Elden Ring Build Guide News
6/30/2023 11:00:59 AMThis is the blood Blade bleed build that was requested from you, really powerful and a fun build too! You can run a low equipment load and much like the reduvia use the blue dancer charm for added damage. We'll go over the basics in the guide and will guide you through the late-game bosses if you’re...
6/28/2023 11:12:37 AMToday we’ll go through a high-damage Elden Ring Scythe build with level 50/100/150 stats, weapons, armor, incantations, talismans, buffs, ash of war, and more. Elden Ring Best Scythe Build - Highest Damage Grave Scythe Build in Elden Ring 2023This is an overpowered Scythe build in Elden Ring after P...
6/26/2023 2:24:29 PMEsta é uma poderosa build de crucible knight para Elden Ring. Ela se concentra na força e fé para a build e configuração. Utiliza tudo relacionado aos crucible knights e o que eles têm à disposição. A Espada Grande de Ordovis é especialmente boa, causando uma grande quantidade de dano físico e de po...
6/26/2023 2:23:11 PMEsta es una poderosa construcción de Caballero del Crisol para Elden Ring. Se centra en la fuerza y la fe para la construcción y la configuración. Utiliza todo lo relacionado con los Caballeros del Crisol y lo que tienen a su disposición. La Gran Espada de Ordovis es especialmente buena, infligiendo...
6/26/2023 2:18:31 PMCeci est une construction puissante de chevalier du creuset pour Elden Ring. Cela met l'accent sur la force et la foi pour la construction et l'équipement. Elle exploite tout ce qui est lié aux chevaliers du creuset et à ce qu'ils ont à leur disposition. L'épée formidable d'Ordovis est particulièrem...
6/26/2023 2:10:32 PMDies ist ein leistungsstarker Crucible Ritter Build für Elden Ring. Er konzentriert sich auf Stärke und Glauben für den Build & die Ausrüstung. Dabei werden alle Möglichkeiten der Crucible Ritter und das, was ihnen zur Verfügung steht, genutzt. Ordovis' Großschwert ist besonders gut und verursacht e...
6/17/2023 10:31:25 AMThis is a powerful crucible knight build for Elden Ring. This focuses on strength and faith for the build & Setup. It utilizes everything related to the crucible knights and what they have at their disposal. Ordovis' Greatsword is especially good, doing a large amount of physical and poise damage. T...
6/14/2023 4:43:12 PMMoonveil Katana is one of the best weapons in the entire Elden Ring, how to get the most out of it? Here is a new Elden Ring 1.09 Moonveil Intelligence build for 2023 with the best stats, weapons, talismans, armor, and more.Elden Ring Moonveil Build After 1.09 - Best Intelligence Moonveil Build in E...
6/8/2023 3:30:08 PMThis is a really fun and powerful Elden Ring build to do. This involves status effects and Rot while also hitting hard with the Rotten Great Axe. This is a solid build for NG+ and beyond and does both good damage from your strength stat as well as the Rot damage. Equipment of Rotten Duelist Greataxe...
6/6/2023 4:33:05 PMThis is the most fun and addictive build we’ve EVER done in Elden Ring. It’s an absolute blast and is the favorite build in the game. Faith builds are FIRE. Equipment of Flame Art Grave Scythe with Black Flame Tornado BuildRight Hand Armament 1: Flame Art Grave Scythe+25Right Hand Armament 2: Giant’...
5/29/2023 2:57:40 PMWith this overpowered Elden Ring 1.09 Dex build, you can play through the game easier and get more fun from leveling. Elden Ring 1.09 Dex Build - Best Dexterity Build in Elden Ring 2023The whole Dexterity build in Elden Ring is around with the following weapon that you can get early on in the game, ...
5/25/2023 2:57:44 PMThis is a powerful strength and faith built using electrified armament. This is an enjoyable Elden Ring build and can also do a solid amount of physical and lightning damage! This is a fairly potent build in the late game as well if you focus on strength and faith, you’ll open up the blasphemous bla...
4/17/2023 11:33:18 AMHoly damage is by far most of the bosses in Elden Ring are much more resistant to compared to other elemental damage, how to create good builds based on Holy damage? Centering that, we’ll show the top 5 best Elden Ring 1.09 builds & weapons for PVE in 2023.Top 5 Elden Ring 1.09 Best Builds & Weapons...
4/4/2023 5:26:20 PMWhat is the best strength weapon to use after the update? Today we want to show you a new best Elden Ring strength build 2023 after Patch 1.09 with weapons, armor, talismans, and stats. Elden Ring Strength Build 1.09 - Best Strength Weapons, Armor, Talismans, and Stats 2023With the buffs in Patch 1...
4/4/2023 11:17:37 AMFor those of you unfamiliar with the old Star Wars EU. Darth Krayt was the “Dragon of the Sith” in the times of the New Republic. We wanted to make a Sith Lord build, but since all the skills are dragon-based, the name fits. So we put this build together and it's so ungodly powerful that we decided ...