Lost Ark Gear Guide News
9/1/2022 10:03:14 AMLost Ark Akkan is the new legion raid that was released in Korea on August 24. You need to be at item level 1580 in order to enter Akkan Normal Mode. In this Lost Ark Akkan gear honing guide, we talk about how to upgrade your item level to 1580. Now, let's dive into the tips, tricks, and tactics for...
8/29/2022 3:55:59 PMSome Quality of Life features in Lost Ark is useful to save some time for your playthrough. In this article, let’s take a quick guide to Lost Ark gear set conversion and presets, with steps for how to convert relic gear, how to do integrated presets & integrated dungeon. Lost Ark Gear Set Conversion...
8/26/2022 11:25:59 AMHere are the guidelines for the Lost ark state of the economy, covering the content of gems, blue crystals and class engraving surging. Lost Ark Latest News - Gems, Blue Crystals and Class Engravings SURGINGLost Ark - ArgosFirst of all, Argos has got this really weird problem where there are more su...
8/20/2022 3:15:57 PMToday it is about more prepping, to talk about what jewellery and what kind of stone you should keep in Lost ark. Lost Ark Gold Making Guide - How To Save Lots Of Lost Ark Gold?1. Lost Ark Gold Making - Scouter Recently saving some lost ark jewellery and some ability stones for the release of scout...
8/20/2022 11:29:06 AMRunning Chaos Dungeon will give you a considerable amount of Lost Ark gold worth of mats, which is way higher than the Guardian Raids. How to make your Chaos Dungeons more efficient? Using the Betrayal set is very helpful for that. We’ll go over the Lost Ark Betrayal set bonus and effect explained a...
8/9/2022 4:30:26 PMFor players who have not reached the item level 1415 and 1430 or someone who is gearing up their multiple characters, let’s take a quick look at the routes and tips for fast Lost Ark 1415 and 1430 honing. Related Read: Lost Ark Bard PvE Build Guide 2022Lost Ark 1415 Honing Cheese - Best Way to Get t...
8/8/2022 11:00:43 AMLost Ark is a grind-heavy game that revolves around increasing your daily income and your growth in a game as quickly as possible. This is where alts come into play. More chaos dungeons, more guardian raids, and more weekly gold generation. There's always one thing that is an issue when it comes to ...
8/4/2022 4:00:35 PMToday we want to talk to you about how to setup your mass presets page in Lost Ark so you can quickly and easily change all your gear/skills and everything when you do different content in the game, saving you a significant amount of time in the long run.Lost Ark Mass Preset Setup Guide: Change Your...
8/2/2022 4:33:43 PMLost Ark Legion Kakul Saydon Raid aka Clown Raid is going to roll out in the game soon. Similar to other released Legion Commander Raid Valtan and Vykas in Lost Ark, by clearing the Kakul Sydon Rehearsal, Normal, and Inferno Raids, we will be able to collect the T3 gear materials, additional rewards...
7/28/2022 10:31:48 AMHere we cover all about the new tripod system that hit the Lost Ark KR server, this could be one of the best quality of life patch and we believe West will get this soon as well.Lost Ark New Tripod System on KR ServerFirst of all, let’s take a view of the changes to the tripod system:A more intuitiv...
7/23/2022 10:28:07 AMAt the end of all of your abyssal raids and legion raids, you have the chance to buy a chest using Lost Ark gold to get some rewards from it. When should you buy chests for your character and which one has the best value? Let’s take a look at all clear rewards and chest rewards of Lost Ark Argos, Va...
7/21/2022 7:50:09 PMWith the July update, the Inferno difficulty mode of the Valtan Legion Raid was added to Lost Ark. Here, we guide you walkthrough the Valtan Hell mode by breaking down new patterns and mechanics of the Inferno raid Phase 1/2, as well list the rewards you are able to get after fully clearing. Differe...
7/20/2022 6:04:41 PMThe free Punika Powerpass and Express Event have finally rolled out in Lost Ark, which gives all players a free honing buff to upgrade their alts to 1370! In this guide, we tell you how to get and use the Punika Pass, as wellas give you suggestions on ALT selection for the Free Power pass!How To Get...
7/19/2022 10:04:42 AMWhat should you consider when picking a relic set for your Shadowhunter build in Lost Ark? And which is the best option for Vykas clear? In this article, we are going to give some tips and advice on the best Shadowhunter gear including the Lost Ark Shadowhunter relic set and legendary set (Argos & V...
7/8/2022 11:17:19 AMLost Ark Salvation and Hallucination relic sets are two popular options for the Shadowhunter Demonic Impulse build, Salvation vs Hallucination, which one is the better gear option? Today we’ll focus on the comparison of Salvation and Hallucination in detail, as well as the Lost Ark Poem of Salvation...