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Rattlecage [Uniques Items]

Rattlecage Defense: 328-335 (varies)(Base Defense: 128-135)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 55
+200 Defense
25% Chance of Crushing Blow
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 40%
+45 To Attack Rating
(Spawns In Any Patch)


Price 2.73 USD

What Is Rattlecage In Diablo 2?

Rattlecage is a unique Gothic Plate armor in Diablo II Resurrected that provides several useful attributes to the player. It is a useful item for characters who are looking to increase their defense, deal damage to enemies, or resist fire damage. It is particularly useful for Barbarian builds that rely on melee combat. You can obtain Rattlecage through farming, questing, or gambling in Diablo 2.

Where Can I Find Rattlecage In Diablo 2?

Here are some of the most common locations where Rattlecage can be found:

  • Normal Act III: Rattlecage can drop from the unique monsters in Act III of the game, particularly in the Flayer Jungle and Lower Kurast areas.

  • Nightmare Act III: Rattlecage has a higher chance to drop from the unique monsters in Act III of the game on the Nightmare difficulty level. The Flayer Jungle and Lower Kurast areas are good locations to farm for the armor.

  • Hellforge Quest: Rattlecage has a chance to drop as a reward for completing the Hellforge Quest in Act IV of the game. The quest requires the player to defeat four bosses on the Hell difficulty level, and the reward is a random unique item. Rattlecage is one of the possible rewards that can be obtained from this quest.

  • Gambling: The player can also obtain Rattlecage by gambling with a vendor in Act IV or Act V of the game. Gambling involves spending gold to purchase unidentified items, and there is a small chance that the item will be a unique item like Rattlecage.

What Are The Uses Of Rattlecage In D2R?

Here are some of the most common uses of Rattlecage in the game:

  • Defense: Rattlecage has a high defense rating, which makes it a useful item for characters who are looking to increase their overall defense. The armor provides between 499-581 defense, depending on the item level and quality.

  • Crushing Blow: Rattlecage has a chance to deal Crushing Blow on striking an enemy, which reduces the enemy's current hit points by a percentage. This can be useful for characters who are looking to take down high-health enemies quickly.

  • Fire Resistance: Rattlecage provides +30% Fire Resistance, which can be useful for characters who are facing enemies that deal fire damage.

  • Barbarian Builds: Rattlecage is a popular choice for Barbarian builds that specialize in melee combat. The high defense rating and Crushing Blow chance make it a useful item for this playstyle.

How Do You Upgrade Rattlecage In Diablo 2?

Rattlecage can be upgraded using the Horadric Cube. Upgrading the armor can increase its base defense rating and make it more powerful. To upgrade Rattlecage, the player needs to follow these steps:

  • Obtain a Rattlecage armor that is not already socketed.

  • Obtain a Perfect Amethyst gem.

  • Place the Rattlecage armor and the Perfect Amethyst gem in the Horadric Cube.

  • Transmute the items by clicking the transmute button on the Cube.

The Rattlecage armor will be upgraded by one quality level, increasing its defense rating and adding sockets.

It's important to note that the upgraded Rattlecage will retain all of its unique modifiers, such as the Crushing Blow chance and the Fire Resistance bonus. The upgrade process simply enhances the armor's base attributes, making it more powerful.

Upgrading unique items can be a useful way to make them more effective in combat and increase their overall value. However, it's important to carefully consider the costs and benefits of upgrading, as it can be an expensive process that requires rare items like Perfect Gems.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Rattlecage Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Rattlecage Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Rattlecage are ranged from 1.51USD to 2.73USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Rattlecage trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Rattlecage is priced at 1.51USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.51USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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