Lost Ark has been released and with that people are rushing to the soft cap of level 50. But what should you do when you hit level 51? It’s common to be overwhelmed by all of the systems that are going to be thrown at you and it’s easy to do things in the wrong order, especially when it comes to the daily lockouts. What should you be doing first when you are level 50? In this guide, we are showing you what to focus on when you get to level 50 in Lost Ark.
What To Do When You Hit Level 50 In Lost Ark - Lost Ark End Game Guide 2022
1. Hitting 250 to 302
If you have been playing the game normally, you should hit level 50 somewhere in the region of Arthetine. From there on, you can choose to either continue and finish up the story on Arthetine or you can just sail to North Vern which is where the main end game starts. From here on by doing the main North Vern story, will lead you to North Vern Castle and it will start unlocking your end game system for you.
The first endgame system that you should unlock is this chaos gate and this is how you're going to acquire your first set of gear. When you finish the main story quest, you should be at item level 250 which lets you enter the first Chaos Dungeon. Doing this Chaos Dungeon will give you a new set of gear which are blue gears with item level 302. Your goal is to try to acquire a full set of gear which includes a weapon and 5 armor pieces and then when you equip all 6 of these gear, you should be at exactly item level 302.
However, this is not the only way to acquire your first set of gear. If you have time what you could do instead of doing the first Chaos Dungeon is you can actually finish the main story in North Vern and then move on to the Shushire region and finish the main store in the Shushire region as well. if you can finish the story in the Shushire region, it will also reward you with a set of 302 gear, which allows you to skip this chaos dungeon and then just move on to the next one and get the reward. However, you have to finish the North Vern story quest in order to enter Shushire region this is because you need to use the icebreaker ship which you only acquire after you finish the North Vern story and you will use the icebreaker ship to break the ice in Shushire.
2. Upgrading Your Gear
Once you acquired the first set of blue 302 gear, from here on, these are going to be your main gear. Your goal is to just try to upgrade every single piece until they all hit plus 15. By talking to the gear honing NPC which is located at the bottom right of North Vern, you can upgrade your gear by step. The way you do that is by hitting the upgrade button and then feeding the harmony shot for exp, once it's to 100 you will use resources to upgrade them. The success rate is not always 100%. Once you get high level enough, this success rate would go down to 90% to 80%. If it doesn't succeed, then you have to spend the material again in order to attempt to upgrade them. The good news is that every time you fail, the chances go up, so you'll eventually be able to upgrade. In terms of accessories, you don't upgrade them, you simply acquire a better one and then replace your accessories.
3. Chaos Dungeon
Every single day you can do 2-2-3 daily which is 2 Chaos Dungeon. Do the Chaos Dungeon to acquire a bunch of material. You can do this two a day, these are very easy. You simply just fight a bunch of mobs and you always want to try to do the highest one.
4. Guardian Raid
Likewise, you also want to be doing these two a day. These pretty much have your fighting bosses, you can solo them. However, it will be easier to do them in a party of four. You just want to be doing the highest one that you can complete.
5. Una's Task
There's also the una's task which are very basic quests that help you do simple stuff. For example, the quest wants you to Peyto to pick up some customers and then drop them off at a different location. You can also acquire some nice material this way including harmony shard or the harmony leapstone which are once again used to upgrade material. You will be able to do these three times a day, so you simply choose three of them. The una's tasks that are worth doing are that give harmony leapstones or harmony shard. Harmony leapstones are more recommended. However, as it turns out most people run out of harmony shard faster than harmony leapstones. Just do the one that you're missing the most.
6. Bonus
Something important to call is that when you don't do your daily, you get a rest bonus. What the rest bonus does is that when you clear the next guardian rate, you will be able to get a double reward. The way you acquire a rest bonus is simply by not doing a daily for a day. So when you miss two-run which is how many you can run in a day, you get a rest bonus. So if you didn't play yesterday, then one of your rates today will be able to get double loot, still less than doing it every single day though. Likewise this bonus for pretty much everything in the game, such as the chaos dungeon and una’s tasks.
7. Weekly Abyss
There's also the weekly abyss dungeon that you can do. Come to Abyss Dungeon, these Abyss Dungeon are really challenging and much more challenging than your regular dungeon. You'll be able to do each of these once every week and you can only enter if you have a full party. Abyss Dungeon is how you acquire a higher rarity gear, they will drop material just like everything else in the game. However this will also drop the purple epic gear that you can acquire from this Abyss Dungeon and then moving on to the phantom palace, you can acquire legendary yellow gear from this dungeon.
8. Getting Epic and Legendary Gear
When you complete your Abyss Dungeon, you'll be able to get these abyss tokens which you can use by crafting the abyss equipment. However you might be concerned, you already upgraded weapons. Fortunately, you do not have to progress, do not reset in Lost Ark. What you can do is come back to the gear honing NPC and hit the gear transfer button, this will allow you to move the plus 8 from your blue gear over to the purple gear and this will make it into a plus 8 purple gear. Because of this, no progress is lost and you simply upgrade your blue into a purple inset with better set bonuses. Upgrade blue gear is one of the people's major concerns, the truth is it never gets wasted.
9. Island (Fast Way To Get High Gear)
There is actually a fast way to acquire material to accelerate your upgrade for your first characters and that's our material island. When you zoom out on the map, you can see that there is a lot of different island in Lost Ark. In each one of these islands usually have a quest associated with them and for a lot of them, these quests give you a really good amount of material. This material that you need to upgrade, is very easy to get your first character level up very quickly.
10. Moving Forward From 460
Reach item level 460 you go on an adventure in the continent of Rohendel. Before you move to Rohendel, you actually must complete two quests (A New Voyage and Wall of Procyon) which have you upgrade your ship. You can start the quest by talking to the Ealyn at the Vern Castle. And you'll finally be able to sail all the way to Rohendel which is the next continent that you need to do. Once you have completed the Rohendel request, you'll unlock the Rohendel dungeon instead, which is a higher level and give you better material. You use the same material to upgrade your gear further and again you're aiming for 600 item level which is plus 15 average.
11. Moving Forward From 600
At 600, you do not continue upgrading your same gear. What you do is when you acquire item level 600 you again receive a quest to go to your next continent. You'll do this story quest and then it will unlock the third level of the Yorn Dungeon. You will finally acquire the item tier 2 gear which is the 802 gear and you use these to replace all the gear that you have right now. When people talk about tier 1, they're referring to North Vern and Rohendel. Tier 2 is Yorn and Feiton. Tier 3 is Punika. You need to reach item level 100 in order to enter Punica in which you will get your tier 3 gear to replace your tier 2 gear.

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