Lost Ark Gear Guide News
5/12/2022 2:25:56 PMValtan will be the first Legion Raid to join the Western edition of Lost Ark. It will be offered in two variants, Normal and Hard. In order to get into Valtan hard in Lost Ark, you have to reach item level 1445. How to get 1445 gear honing in Lost Ark as fast as possible? In this Lost Ark Valtan pro...
5/9/2022 11:30:23 AMIn Lost Ark, Valtan is about to come out, and with it brand new sets of gear, 2 legendary sets and 9 relic sets. The truth is, you cannot build your character or gear your character the same way they do in Korea, you can think of our version as a half release when it comes to the gear sets. What gea...
5/8/2022 3:56:06 AMA huge Lost Ark May Update is under the corner, bringing the Valtan Legion raid and new Relic rarity for gear. Here we go over all the relic gear sets that you can wear at level 1445, not only diving into the set bonus of each one but also telling you what relic set (or sets) to go for with our spec...
5/7/2022 4:36:37 PMHow to get all gears to +17, what are the cheapest and fastest 1415 to 1445 gear honing methods? Read this Lost Ark 1415 To 1445 Honing Guide sorted from Mattjestic Life's vidoe, you will discover the answers! Lost Ark Fastest & Cheapest 1415 To 1445 Gear Honing StrategyWhen you are trying to enter...
5/7/2022 3:54:59 PMThe combat of Lost Ark is the reason why some people play it, when you feel more difficult or challenging in the endgame content such as Guardian Raids, what items or consumables you can get help from? So check out the Lost Ark best battle items to use or equip for raid boss in the game. Lost Ark Be...
5/7/2022 11:17:46 AMThe upcoming content of the Lost Ark western version is highly anticipated, especially the new class Destroyer and the first Legion Raid Valtan. At the time of writing, there are less than two weeks before the next major patch, now in this Lost Ark Valtan guide, we’ll focus on the Valtan release dat...
5/6/2022 2:59:27 PMIn Lost Ark, April has been a generous month full of events and shortcuts, especially now with the release of South Vern. Those willing to put in the work and not be lazy, they'll be richly rewarded. With that being said, let's check 3 ways that might get you to 1415 before Valtan in Lost Ark. Those...
5/5/2022 3:04:14 PMIn this guide, we cover 3 best ways to make gold, fast reach 100000 gold and progress your character in Lost Ark to Giga chad level where you can look down and flex upon noobs with your newly acquired power.How To Reach 100000 Gold Fast In Lost Ark - 3 Best Ways To Make Gold1. 30000 Gold From Sellin...
5/5/2022 2:40:49 PMMany of you are probably encountering an issue in Lost Ark right now where you're running out of shards with which to hone your equipment. For instance, you might be running out of harmony shards for tier 1 or life shards for tier 2 and how can you get additional shards in order to keep upgrading in...
5/4/2022 3:15:08 PMWe'll have a new engraving guide for Lost Ark, basically the four engravings are level 15, we hopefully this can be helpful and help you to get your Lost Ark engravings to 3/3/3/3. Related Read: Lost Ark 1325 to 1415 Gear Honing Guide: 14 useful tips and methods for what to do when you before & aft...
5/1/2022 4:30:36 PMIn Lost Ark, it is important to have a good setup in Tier 3. First of all, you want to be powerful, you want to play a class correctly, you want to play class to its fullest potential. In this Lost Ark T3 honing guide, we are going to show you how to cheap upgrade gear from 1302 to 1370. Lost Ark 1...
Best Ways To Get Guaranteed Level 3 Weapons & Armor Tripods | Lost Ark T3 Gear Tripod Level Up Guide4/28/2022 2:44:23 PMIn this Lost Ark Gear Tripod Level Upgrade Guide, we go over how to get guaranteed level 3 tripods on your tier 3 gear (weapons & armor) and which tripods you should be focusing on.Lost Ark Tier 3 Gear Tripod Level Stack Guide - Tricks To Get Guaranteed Level 3 Tripods on Your Weapons & ArmorAs a lo...
4/28/2022 10:52:07 AMIf you've been playing Lost Ark since launch, this game has so much horizontal content to it, you can easily miss or get lost in it until you rediscover it and then hit a wall not knowing what's going on. You're probably searching for every way to min max your character and much of that will take yo...
4/22/2022 11:07:45 AMThe Battle Pass is introduced in Lost Ark along with the April Patch Notes, this provides a new way for players to gain rewards through playing and leveling up. How does the Ark Pass work and what are the rewards? In this Lost Ark Ark Pass NA/EU guide, we’ll go over how to get different versions of ...
4/12/2022 11:06:28 AMSo in Lost Ark, you got to tier 3, you made it past the dead zone, you've killed Oreha, you've killed Argos, but now you're trying to get your 4x3 engravings. This 4X3 setup it's really good, it's going to last you quite a long time if you continue to play. In this Lost Ark tier 3 gearing guide, we ...