In this article, we will discuss five frequent build baits that have proven to be successful in previous leagues and are expected to perform well in the Necropolis League.
POE 3.24 Starter Build Baits - 5 Frequent Build Baits for Necropolis League
The patch notes for Path of Exile 3.24 Necropolis League are out, and we are going to present a series of traps new old and Banger players might all fall into during League start, an absolute torrent of unhinged and risky League starter options spring up everywhere during starter season. Know that even though they're possibly amazing, possibly going to dominate Reds and kill all the Pinnacle bosses, they just might be fun too, there's a huge chance you might stumble and fall quite quickly thanks to many of these traps the starter builds set up. The 5 risky League starter categories are in no particular order, builds reliant on new unique, starters who use new transfigured gems, wand, League starter builds, any non-bossing starters and content creator starting builds. Check this list of 5 frequent starter builds baits for Path of Exile 3.24 Necropolis League.
1. New Items
Anything reliant on unique items introduced or completely reworked in Necropolis League should not be used for the basis of a safe or true League starter. For newbies, there are a couple reasons behind this.
First up, we have no idea what the rarity of these items might be. One item might seem like it would be quite common in the drop pool, but then end up as a tier 1 or tier 0 unique, meaning it is incredibly rare and quite unlikely to actually drop for you. Additionally, it might also be super expensive on trade especially in the beginning as people won't know how to properly price it. This issue would lead to your build completely breaking down and stalling out your league start entirely.
Secondly, while an item might look good powerful or cool on paper, when used in game it might feel entirely different and not work as thought or intended. There are two examples of potential starters based on new uniques coming in POE 3.24, the rage spellcasting helmet and the juicy melee gloves. Ravenous passion looks like it could forge a series of awesome new builds, featuring an unlikely combination, rage stacking and spell casting. It just might be time for a spellcasting Berserker this league. While this is something that will definitely be a fun experiment during the league, starting with it is a bad idea. We don't know how rare it is, even if we do know it'll be dropped by Uber Eater of Worlds. We shouldn't plan any League starter around using this item if you're sane. The other item is the Celestial Brace. While not as build defining as the helm we just looked at, we are seeing some people plan their upgrade paths using these gloves.
2. New Gems
Choosing a league starter based on a transfigure gem is a super risky decision. It's not for those accustomed to zooming through the campaign and into end game with no hiccups. It is an Exiles gamble. Similar to new uniques, we might think a new transfigured gem looks super busted, but it might end up being lackluster. This stalls our starters and kills the hype involved alongside a league launch and trying something new. If we hit a wall early, it just feels bad. Some people are capable of pushing through and if that's you, go for starting with something new, but others will just bounce off the game after a fail of a transfigured League start. Transfigured gems also differ a bit from uniques in the manner of their drops, we know exactly how to find them, logging on to the trade site and scooping them up or the SSF way. Farming the Labyrinth until you get the gem you want or the option to transform, one of your gems into its transfigured version. If you want it early and farm the Labyrinth as soon as you encounter it, this can be worthwhile. However, this is another blocker and can put people off quite a bit, running the lab 15 times in a row or more can do that to you. Again, if your will is strong, ignore this advice and plot onward, just beware of new transfigured gem starters, they might not work as we think and it might be more difficult to obtain them than we think as well.
3. Wands
Number 3 on this risky League start choice list is another generality, be wary of wand based League starters for Necropolis. It's a short category but it still needs to be said. Wands are generally powerful when scaled with currency, attribute stackers are prime examples of this. However, I've been seeing lots of theory crafting around Trickster wanders, Deadeye wanders and people building around the reworked kinetic bolt. While you may league start with wands, we recommend waiting to try it out with a second or third build once it has been figured out or you have the items or currency to make it work well, otherwise, you might hit a wall far sooner than you'd realistically expect.
4. Non-Bosses
Tread carefully if you decide to start with a build incapable of downing bosses without a fair amount of skill involved. Notably, this is due to the invitation change, we can no longer easily sell invitations and instead must complete them ourselves for sweet completion rewards, atlas progression, and the usual rewards too. Any build that will struggle with these will quickly face a block in the mid-end game. It also appears tier 17 maps, which will be integral to participating in the new cycle of T16s to Pinnacle bosses to tier 17s to Uber bosses are maps populated with map bosses as packs. With new Ubers at the end of each, consider necropolis a bossing League, you'll want your first character to have tremendous single trget damage or it needs to be tanky enough to survive many of the big hits you're sure to take from these deadly boss monsters new and old.
5. Streamer Builds
Care not to fall into the streamer starter build trap though. Molten Strike of the Zenith Battlemage's Cry Juggernaut looks incredibly fun. You might want to stay away from it at League start, plus you might want to stay away from other Niche content creator or streamer builds to begin especially those that rely on certain uniques or incredibly Niche uniques.