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![Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str] Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

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![Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

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![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

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![Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399] Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

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![Infinity[Scythe][-55LR] Infinity[Scythe][-55LR]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

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A grande mudança do patch Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 que abordaremos neste guia são provavelmente algumas das maiores mudanças que Diablo 2 Resurrected já recebeu, exceto talvez o sistema de sinergia e as palavras rúnicas, e isso é um novo recurso - Sunder Charms que em poucas palavras - eles quebram ...12/6/2022 11:20:45 AM
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