We have the Thronespire coming soon obviously in Lost Ark, it's just been announced in the Summer Road Map and with this, we think it is time to look at what it is and how it works, and what rewards you get!
Lost Ark Thornespire Dungeon
ThroneSpire is content where you can claim rewards just once in the game if you beat the single-play dungeon. You cannot do it on all your characters, if you clear it with any character then that's just it. Most of the rewards including Lost Ark currency are roster bound and which means you can clear it with one character and send it to another character through the roster storage, and there are also a few rewards that are tradable. There are rewards from Tier 1 to Tier 25, there are more floors starting from 26 but these don't give you any rewards.
Lost Ark Thornespire Rewards (Tier 1-25 Floor)
Floor 1 - 15x Great Shielding Crystal Chest (15x100 Guardian Stone Crystal)
Floor 2 - 20x Arctus Minor Citrine Chest (20x10 Honor Leapstone)
Floor 3 - 5x Greater Weapon Crystal Chest (5x100 Destruction Stone Crystal)
Floor 4 - 15x Pouch of Citrine Shards (Large)
Floor 5 - 20x Hero Box with Tier 3 Engraving Sketch (Select 1x Epic Class Engraving Book)
Floor 6 - 45x Ancient Platinum (900,000 silvers)
Floor 7 - 10x Greater Weapon Crystal Chest (10x100 Destruction Stone Crystal)
Floor 8 - 30x Great Shielding Crystal Chest (30x100 Guardian Stone Crystal)
Floor 9 - 45x Ancient Platinum (1,000,000 silvers)
Floor 10 - 10x Greater Weapon Crystal Chest (10x100 Destruction Stone Crystal)
Floor 11 - 30x Great Shielding Crystal Chest (30x100 Guardian Stone Crystal)
Floor 12 - 5x Arctus Large Critrine Chest (5x10 Great Honor Leapstone)
Floor 13 - 2x Forging of metals, A practical guide for an apprentice (2x Metallurgy: Basic Welding)
Floor 14 - 10x Chain mails, brigantines, armor. Volume I (10x Tailoring: Basic Mending)
Floor 15 - 30x Great Shielding Crystal Chest (30x100 Guardian Stone Crystal)
Floor 16 - 10x Greater Weapon Crystal Chest (10x100 Destruction Stone Crystal)
Floor 17 - 20x Pouch of Citrine Shards (Large)
Floor 18 - 10x Arctus Large Critrine Chest (10x10 Great Honor Leapstone)
Floor 19 - 20x Pouch of Citrine Shards (Large)
Floor 20 - 2x Forging of metals, The Complete Encyclopedia of Umar Masters (2x Metallurgy: Applied Welding)
Floor 21 - 10x Chain mails, brigantines, armor. Volume II (10x Tailoring: Applied Mending)
Floor 22 - 2x Engraving Connoisseur's Treasured Knapsack (2x Legendary Engravings Selection Pouch)
Floor 23 - 6x Arctus Large Critrine Chest (6x10 Great Honor Leapstone)
Floor 24 - 60x Ancient Platinum (1,200,000 silvers)
Floor 25 - 30x Precious Large Jewel Box (30x Level 3 Random Gem)
Total Rewards Upon Clearing 25 Floors of ThroneSpire:
15,000 Guardian Stone Crystal
3,500 Destruction Stone Crystal
60 Honor Shard Pouch (L)
200 Honor Leapstones
210 Great Honor Leapstones
3,100,000 Silvers
20 Epic Class Engraving Selection Boxes
2 Legendary Engravings Selection Pouches
Epic and Legendary honing boosts
30 Level 3 Gem Boxes (2 gems in each box)
More Tips About Thornespire Rewards
Rewards are one-time only, roster-bound. Engraving boxes are tradable.
When you clear a certain tier for instance, for example, if you clear tier 10, then you can claim all the rewards from tier 1 to 10 at once. So you do not need to do all the tiers which means clearing the tier 25 is the best option if you can.
1st floor has a requirement of 1325 ilvl, 25th floor is recommended for 1430+ ilvl but this may vary depending on class, and settings.
Tips for Clear Thornespire Floors - How The Thornespire Dungeon Works
For every floor, this dungeon consists of 5 gates and you have to clear all these gates before the time on the upper left ends.
From gate 1 to gate 4, there are lots of mobs that you have to kill, when you kill certain amount of mobs, the challenge mob comes out and when you kill him, then that's when the next gate opens, this is the same from gate 1 to gate 4.
As you go to the higher gate, the attack and tankiness of the mobs become stronger as well, and when you finally reach gate 5 that's when the boss fight starts. If you beat this boss then that's clear.
There's no difficult gimmick or attacks that these mobs and bosses do, but the problem is if you are not powerful enough for the certain floor, then you will not make it in time.
Also even if you die, you don't have to worry because after a certain amount of seconds, you will revive but the thing is you should refrain from dying since this dungeon is a time attacking dungeon.
You might be curious about the rough requirement for clearing floor 25, we have seen people who cleared it even with 6 Argos gear set with item level 1430, so we cannot average out the requirement, but we still suggest that your item level should be around 1460 having 6 full relic set your set with at leas 4 times level three engraving to clear floor 25.

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