11: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Take a good purple (preferably grandma) If you don’t have both purple options at 3 pity, do not take the purple at 3 pity
Your goal now is to get a double reset into a super purple at the last node. 
Note: this means you should try to not hit the purple you picked in this turn anymore until the very end (shown as the middle column)
(It is not the end of the world if you have to hit it) |
Turn 10: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Take a good purple (preferably grandma) If you don’t have both purple options at 4 pity, do not take the purple at 4 pity
Your goal now is to get a single reset into a super purple at the last node. Do not go for double reset 
Turn 9: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Reroll Then take the blue (assuming it is also not a run ender)
Turn 8: |
If you managed to hit blue all the way here, then you will have 3 super options. Take the best one.
At this point, if all of the super options are meh and you think you need to reroll, you can reroll (only once though)
(you would also burn your rerolls here if you think the elixir is doomed to try and get the “restart” super purple) | If you don’t have 3 super options at this point You probably have at least one super option
If you have blue at 1 pity AND don’t have a purple at 5 pity → take blue
Take the best option Don’t take any purples with 4 or 5 pity |
If you picked an “exhaust a sage” option in this turn, go to exhausted a sage (turn 8) |
Turn 7: |
If you just had 3 super options in turn 8,
Take any option that is good for you Except anything that you are actively not hitting due to previous instructions (try not to hit grandma on this turn) (try to hit old guy on this turn) | If you didn’t just have 3 super options, you probably still have at least one super option
Take whichever option is the best Don’t take any purples with 5 pity (try not to hit grandma on this turn) (try to hit old guy on this turn) |
If you picked an “exhaust a sage” option in this turn, go to exhausted a sage (turn 7) |
Turn 6: |
If you don’t have 2 or more rerolls AND a purple at exactly 2 pity or at 5 pity OR Turn 10 was a run ender OR You sealed an effect in an earlier turn (for example from “seal a random effect” or “seal the selected effect)
| Otherwise, you should have 2 or more rerolls with a purple at exactly 2 pity or at 5 pity
Pick the effects that you want, then start when “You may transmute 12 times” shows up
Turn 12: |
This step should not have any pity timer yet
Take whatever option is best If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) |
Turn 11: |
Take whatever option is best If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) |
Turn 10: |
Take whatever option is best If you can, it is slightly better to pick the right side (grandma) and not the middle (old guy) If you don’t have both purple options at 2 pity, do not take the purple at 2 pity |
Turn 9: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Take a good purple (preferably grandma) If you don’t have both purple options at 3 pity, do not take the purple at 3 pity
Your goal now is to get a single reset into a super purple at the last node. Do not go for double reset 
Turn 8: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Take a good purple (preferably grandma) If you don’t have both purple options at 4 pity, do not take the purple at 4 pity
Your goal now is to get a double reset into a super purple at turn 3 (second time).
Note: this means you should try to not hit the purple you picked in this turn anymore until the very end (shown as the middle column)
(It is not the end of the world if you have to hit it) 
Turn 7: |
If blue is not a run ender:
Take blue | If blue is a run ender:
Take a good purple If you don’t have both purple options at 5 pity, do not take the purple at 5 pity (try not to hit grandma on this turn) (try to hit old guy on this turn)
Your goal now is to get a single reset into a super purple at the last node. Do not go for double reset 
Turn 6: |
If you don’t have 2 or more rerolls AND a purple at exactly 2 pity or at 5 pity OR You sealed an effect in an earlier turn (for example from “seal a random effect” or “seal the selected effect)
| Otherwise, you should have 2 or more rerolls with a purple at exactly 2 pity or at 5 pity