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Earthshaker [Uniques Items]

Earthshaker One-Hand Damage: 98 To 162 (130 Avg)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 100
Durability: 105
Base Weapon Speed: [20]
+180% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
5% Chance To Cast Level 7 Fissure On Striking
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Blinds Target
+3 To Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)


Price 2.63 USD

What is Earthshaker in Diablo 2 Resurrected & Should You Get It?

Earthshaker is a unique Battle Hammer in Diablo 2 Resurrected that provides a variety of powerful bonuses for characters who use two-handed weapons. The hammer has a base damage of 87-162 and a required Strength of 110.

In terms of its usefulness, Earthshaker is considered to be a decent weapon for characters who specialize in two-handed weapons, particularly for Druids who use Elemental skills. The weapon's bonuses to Enhanced Damage, Damage to Undead, Increased Attack Speed, and Bonus to Attack Rating make it a popular choice for dealing high amounts of damage to enemies.

The Knockback effect can also be particularly useful for pushing enemies away and preventing them from attacking you, while the Level 12 Fissure charges can be a helpful way to deal additional damage to enemies.

However, it's important to note that Earthshaker has a relatively low base damage compared to some other unique weapons, which means that it may not be the best choice for characters who need to deal very high amounts of damage quickly. Additionally, the weapon's bonuses to Druid Skills mean that it is most effective when used by Druids, and may not be as useful for other character builds.

D2R Earthshaker Worth

The value of the Earthshaker unique item in Diablo 2: Resurrected can vary depending on several factors, such as its attributes and the current market demand. Generally speaking, Earthshaker is not considered one of the most valuable or sought-after unique items in the game, but it can still be a useful and powerful weapon for certain character builds.

If you are looking to sell an Earthshaker, its value will depend on the specific attributes of the item and the current market demand. It's always a good idea to check online trading forums or auction sites to get a sense of the current market value of unique items.

Were To Farm & How To Obtain Earthshaker in D2R?

To obtain the Earthshaker unique item in Diablo 2: Resurrected, you will need to farm the Act Two boss, Duriel, on the Nightmare or Hell difficulty level. The Earthshaker is a unique Battle Hammer weapon that has a chance to drop when you defeat Duriel.

To farm Duriel, you will need to progress through the game's story until you reach the second act. Once you have completed the second act, you can create a game in either the Nightmare or Hell difficulty level and defeat Duriel repeatedly to increase your chances of obtaining the Earthshaker. You can also increase your chances of finding the Earthshaker by equipping items that increase your Magic Find (MF) rating.

It's worth noting that farming for unique items in Diablo 2: Resurrected can be a time-consuming process and requires patience. It may take several runs of Duriel before you finally obtain the Earthshaker. Good luck in your search!

How to Use Earthshaker and Where to Farm It in D2R?

Earthshaker is a unique Battle Hammer in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can be a useful weapon for characters who specialize in two-handed weapons. Here are a few tips on how to use Earthshaker and where to farm it:

Druid Builds: Earthshaker is particularly effective for Druids who specialize in Elemental skills, due to its bonuses to Druid Skills and the Level 12 Fissure charges. If you're using Earthshaker with a Druid, try to focus on using Elemental skills like Fissure, Volcano, and Armageddon to deal damage to enemies.

Knockback: Earthshaker has a Knockback effect, which can be particularly useful for pushing enemies away and preventing them from attacking you. Try to use this to your advantage by knocking back enemies before they can deal too much damage.

Farming: Earthshaker can be found as a random drop from monsters in the game, but there are a few areas and bosses that have a higher chance of dropping it. These include:

Act 3, Hell difficulty: Mephisto is a popular boss for farming unique items, including Earthshaker.

Act 5, Hell difficulty: Baal is the final boss of the game and also has a high chance of dropping unique items.

When farming for Earthshaker or any other unique item, it's important to note that the drop rate is based on random chance, so it may take multiple attempts to obtain the item you're looking for. Be sure to focus on farming areas that have a high concentration of monsters or bosses, and consider using Magic Find items or other strategies to increase your chances of finding unique items.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Earthshaker Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Earthshaker Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Earthshaker are ranged from 1.51USD to 2.63USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Earthshaker trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Earthshaker is priced at 1.51USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.51USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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