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Razorswitch [Uniques Items]

Razorswitch Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 21 (13.5 Avg)
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 20
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+50% Damage To Undead
+1 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
All Resistances +50
+175 To Mana
+80 To Life
Attacker Takes Damage Of 15
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)


Price 2.63 USD

What Is Razorswitch Diablo 2?

Razorswitch is a unique Jo Staff in Diablo II Resurrected. A Jo Staff is a two-handed staff weapon that can be used by characters of several different classes, including Sorceresses, Amazons, and Assassins.

Razorswitch provides several unique attributes to the player, including a bonus to the Lightning Resist skill, a chance to cast Chain Lightning on striking, and a bonus to the Charged Bolt skill. These attributes make it a useful weapon for characters who specialize in lightning-based attacks or who are facing enemies that use lightning attacks.

Overall, Razorswitch is a versatile and unique weapon in D2R, and it can be a fun and effective choice for certain character builds. However, compared to other unique weapons in the game, it may not provide as much overall damage or utility, and its usefulness may be limited in high-level or end-game content.

Where To Farm Razorswitch Diablo 2?

  • Mephisto: Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, is a boss in Act III who has a chance to drop unique items like Razorswitch. Players can farm Mephisto by repeatedly defeating him on the Hell difficulty level.

  • Diablo: Diablo, the Lord of Terror, is a boss in Act IV who also has a chance to drop unique items like Razorswitch. Players can farm Diablo by repeatedly defeating him on the Hell difficulty level.

  • Baal: Baal, the Lord of Destruction, is the final boss of the game and has a high chance to drop unique items, including Razorswitch. Players can farm Baal by repeatedly defeating him on the Hell difficulty level.

  • Treasure Classes: Razorswitch can also be found by opening certain treasure classes in the game. These treasure classes can be found in various areas throughout the game, including the Cow Level and the Ancient Tunnels in Act II.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Razorswitch Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Razorswitch Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Razorswitch are ranged from 2.63USD to 2.76USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Razorswitch trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Razorswitch is priced at 2.76USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 2.76USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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